diff options
authorSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2018-07-05 06:46:09 +0200
committerSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2018-07-05 06:46:09 +0200
commitd65dd50278fec1b253fcd3fe4cfcdab533f20cc8 (patch)
Spliting from Ands
5 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b686abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+1) We need to build a CD which will request kickstart file from the web server
+2) This CD should be programmed in IPMI interface
+ => Currently placed in /virtual/images/centos74-ands.iso on ipepdvsrv2
+3) The installation is triggered by ipmi commands
+4) The web server runs a php script which detects connecting server and templates appropriate kickstart file
+ => It is installed on in /srv/www/htdocs/ands/kickstart
+ => Detction is based on MAC address headers which are sent by CentOS CD
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f60c8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+if [[ $0 =~ "" ]]; then
+ [ -n "$servers" ] || servers=$(seq 1 3)
+ iip=$(for i in $servers ; do echo "$i" ; done)
+ hip=$(for i in $servers ; do echo "192.168.26.$i" ; done)
+elif [[ $0 =~ "" ]]; then
+ [ -n "$servers" ] || servers=$(seq 3 4)
+ iip=$(for i in $servers ; do echo "$i" ; done)
+ hip=$(for i in $servers ; do echo "$i" ; done)
+ passpath="KIT/Ands/ipmi-desktop"
+elif [[ $0 =~ "" ]]; then
+ [ -n "$servers" ] || servers=$(seq 1 7)
+ hip=$(for i in $servers ; do echo "$i" ; done)
+elif [ -n "$servers" ]; then
+ iip=$(for i in $servers ; do echo "192.168.26.$i" ; done)
+ hip=$(for i in $servers ; do echo "192.168.26.$i" ; done)
+elif [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ iip=$1
+ hip=$1
+ shift
+ echo "No server is specified..."
+ exit
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6c161b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6c161b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5e0901e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+function configure {
+ hosts=$1
+ shift
+ if [ -n "$1" -a -f "ansible/$1.yml" ]; then
+ play="$1.yml"
+ shift
+ else
+ play="install.yml"
+ fi
+ (
+ cd $itm || { echo "ITM (Ansible scripts) are not found"; exit 1; }
+# ansible-playbook -i inventories/ipe.erb -l localhost,$hosts ssh.yml
+ ansible-playbook -i inventories/ipe.erb -l $hosts $play "$@"
+ )
+function smipmi_cmd {
+ echo "- Running: SMCIPMITool "
+ echo "$@"
+ /opt/smcipmi/SMCIPMITool "$@"
+function smipmi {
+ host=$1
+ shift
+ smipmi_cmd $host ADMIN '$ipepdv$' "$@"
+function ipmi_cmd {
+ echo -n "- Running: ipmitool "
+ echo "$@"
+ /usr/sbin/ipmitool "$@"
+function ipmi {
+ host=$1
+ shift
+ ipmi_cmd -H $host -U ADMIN -P $pass "$@"
+function set_bootdev {
+ host=$1
+ ipmi $host chassis bootdev disk persistent cons_redirect=enable verbose=default
+ sleep 0.5
+function install {
+ host=$1
+# Requires license
+# smipmi $host wsiso mount /images/centos74-ands.iso
+ ipmi $host power off
+ sleep 10
+ ipmi $host chassis bootdev cdrom
+ sleep $sleep
+ ipmi $host power on
+function boot {
+ host=$1
+ set_bootdev $host
+ ipmi $host power on
+ sleep $sleep
+function reboot {
+ host=$1
+ ipmi $host power off
+ sleep 10
+ set_bootdev $host
+ ipmi $host power on
+ sleep $sleep
+function bios {
+ host=$1
+ ipmi $host power off
+ sleep 10
+ ipmi $host chassis bootdev bios
+ sleep $sleep
+ ipmi $host power on
+function status {
+ host=$1
+ ipmi $host power status | grep "off" &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
+function wait_off {
+ host=$1
+ on=1
+ while [ 1 ]; do
+ on=$(status $host)
+ [ "$on" -eq 0 ] && break
+ echo " - $host still running..."
+ sleep 5
+ done
+function cmd {
+ ipmi "$@"
+if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then
+ IFS='-' read -ra range <<< "$1"
+ if [ -n "${range[1]}" ]; then
+ servers=$(seq ${range[0]} ${range[1]})
+ else
+ servers=$(seq ${range[0]} ${range[0]})
+ fi
+ shift
+pass=$(pass $passpath | head -n 1)
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "$0 [#-#] <config|install|reboot|boot|wait>"
+ echo "$0 [#] <cmd>"
+ exit
+elif [[ "$1" =~ set_bootdev ]]; then
+ action="set_bootdev"
+elif [[ "$1" =~ install ]]; then
+ action="install"
+elif [[ "$1" =~ reboot ]]; then
+ action="reboot"
+elif [[ "$1" =~ boot ]]; then
+ action="boot"
+elif [[ "$1" =~ bios ]]; then
+ action="bios"
+elif [[ "$1" =~ status ]]; then
+ action="status"
+elif [[ "$1" =~ wait ]]; then
+ action="wait_off"
+elif [[ "$1" =~ config ]]; then
+ action="configure"
+ shift=0
+ action="cmd"
+if [ $shift -eq 1 ]; then
+ shift
+if [ $action = "configure" ]; then
+ list=$(echo $hip | sed -re 's/\s+/ /g' | tr ' ' ',')
+ eval "$action" "$list" "$@"
+ exit
+for ip in $iip; do
+ eval "$action" "$ip" "$@"
+if [ $action = "install" ]; then
+ sleep 30
+ for ip in $iip; do
+ wait_off "$ip" "$@"
+ set_bootdev "$ip" "$@"
+# boot "$iip" "$@"
+ done