FROM jeanblanchard/java:8 MAINTAINER James Z.M. Gao # Download ADD /opt/ COPY content / # untar file, add a non-root system user # note we specify a id so as to *try* to avoid collisions on the host RUN set -ex \ && apk --update --no-progress upgrade \ && cd /opt \ && tar -xzv -f davmail-linux-x86_64-4.8.4-2570.tgz \ && mv /opt/davmail-*/* /opt/davmail/ \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* /tmp/* /opt/davmail-* \ && adduser -S -u 500 -h /var/lib/davmail davmail \ && chmod 0644 /etc/davmail/* USER davmail # if $DAVMAIL_SSL_PASS is not empty, use this file as keystoreFile of type PKCS12 VOLUME ["/etc/davmail/davmail.p12"] EXPOSE 1080 EXPOSE 1993 EXPOSE 1636 EXPOSE 1995 EXPOSE 1587 WORKDIR /opt/davmail ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/davmail/"]