[](https://travis-ci.org/CSCfi/ansible-role-cuda) [](https://galaxy.ansible.com/CSCfi/cuda/) ansible-role-cuda ========= Installs CUDA Tested with Tesla P100, K80, Tesla M40, CentOS7, Ubuntu 16.04, Cuda 7.5 and 8.0 Optionally also installs cuda_init which initializes the GPUs during boot. Requirements ------------ Outbound access to http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ Role Variables -------------- gpu: False cuda_packages: - cuda cuda_restart_node_on_install: True cuda_init: True cuda_bash_profile: True - gpu: True is needed. Without it this role does nothing. - cuda_packages: List that can be updated to include more packages that are installed after nvidia cuda repo is installed, or to a specific cuda package (e.g. `cuda-7-5`) - cuda_init: Installs a bash script that is executed via systemd - cuda_gpu_name0: "/dev/nvidia0" # set this to the device ansible looks for. If it does not exist then if cuda_init is True then it will run the cuda_init.sh script - cuda_restart_node_on_install: restarts the system when packages are installed or updated Example Playbook ---------------- `playbook.yml`: - hosts: deep_learning roles: - CSC-IT-Center-for-Science.cuda `inventory`: [deep_learning] host1.example gpu=True Example Errors -------------- This error means you are not using a supported OS (like Ubuntu 17.04 which does not have a cuda URL)
"msg": "No file was found when using with_first_found. Use the 'skip: true' option to allow this task to be skipped if no files are found"License ------- MIT Author Information ------------------