# STARTX Services docker-images : MongoDB Server This container run mongod on fedora server. ## Running from docker registry docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name="mongo" startx/sv-mongo # when used with a volume container (run data container, then run service) docker run -d -v /var/lib/mongodb -v /var/log/mongodb --name mongo-data startx/sv-mongo echo "Data container for mongodb" docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --volumes-from mongo-data --name="mongo" startx/sv-mongo when linked to another container docker run -d --name="mongo" startx/sv-mongo docker run -d -p 80:80 --name="php" --link mongo:mongo startx/sv-php ## Build and run from local Dockerfile ### Building docker image Copy sources in your docker host mkdir startx-docker-images; cd startx-docker-images; git clone https://github.com/startxfr/docker-images.git . Change configuration and personalize your base image. See sx/mongod_run.sh to perform some usefull task against the database, especially importing sql script, adding users and changing passwords. See also mongodb.conf for configuring the mongo server running in the container. Build the container docker build -t sv-mongo Services/mongo/ ### Running local image docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name="mongo" sv-mongo ## Accessing server access to the running database mongo -h localhost -p 27017 access to the container itself docker exec -it mongo /bin/bash ## Related Resources * [Sources files](https://github.com/startxfr/docker-images/tree/master/Services/mongo) * [Github STARTX profile](https://github.com/startxfr/docker-images) * [Docker registry for this container](https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/startx/sv-mongo/) * [Docker registry for Fedora](https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/fedora/)