path: root/support.lua
diff options
authorSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2018-04-16 10:30:15 +0200
committerSuren A. Chilingaryan <>2018-04-16 10:30:15 +0200
commit55783753ae8f2d857a7225b7a93c1d47039e5a90 (patch)
treee077b61b0f004141712e7d16876f9c19175ac681 /support.lua
OpenShift monitoring
Diffstat (limited to 'support.lua')
1 files changed, 669 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support.lua b/support.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984d677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+require "luarocks.require"
+require "md5"
+require "lfs"
+home = os.getenv( "HOME" )
+os.execute("mkdir -p " .. home .. "/.conky/requests");
+os.execute("mkdir -p " .. home .. "/.conky/info");
+c_timer_init = -1
+ function conky_eval(...)
+ return conky_parse(table.concat(arg, " "))
+ end
+ function conky_multiply_line(times, ...)
+ local str = table.concat(arg, " ")
+ local tbl = {}
+ for i=1,times,1 do
+ tbl[i] = string.gsub(str,"@i@", i-1)
+ end
+ local res = table.concat(tbl,"\n")
+ return res;
+ end
+ function split(delimiter, text)
+ local list = {}
+ local pos = 1
+ if string.find("", delimiter, 1) then -- this would result in endless loops
+ error("delimiter matches empty string!")
+ end
+ while 1 do
+ local first, last = string.find(text, delimiter, pos)
+ if first then -- found?
+ table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos, first-1))
+ pos = last+1
+ else
+ table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos))
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return list
+ end
+ function conky_filter_real_ip(iface)
+ local req = string.format('${addrs %s}', iface)
+ local ips = conky_parse(req);
+ print(ips)
+ local list = split(",", ips)
+ for i, item in ipairs(list) do
+ if (string.match(item, "141\.52\.64")) then
+ return item
+ end
+ end
+ return "Unknown"
+ end
+ user = split('/', home)
+ user = user[#user]
+ result_check_server_status = {}
+ result_check_adei_source = {}
+ result_check_server_ = {}
+ result_check_service_ = {}
+ online = {}
+ status = {}
+ tested = {}
+ c_timer = c_timer_init
+ width = 80
+ update_time = 0
+ outdate_time = 0
+ timeout = 2
+ function conky_set_width (w)
+ width = tonumber(w)
+ return ""
+ end
+ function conky_set_timeout (t)
+ timeout = tonumber(t)
+ return ""
+ end
+ function cmd_popen(server, port, cmd)
+ if (c_timer_init == 0) then
+ return io.popen(cmd)
+ else
+ local cmd_md5 = md5.sumhexa(cmd)
+ local fn = string.format("%s/.conky/info/%s:%s-%s.srv", home, server, port, cmd_md5)
+ stat = lfs.attributes(fn)
+ if (stat == nil) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local since = os.difftime(stat['modification'], update_time)
+ if (since < 0) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ since = os.difftime(outdate_time, os.time())
+ if (since < 0) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return, "r")
+ end
+ end
+ function conky_check_server_status(server, port, ...)
+ port = port or 22
+ local name = string.format("%s:%i", server, port);
+ if (c_timer < 0) then
+ if (c_timer == -1) then
+ local fn = string.format("%s/.conky/requests/%s:%i.srv", home, server, port)
+ tested[string.format("%s:%i", server, port)] = false;
+ local f = assert(, "w"))
+ local cmd = string.format("/etc/conky/scripts/ %s:%i %i", server, port, timeout)
+ f:write(cmd .. "\n")
+ if (arg[1] ~= "-") then
+ cmd = string.format("ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ 2>&1 | fold -w %i", port, timeout, server, width)
+ f:write(cmd .. "\n")
+ for i, service in ipairs(arg)
+ do
+ cmd = string.format("ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ 2>&1 | fold -w %i", port, timeout, server, service, width)
+ f:write(cmd .. "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ if (result_check_server_status[name] == nil) then
+ local res
+ if (math.abs(c_timer)%2 > 0) then
+ res = "${color yellow}?${color}"
+ else
+ res = "${color yellow}.${color}"
+ end
+ if (arg[1] ~= "-") then
+ res = res .. " "
+ for i, service in ipairs(arg) do
+ res = res .. " "
+ end
+ end
+ --result_check_server_status[server] = res
+ --status[server] = false
+ return res
+ end
+ elseif (c_timer == 0) then
+ result_check_server_status[name] = check_server_status(server, port, arg)
+ end
+ return result_check_server_status[name];
+ end
+ function check_server_status(server, port, additional)
+ port = port or 22
+ local res
+ local cmd = string.format("/etc/conky/scripts/ %s:%i %i", server, port, timeout)
+ local cmdf = cmd_popen(server, port, cmd)
+ if (cmdf == nil) then
+ res = -1
+ else
+ local data = cmdf:read("*a")
+ res = tonumber(data)
+ cmdf:close()
+ end
+ if (additional[1] == "-") then
+ if (res > 0) then
+ online[server] = true
+ return "${color green}*"
+ elseif (res < 0) then
+ return "${color red}?"
+ else
+ online[server] = false
+ return "${color red}*"
+ end
+ end
+ if (res > 0) then
+ online[server] = true
+ local output
+ cmd = string.format("ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ 2>&1 | fold -w %i", port, timeout, server, width)
+ cmdf = cmd_popen(server, port, cmd)
+ if (cmdf == nil) then
+ output = string.format("${color green}* ${color red}?")
+ else
+ local res = {}
+ local line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ while line do
+ local m1 = string.match(line, "^\(.*[^%s]\)%s*$")
+ if (m1) then
+ table.insert(res, m1)
+ end
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ end
+-- res = cmdf:read("*a")
+ cmdf:close()
+ res = table.concat(res, "\n")
+ if (string.match(res, "[%a%d]")) then
+ table.insert(status, string.format("${color yellow}%s:%i${color gray}\n%s", server, port, res))
+ output = string.format("${color green}* ${color red}*")
+ else
+ output = string.format("${color green}* *")
+ end
+ end
+ for i, service in ipairs(additional)
+ do
+ cmd = string.format("ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ 2>&1 | fold -w %i", port, timeout, server, service, width)
+ cmdf = cmd_popen(server, port, cmd)
+ if (cmdf == nil) then
+ output = output .. string.format(" ${color red}?")
+ else
+ local res = {}
+ local line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ while line do
+ local m1 = string.match(line, "^\(.*[^%s]\)%s*$")
+ if (m1) then
+ table.insert(res, m1)
+ end
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ end
+ cmdf:close()
+ if (res[1]) then
+ local info = table.remove(res)
+ local s = 0
+ local extra = ""
+ local m1, m2 = string.match(info, "^\(%d+\)\(%s.+\)$")
+ if (m1 == nil) then
+ m1 = string.match(info, "^\%d+$");
+ end
+ if (m1 == nil) then
+ table.insert(res, info)
+ else
+ s = tonumber(m1)
+ if (m2 ~= nil) then
+ extra = string.sub(m2,2)
+ end
+ end
+ if (res[1]) then
+ res = table.concat(res, "\n")
+ table.insert(status, string.format("${color yellow}%s:%i:%s${color gray}\n%s", server, port, service, res))
+ end
+ if (s == 0) then
+ output = output .. string.format(" ${color red}*")
+ elseif (s == 1) then
+ output = output .. string.format(" ${color green}*")
+ else
+ output = output .. string.format(" ${color yellow}*")
+ end
+ output=output .. " ${color white}" .. extra;
+ else
+ output = output .. string.format(" ${color green}*")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return output
+ else
+ if (res < 0) then
+ res = string.format("${color red}? ")
+ else
+ online[server] = false
+ res = string.format("${color red}* ")
+ end
+ for i, service in ipairs(additional) do
+ res = res .. " "
+ end
+ return res
+ end
+ end
+ function conky_check_adei_source(server, port, config, setup, db_server, db_name, ignore_list)
+ port = port or 22
+ local name = string.format("%s:%i__%s__%s", server, port, db_server, db_name)
+ if (c_timer < 0) then
+ if (c_timer == -1) then
+ ignore_list = ignore_list or ""
+ local fn = string.format("%s/.conky/requests/%s:%i.srv", home, server, port)
+ local f = assert(, "a+"))
+ local cmd = string.format('ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ %s %s %s %s "%s" 2>&1', port, timeout, server, config, setup, db_server, db_name, ignore_list)
+ f:write(cmd .. "\n")
+ f:close()
+ end
+ if (result_check_adei_source[name] == nil) then
+ return "${color yellow}?${color}"
+ else
+ if (online[server]) then
+ return result_check_adei_source[name];
+ else
+ return "${color red}?${color}"
+ end
+ end
+ elseif (online[server]) then
+ if (c_timer == 0) then
+ result_check_adei_source[name] = check_adei_source(server, port, config, setup, db_server, db_name, ignore_list)
+ end
+ return result_check_adei_source[name];
+ else
+ return "${color red}?${color}"
+ end
+ end
+ function check_adei_source(server, port, config, setup, db_server, db_name, ignore_list)
+ ignore_list = ignore_list or ""
+ cmd = string.format('ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ %s %s %s %s "%s" 2>&1', port, timeout, server, config, setup, db_server, db_name, ignore_list)
+ cmdf = cmd_popen(server, port, cmd)
+ if (cmdf == nil) then
+ return "${color red}?"
+ end
+ local res = {}
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ while line do
+ local m1 = string.match(line, "^\(.*[^%s]\)%s*$")
+ if (m1) then
+ table.insert(res, m1)
+ end
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ end
+ cmdf:close()
+ local info = table.remove(res)
+ local t1, t2, t3 = string.match(info, "^\(%d+\)%s+\(%d+\)%s+\(%d+\)")
+ local s = tonumber(t1)
+ if (s == nil) then
+ table.insert(res, info)
+ s = 0
+ end
+ res = table.concat(res, "\n")
+ local output
+ if (s == 1) then
+ output="${color green}*"
+ else
+ table.insert(status, string.format("${color yellow}%s -- %s${color gray}\n%s\n", db_server, db_name, res))
+ if (s == 0) then output="${color red}*"
+ else output="${color yellow}*" end
+ end
+-- if (s ~= 0) then
+ local groups = tonumber(t2)
+ if (groups) then
+ output = output .. string.format("${color white} %i groups", groups);
+ else
+ output = output .. string.format("${color red} ? groups");
+ end
+ local size = tonumber(t3)
+ if (groups and size) then
+ output = output .. string.format("${color white}, %i GB", size);
+ else
+ output = output .. string.format("${color red}, ? GB");
+ end
+-- end
+ if (string.match(res, "[%a%d]")) then
+ output = output .. "${color gray}\n ${font Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=7}" .. string.gsub(res,"\n", "${font}\n ${font Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=7}") .. "${font}${color white}"
+ end
+ return output
+ end
+ function conky_check_server_(service, server, port, ...)
+ port = port or 22
+ local name = string.format("%s:%i:%s", server, port, service)
+ if (c_timer < 0) then
+ if (c_timer == -1) then
+ ignore_list = ignore_list or ""
+ local fn = string.format("%s/.conky/requests/%s:%i.srv", home, server, port)
+ local f = assert(, "a+"))
+ local cmd = string.format("ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ 2>&1", port, timeout, server, service)
+ f:write(cmd .. "\n")
+ f:close()
+ end
+ if (result_check_server_[name] == nil) then
+ return "${color yellow}?${color}"
+ else
+ if (online[server]) then
+ return result_check_server_[name];
+ else
+ return "${color red}?${color}"
+ end
+ end
+ elseif (online[server]) then
+ if (c_timer == 0) then
+ result_check_server_[name] = check_server_(service, server, port, arg)
+ end
+ return result_check_server_[name];
+ else
+ return "${color red}?${color}"
+ end
+ end
+ function conky_check_service_(service, id, ...)
+ local name = string.format("%s:%s", service, id)
+ if (c_timer < 0) then
+ if (c_timer == -1) then
+ ignore_list = ignore_list or ""
+ tested[string.format("%s:%s", service, id)] = false;
+ local fn = string.format("%s/.conky/requests/%s:%s.srv", home, service, id)
+ local f = assert(, "a+"))
+ local cmd = string.format("/etc/conky/service/ %s %s 2>&1", service, id, table.concat(arg, " "))
+ f:write(cmd .. "\n")
+ f:close()
+ end
+ if (result_check_server_[name] == nil) then
+ return "${color yellow}?${color}"
+ else
+ return result_check_server_[name];
+ end
+ else
+ if (c_timer == 0) then
+ result_check_server_[name] = check_service_(service, id, arg)
+ end
+ return result_check_server_[name];
+ end
+ end
+ function format_traffic(value, yellow, red)
+ yellow = yellow or 100
+ red = red or 1000
+ local value = math.floor(tonumber(value) / 1073741824)
+ local res
+ if (value > red) then res="${color red}"
+ elseif (value > yellow) then res="${color yellow}"
+ else res="${color white}" end
+ if (value < 10) then res = res .. " " .. value
+ elseif (value < 100) then res = res .. " " .. value
+ else res = res .. value end
+ return res .. " GB${color gray}"
+ end
+ function check_server_(service, server, port, opts)
+ port = port or 22
+ local cmd = string.format("ssh -x -p %i -o ConnectTimeout=%i root@%s /opt/scripts/ 2>&1", port, timeout, server, service)
+ cmdf = cmd_popen(server, port, cmd)
+ if (cmdf == nil) then
+ return "${color red}?"
+ end
+ local res = {}
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ while line do
+ local m1 = string.match(line, "^\(.*[^%s]\)%s*$")
+ if (m1) then
+ table.insert(res, m1)
+ end
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ end
+ cmdf:close()
+ if (service == "traffic") then
+ if (res[1]) then
+ local t1, t2, t3 = string.match(res[1], "^\(%d+\)%s+\(%d+\)%s+\(%d+\)")
+ if (t1 and t2 and t3) then
+ if ((opts) and (opts[1])) then yellow = tonumber(opts[1])
+ else yellow = nil end
+ if ((opts) and (opts[2])) then red = tonumber(opts[2])
+ else red = nil end
+ t1=format_traffic(t1,yellow,red)
+ t2=format_traffic(t2,yellow,red)
+ t3=format_traffic(t3,yellow,red)
+ return string.format("${color gray}i: %s, o: %s, f: %s", t1, t2, t3)
+ else
+ return "${color red}" .. res[1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ""
+ end
+ function check_service_(service, id, opts)
+ local cmd = string.format("/etc/conky/service/ %s %s 2>&1", service, id, table.concat(opts, " "))
+ cmdf = cmd_popen(service, id, cmd)
+ if (cmdf == nil) then
+ return "${color red}?"
+ end
+ local res = {}
+ local local_res = {}
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ while line do
+ local t, m1 = string.match(line, "^\(\*?\)\(.*[^%s]\)%s*$")
+ if (m1) then
+ if (t == nil) or (t == '') then
+ table.insert(res, m1)
+ else
+ table.insert(local_res, string.sub(m1,1))
+ end
+ end
+ line = cmdf:read("*l")
+ end
+ cmdf:close()
+ local output
+ local info = table.remove(res)
+ local t1 = 0
+ local t2 = nil
+ local msg = ''
+ if (info) then
+ t1, t2, msg = string.match(info, "^\(%d+\)%s+\(%d+\)\(.*\)")
+ end
+ local s = tonumber(t1)
+ if (s == nil) then
+ table.insert(res, info)
+ s = 0
+ end
+ if (s == 1) then
+ output="${color green}*"
+ else
+ if (s == 0) then output="${color red}*"
+ else output="${color yellow}*" end
+ end
+ s = tonumber(t2)
+ if (s == nil) then
+ s = 0
+ else
+ if (s == 1) then
+ output=output .. " ${color green}*"
+ else
+ if (s == 0) then output=output .. " ${color red}*"
+ else output=output .. " ${color yellow}*" end
+ end
+ end
+ output = output .. " ${color white}" .. msg
+ res = table.concat(res, "\n")
+ local_res = table.concat(local_res, "\n")
+ if (string.match(res, "[%a%d]")) then
+ table.insert(status, string.format("${color yellow}%s:%s${color gray}\n%s", service, id, res))
+ end
+ if (string.match(local_res, "[%a%d]")) then
+ output = output .. "${color gray}\n ${font Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=7}" .. string.gsub(local_res,"\n", "${font}\n ${font Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=7}") .. "${font}${color white}"
+ end
+ return output
+ end
+ function conky_print_server_errors(interval, tag)
+ local res = table.concat(status, "\n")
+ if (c_timer < 0) then
+ tag = user .. "_" .. tag
+ if (c_timer == -1) then
+ update_time = os.time()
+ local result = 0;
+ while (result == 0) do
+ result = os.execute("ps x | grep conky_process_requests | grep " .. tag .. " | grep -v grep > /dev/null")
+ end
+ for item, s in pairs(tested) do
+ os.execute("/etc/conky/scripts/ \"" .. item .. ".srv\" " .. tag .. " &")
+ end
+ end
+ local result=os.execute("ps x | grep conky_process_requests | grep " .. tag .. " | grep -v grep > /dev/null")
+ if (result == 0) then
+ c_timer = c_timer - 1;
+ local since = os.difftime(os.time(), update_time)
+ if (since > tonumber(interval)) then
+ result_check_server_status = {}
+ result_check_adei_source = {}
+ result_check_server_ = {}
+ end
+ else
+ outdate_time = os.time() + 2 * tonumber(interval)
+ c_timer = 0
+ end
+ return ""
+ else
+ c_timer = c_timer + conky_info.update_interval
+ if (c_timer > tonumber(interval)) then
+ status = {}
+ tested = {}
+ c_timer = c_timer_init
+ end
+ end
+ if (string.match(res, "[%a%d]")) then
+ return string.format("\n\n%s", res)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ function conky_outcon(pos1, pos2)
+ local n = tonumber(conky_parse('${tcp_portmon 32768 65535 count}'))
+ local res = {}
+ local str = ""
+ for i=1,n do
+ local val = tostring(conky_parse(string.format('${tcp_portmon 32768 65535 rhost %i}:${tcp_portmon 32768 65535 rport %i}',i - 1,i - 1)))
+ if (res[val] == nil) then
+ res[val] = 1
+ else
+ res[val] = res[val] + 1
+ end
+ end
+ local names = {}
+ for addr,num in pairs(res) do
+ table.insert(names, addr)
+ end
+ table.sort(names, function(a,b) return res[a]>res[b] end)
+ for i=1,#names do
+ local name = names[i]
+ str = str .. string.format("${goto %i}%s${goto %i}cnt %3i\n",pos1,name,pos2,res[name])
+ end
+ return str
+ end