latex-classicalcv [![Example](](

Latex CV based on CV template created by Alessandro Plasmati. The original templates utilizes _XeLaTeX_ engine and _Fontin_ font. 
More informations can be found here :

   -  [ Scribd ](
   -  [ LaTeX Templates ](
   -  [ ShareLatex ](

I choose to move _Personal data_ have on top of the page just before the professional title. I've also replaced default font by _Helvetica Neue_ 
and included _Font Awesome_ items.

I've chosen to cut my resume in a couple of smaller files and to add some macro to make the main latex source code more readable. 

\linkedin{{link}{Link Description}}
\address{12, Dummy Road, 000000, Dummy Country}
\infos{Dummy infos (birthday, etc...)}
\smartphone{+687 000 000}

The experices section has to follow this template: 

% Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro

% The experience macro work as below and can be used to describe a job experience
    {End date}      {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}    {
    				  experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}

% The emptyseparator macro is used to create white space in your experience

% The consultantexperience macro is very similar to the experience macro, but offer you 
% the possibility tu put client details
    {End date}        {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}      {Client job title}{Clent enterprise}
                      experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}

Another macro has been set to perform conditional include. You have to put \demotrue or \demofalse once in your file to use \conditionalinput macro