/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2010-2018, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp 2014-2018, CWI, Amsterdam Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/ This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "astra/cuda/3d/util3d.h" #include "astra/cuda/3d/dims3d.h" #include <cstdio> #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <cuda.h> typedef texture<float, 3, cudaReadModeElementType> texture3D; static texture3D gT_coneVolumeTexture; namespace astraCUDA3d { static const unsigned int g_anglesPerBlock = 4; // thickness of the slices we're splitting the volume up into static const unsigned int g_blockSlices = 4; static const unsigned int g_detBlockU = 32; static const unsigned int g_detBlockV = 32; static const unsigned g_MaxAngles = 1024; __constant__ float gC_SrcX[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_SrcY[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_SrcZ[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetSX[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetSY[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetSZ[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetUX[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetUY[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetUZ[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetVX[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetVY[g_MaxAngles]; __constant__ float gC_DetVZ[g_MaxAngles]; bool bindVolumeDataTexture(const cudaArray* array) { cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>(); gT_coneVolumeTexture.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder; gT_coneVolumeTexture.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder; gT_coneVolumeTexture.addressMode[2] = cudaAddressModeBorder; gT_coneVolumeTexture.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear; gT_coneVolumeTexture.normalized = false; cudaBindTextureToArray(gT_coneVolumeTexture, array, channelDesc); // TODO: error value? return true; } // x=0, y=1, z=2 struct DIR_X { __device__ float nSlices(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolX; } __device__ float nDim1(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolY; } __device__ float nDim2(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolZ; } __device__ float c0(float x, float y, float z) const { return x; } __device__ float c1(float x, float y, float z) const { return y; } __device__ float c2(float x, float y, float z) const { return z; } __device__ float tex(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return tex3D(gT_coneVolumeTexture, f0, f1, f2); } __device__ float x(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f0; } __device__ float y(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f1; } __device__ float z(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f2; } }; // y=0, x=1, z=2 struct DIR_Y { __device__ float nSlices(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolY; } __device__ float nDim1(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolX; } __device__ float nDim2(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolZ; } __device__ float c0(float x, float y, float z) const { return y; } __device__ float c1(float x, float y, float z) const { return x; } __device__ float c2(float x, float y, float z) const { return z; } __device__ float tex(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return tex3D(gT_coneVolumeTexture, f1, f0, f2); } __device__ float x(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f1; } __device__ float y(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f0; } __device__ float z(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f2; } }; // z=0, x=1, y=2 struct DIR_Z { __device__ float nSlices(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolZ; } __device__ float nDim1(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolX; } __device__ float nDim2(const SDimensions3D& dims) const { return dims.iVolY; } __device__ float c0(float x, float y, float z) const { return z; } __device__ float c1(float x, float y, float z) const { return x; } __device__ float c2(float x, float y, float z) const { return y; } __device__ float tex(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return tex3D(gT_coneVolumeTexture, f1, f2, f0); } __device__ float x(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f1; } __device__ float y(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f2; } __device__ float z(float f0, float f1, float f2) const { return f0; } }; struct SCALE_CUBE { float fOutputScale; __device__ float scale(float a1, float a2) const { return sqrt(a1*a1+a2*a2+1.0f) * fOutputScale; } }; struct SCALE_NONCUBE { float fScale1; float fScale2; float fOutputScale; __device__ float scale(float a1, float a2) const { return sqrt(a1*a1*fScale1+a2*a2*fScale2+1.0f) * fOutputScale; } }; // threadIdx: x = ??? detector (u?) // y = relative angle // blockIdx: x = ??? detector (u+v?) // y = angle block template<class COORD, class SCALE> __global__ void cone_FP_t(float* D_projData, unsigned int projPitch, unsigned int startSlice, unsigned int startAngle, unsigned int endAngle, const SDimensions3D dims, SCALE sc) { COORD c; int angle = startAngle + blockIdx.y * g_anglesPerBlock + threadIdx.y; if (angle >= endAngle) return; const float fSrcX = gC_SrcX[angle]; const float fSrcY = gC_SrcY[angle]; const float fSrcZ = gC_SrcZ[angle]; const float fDetUX = gC_DetUX[angle]; const float fDetUY = gC_DetUY[angle]; const float fDetUZ = gC_DetUZ[angle]; const float fDetVX = gC_DetVX[angle]; const float fDetVY = gC_DetVY[angle]; const float fDetVZ = gC_DetVZ[angle]; const float fDetSX = gC_DetSX[angle] + 0.5f * fDetUX + 0.5f * fDetVX; const float fDetSY = gC_DetSY[angle] + 0.5f * fDetUY + 0.5f * fDetVY; const float fDetSZ = gC_DetSZ[angle] + 0.5f * fDetUZ + 0.5f * fDetVZ; const int detectorU = (blockIdx.x%((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockU + threadIdx.x; const int startDetectorV = (blockIdx.x/((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockV; int endDetectorV = startDetectorV + g_detBlockV; if (endDetectorV > dims.iProjV) endDetectorV = dims.iProjV; int endSlice = startSlice + g_blockSlices; if (endSlice > c.nSlices(dims)) endSlice = c.nSlices(dims); for (int detectorV = startDetectorV; detectorV < endDetectorV; ++detectorV) { /* Trace ray from Src to (detectorU,detectorV) from */ /* X = startSlice to X = endSlice */ const float fDetX = fDetSX + detectorU*fDetUX + detectorV*fDetVX; const float fDetY = fDetSY + detectorU*fDetUY + detectorV*fDetVY; const float fDetZ = fDetSZ + detectorU*fDetUZ + detectorV*fDetVZ; /* (x) ( 1) ( 0) */ /* ray: (y) = (ay) * x + (by) */ /* (z) (az) (bz) */ const float a1 = (c.c1(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c1(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)) / (c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c0(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)); const float a2 = (c.c2(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c2(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)) / (c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c0(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)); const float b1 = c.c1(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - a1 * c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ); const float b2 = c.c2(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - a2 * c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ); const float fDistCorr = sc.scale(a1, a2); float fVal = 0.0f; float f0 = startSlice + 0.5f; float f1 = a1 * (startSlice - 0.5f*c.nSlices(dims) + 0.5f) + b1 + 0.5f*c.nDim1(dims) - 0.5f + 0.5f; float f2 = a2 * (startSlice - 0.5f*c.nSlices(dims) + 0.5f) + b2 + 0.5f*c.nDim2(dims) - 0.5f + 0.5f; for (int s = startSlice; s < endSlice; ++s) { fVal += c.tex(f0, f1, f2); f0 += 1.0f; f1 += a1; f2 += a2; } fVal *= fDistCorr; D_projData[(detectorV*dims.iProjAngles+angle)*projPitch+detectorU] += fVal; } } template<class COORD> __global__ void cone_FP_SS_t(float* D_projData, unsigned int projPitch, unsigned int startSlice, unsigned int startAngle, unsigned int endAngle, const SDimensions3D dims, int iRaysPerDetDim, SCALE_NONCUBE sc) { COORD c; int angle = startAngle + blockIdx.y * g_anglesPerBlock + threadIdx.y; if (angle >= endAngle) return; const float fSrcX = gC_SrcX[angle]; const float fSrcY = gC_SrcY[angle]; const float fSrcZ = gC_SrcZ[angle]; const float fDetUX = gC_DetUX[angle]; const float fDetUY = gC_DetUY[angle]; const float fDetUZ = gC_DetUZ[angle]; const float fDetVX = gC_DetVX[angle]; const float fDetVY = gC_DetVY[angle]; const float fDetVZ = gC_DetVZ[angle]; const float fDetSX = gC_DetSX[angle] + 0.5f * fDetUX + 0.5f * fDetVX; const float fDetSY = gC_DetSY[angle] + 0.5f * fDetUY + 0.5f * fDetVY; const float fDetSZ = gC_DetSZ[angle] + 0.5f * fDetUZ + 0.5f * fDetVZ; const int detectorU = (blockIdx.x%((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockU + threadIdx.x; const int startDetectorV = (blockIdx.x/((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockV; int endDetectorV = startDetectorV + g_detBlockV; if (endDetectorV > dims.iProjV) endDetectorV = dims.iProjV; int endSlice = startSlice + g_blockSlices; if (endSlice > c.nSlices(dims)) endSlice = c.nSlices(dims); const float fSubStep = 1.0f/iRaysPerDetDim; for (int detectorV = startDetectorV; detectorV < endDetectorV; ++detectorV) { /* Trace ray from Src to (detectorU,detectorV) from */ /* X = startSlice to X = endSlice */ float fV = 0.0f; float fdU = detectorU - 0.5f + 0.5f*fSubStep; for (int iSubU = 0; iSubU < iRaysPerDetDim; ++iSubU, fdU+=fSubStep) { float fdV = detectorV - 0.5f + 0.5f*fSubStep; for (int iSubV = 0; iSubV < iRaysPerDetDim; ++iSubV, fdV+=fSubStep) { const float fDetX = fDetSX + fdU*fDetUX + fdV*fDetVX; const float fDetY = fDetSY + fdU*fDetUY + fdV*fDetVY; const float fDetZ = fDetSZ + fdU*fDetUZ + fdV*fDetVZ; /* (x) ( 1) ( 0) */ /* ray: (y) = (ay) * x + (by) */ /* (z) (az) (bz) */ const float a1 = (c.c1(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c1(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)) / (c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c0(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)); const float a2 = (c.c2(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c2(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)) / (c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - c.c0(fDetX,fDetY,fDetZ)); const float b1 = c.c1(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - a1 * c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ); const float b2 = c.c2(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ) - a2 * c.c0(fSrcX,fSrcY,fSrcZ); const float fDistCorr = sc.scale(a1, a2); float fVal = 0.0f; float f0 = startSlice + 0.5f; float f1 = a1 * (startSlice - 0.5f*c.nSlices(dims) + 0.5f) + b1 + 0.5f*c.nDim1(dims) - 0.5f + 0.5f; float f2 = a2 * (startSlice - 0.5f*c.nSlices(dims) + 0.5f) + b2 + 0.5f*c.nDim2(dims) - 0.5f + 0.5f; for (int s = startSlice; s < endSlice; ++s) { fVal += c.tex(f0, f1, f2); f0 += 1.0f; f1 += a1; f2 += a2; } fVal *= fDistCorr; fV += fVal; } } D_projData[(detectorV*dims.iProjAngles+angle)*projPitch+detectorU] += fV / (iRaysPerDetDim * iRaysPerDetDim); } } bool ConeFP_Array_internal(cudaPitchedPtr D_projData, const SDimensions3D& dims, unsigned int angleCount, const SConeProjection* angles, const SProjectorParams3D& params) { // transfer angles to constant memory float* tmp = new float[angleCount]; #define TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(name) do { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < angleCount; ++i) tmp[i] = angles[i].f##name ; cudaMemcpyToSymbol(gC_##name, tmp, angleCount*sizeof(float), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); } while (0) TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(SrcX); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(SrcY); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(SrcZ); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetSX); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetSY); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetSZ); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetUX); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetUY); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetUZ); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetVX); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetVY); TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT(DetVZ); #undef TRANSFER_TO_CONSTANT delete[] tmp; std::list<cudaStream_t> streams; dim3 dimBlock(g_detBlockU, g_anglesPerBlock); // region size, angles // Run over all angles, grouping them into groups of the same // orientation (roughly horizontal vs. roughly vertical). // Start a stream of grids for each such group. unsigned int blockStart = 0; unsigned int blockEnd = 0; int blockDirection = 0; bool cube = true; if (abs(params.fVolScaleX / params.fVolScaleY - 1.0) > 0.00001) cube = false; if (abs(params.fVolScaleX / params.fVolScaleZ - 1.0) > 0.00001) cube = false; SCALE_CUBE scube; scube.fOutputScale = params.fOutputScale * params.fVolScaleX; SCALE_NONCUBE snoncubeX; float fS1 = params.fVolScaleY / params.fVolScaleX; snoncubeX.fScale1 = fS1 * fS1; float fS2 = params.fVolScaleZ / params.fVolScaleX; snoncubeX.fScale2 = fS2 * fS2; snoncubeX.fOutputScale = params.fOutputScale * params.fVolScaleX; SCALE_NONCUBE snoncubeY; fS1 = params.fVolScaleX / params.fVolScaleY; snoncubeY.fScale1 = fS1 * fS1; fS2 = params.fVolScaleZ / params.fVolScaleY; snoncubeY.fScale2 = fS2 * fS2; snoncubeY.fOutputScale = params.fOutputScale * params.fVolScaleY; SCALE_NONCUBE snoncubeZ; fS1 = params.fVolScaleX / params.fVolScaleZ; snoncubeZ.fScale1 = fS1 * fS1; fS2 = params.fVolScaleY / params.fVolScaleZ; snoncubeZ.fScale2 = fS2 * fS2; snoncubeZ.fOutputScale = params.fOutputScale * params.fVolScaleZ; // timeval t; // tic(t); for (unsigned int a = 0; a <= angleCount; ++a) { int dir = -1; if (a != angleCount) { float dX = fabsf(angles[a].fSrcX - (angles[a].fDetSX + dims.iProjU*angles[a].fDetUX*0.5f + dims.iProjV*angles[a].fDetVX*0.5f)); float dY = fabsf(angles[a].fSrcY - (angles[a].fDetSY + dims.iProjU*angles[a].fDetUY*0.5f + dims.iProjV*angles[a].fDetVY*0.5f)); float dZ = fabsf(angles[a].fSrcZ - (angles[a].fDetSZ + dims.iProjU*angles[a].fDetUZ*0.5f + dims.iProjV*angles[a].fDetVZ*0.5f)); if (dX >= dY && dX >= dZ) dir = 0; else if (dY >= dX && dY >= dZ) dir = 1; else dir = 2; } if (a == angleCount || dir != blockDirection) { // block done blockEnd = a; if (blockStart != blockEnd) { dim3 dimGrid( ((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)*((dims.iProjV+g_detBlockV-1)/g_detBlockV), (blockEnd-blockStart+g_anglesPerBlock-1)/g_anglesPerBlock); // TODO: check if we can't immediately // destroy the stream after use cudaStream_t stream; cudaStreamCreate(&stream); streams.push_back(stream); // printf("angle block: %d to %d, %d (%dx%d, %dx%d)\n", blockStart, blockEnd, blockDirection, dimGrid.x, dimGrid.y, dimBlock.x, dimBlock.y); if (blockDirection == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dims.iVolX; i += g_blockSlices) if (params.iRaysPerDetDim == 1) if (cube) cone_FP_t<DIR_X><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, scube); else cone_FP_t<DIR_X><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, snoncubeX); else cone_FP_SS_t<DIR_X><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, params.iRaysPerDetDim, snoncubeX); } else if (blockDirection == 1) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dims.iVolY; i += g_blockSlices) if (params.iRaysPerDetDim == 1) if (cube) cone_FP_t<DIR_Y><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, scube); else cone_FP_t<DIR_Y><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, snoncubeY); else cone_FP_SS_t<DIR_Y><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, params.iRaysPerDetDim, snoncubeY); } else if (blockDirection == 2) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dims.iVolZ; i += g_blockSlices) if (params.iRaysPerDetDim == 1) if (cube) cone_FP_t<DIR_Z><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, scube); else cone_FP_t<DIR_Z><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, snoncubeZ); else cone_FP_SS_t<DIR_Z><<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>((float*)D_projData.ptr, D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float), i, blockStart, blockEnd, dims, params.iRaysPerDetDim, snoncubeZ); } } blockDirection = dir; blockStart = a; } } for (std::list<cudaStream_t>::iterator iter = streams.begin(); iter != streams.end(); ++iter) cudaStreamDestroy(*iter); streams.clear(); cudaTextForceKernelsCompletion(); // printf("%f\n", toc(t)); return true; } bool ConeFP(cudaPitchedPtr D_volumeData, cudaPitchedPtr D_projData, const SDimensions3D& dims, const SConeProjection* angles, const SProjectorParams3D& params) { // transfer volume to array cudaArray* cuArray = allocateVolumeArray(dims); transferVolumeToArray(D_volumeData, cuArray, dims); bindVolumeDataTexture(cuArray); bool ret; for (unsigned int iAngle = 0; iAngle < dims.iProjAngles; iAngle += g_MaxAngles) { unsigned int iEndAngle = iAngle + g_MaxAngles; if (iEndAngle >= dims.iProjAngles) iEndAngle = dims.iProjAngles; cudaPitchedPtr D_subprojData = D_projData; D_subprojData.ptr = (char*)D_projData.ptr + iAngle * D_projData.pitch; ret = ConeFP_Array_internal(D_subprojData, dims, iEndAngle - iAngle, angles + iAngle, params); if (!ret) break; } cudaFreeArray(cuArray); return ret; } }