From 576b6208d6defe240bfa2477d6dd19f1ed83bfaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Suren A. Chilingaryan" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 05:23:45 +0200
Subject: Cleaned most of outdated stuff

 media-plugins/xmms-wma/Manifest                    |  10 -
 .../xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg.patch        | 193 ----------
 .../xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg0.10.patch    | 411 ---------------------
 .../files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch         | 209 -----------
 .../xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-fifo_init.patch     |  32 --
 media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-rcc.patch |  98 -----
 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r1.ebuild    |  39 --
 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r2.ebuild    |  39 --
 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r3.ebuild    |  40 --
 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r4.ebuild    |  37 --
 10 files changed, 1108 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/Manifest
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg.patch
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg0.10.patch
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-fifo_init.patch
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-rcc.patch
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r1.ebuild
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r2.ebuild
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r3.ebuild
 delete mode 100644 media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r4.ebuild

(limited to 'media-plugins/xmms-wma')

diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/Manifest b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 838690b..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-AUX xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg.patch 5513 SHA256 55c237964f680bcfb5fe3b3f8a05410162328dfc77ba42af184745b813dffcf8 SHA512 f788b87ae76bc3262bba494b8def1e46e6fa094e221502ec32dd0e257629534f754c9b360778a7e1eb46e76225f18a363c0082ef65d28dd6af3846b1d1302db1 WHIRLPOOL 863e01d96fcbc733daa535ba5e6ba8309a6aeb55e9a363dfd3697d9592884ad8bd302bbb24bdfbd2e23f1c2cdffada06430e95d84df7be817d8891e9768f9141
-AUX xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg0.10.patch 11445 SHA256 52434b819de3c3a521f48c8debe043e0d36aa5068c8fd4a02f94942e2d6eed32 SHA512 e2ced39d21e3efaea1de25c4c2430d686c9e6e0af21ad5dd4be04d4b38298bbae33155e69fbbc1304b6e01d4fa72cc1da577161798d13782f2ce564e5983a87c WHIRLPOOL 4b78156916d0680c5777a70bdf3a1164a6d5b3506272e2330a92f70e728c0e0311da1018d104b0426b4a887c2a024a6b759af8ed4b9b74bbbc1038828d4a3ae9
-AUX xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch 5967 SHA256 b49b2147aebc510836260f1c8ef2f6aebe4312b1de380fd5bca82ff860ec7eb7 SHA512 c694c2ee179dbf9f52319ce480ed8dd02d9db87080e5f4dcde9cbac297ab672f91c3f1361a5c0d1b02c23c7c9ec150316e249bc78860f0a5859dbbe52e36a18e WHIRLPOOL 7416211e79eff19703223d4aa94875aa81bd5468e3e1b1155507d6abaa88ccf011d008bca5e92de8895071ecf23b15c7d51395ba05177875b0e3dcbb9a1dd887
-AUX xmms-wma-ds-fifo_init.patch 1041 SHA256 18deaa25c857559360a1c8b79015d56ea5ad5bfaf9670285ea108af78fd77d09 SHA512 1f877f72ee25ca3f29b0bbbb3f2edb7301341f0ecfce8ace9c921214a27118869e5971f65f9ecabaa0a6e7af1360a632b09378b7a076b7a9b53b110412121b8a WHIRLPOOL 683426d914eab0be18ce658b7ff3f53454eb1b6ece9ffe62d6d2bb8b7dad28f8c290d2db54574814af6a60fcf3a4121e0fe9499fe83e865de723192055730100
-AUX xmms-wma-ds-rcc.patch 2772 SHA256 e5cf2f4dd6b3353378c63b7176d13444bb42183f234b87d2a18d81e559b13e38 SHA512 bba9c02b7632d5977606ae069c2b039032342e81efe242c71420e55c3875b4af55295ff370b25cb87ca22efcbe0f260316b776647c8b21dbd897c39688d2ab19 WHIRLPOOL b7ada528a7da6182764d56a71e1978d8f4d5073681bbf3c7fb6562fd051e619c28c8288095e256095a6a2997b108f3e57b93058d8ae268c70131a2b571ad2f7f
-DIST xmms-wma-1.0.5.tar.bz2 146687 SHA256 61ab13363e52707b02b422589bfdbdf49c08ad398c2237c2000c8a4c9181b183 SHA512 9a1c649e0c36ecd6ff1bdb4462c0a8609785cc92355da642933993520814cd5868443e77aa06fbdb84161166864649ca77507a79428ac1c613f1620dff264f99 WHIRLPOOL d5c6eceee0d19bdd84b4d93526544afd992c9e425e2f9e395cb517015a75f98718144bedad7c32fd83f99f33ec15fe79932919a225f3df5c626c6708323b1cbd
-EBUILD xmms-wma-1.0.5-r1.ebuild 891 SHA256 8c7176da3a4b9d97e1c87c865d788fba4ac7cb4a3e92bdf51f4491171d64f059 SHA512 41a3965694e3ded80b9ce443d81e1983a6f3c2aaf316810922627c649543777d21fac8ca17995b52ba0bd920d56861187213a7c94eb1d73bb9f3b360c67013f1 WHIRLPOOL b49dd6632c4718ca7ec26f500b01a9072b3b837dd8b770301bc9c4cd96c90e87ba236c078c643320caae48a641ff95124c1b60dfbf0a5ddf27c8431c3e72b5c8
-EBUILD xmms-wma-1.0.5-r2.ebuild 901 SHA256 beb4b9efef5d26cea15b719641dfad5d73bfaea1cb7f1b803f36818a61d9f117 SHA512 62607136782ccc149b7f528f632e34cc5a56a9e4d3c39efd516347ed1c9a1b1bdd0524920bcd51659c215d342bdbb19760255d6d87fa2bef1cbb6604143d9fa6 WHIRLPOOL 14fc2db33bdf47fcb0504f6b654bee21d4fb7cd3270c489206a0d9542476d475177e59b677ddd0eb67c670af750e50dc8e5bad99f285907d522bf3707a5da061
-EBUILD xmms-wma-1.0.5-r3.ebuild 953 SHA256 c38e4539311b0701d45c4e92e6cb71831b351e6a7fe4be106ef949a96e2e8639 SHA512 1ad9ae94779248c2bf4841d25517b7a21b4d54e3c609a558bf0aaf4cad1c8ddbd6aeabab076181ab8e4cef17d4ec17c7dde67513c07e6ce92b21776a93917aff WHIRLPOOL 90e9e614454d5e9d3b9825847e4b36612d3e9d38a62ced263a7ed60bbc107190dc4cc48b1185b8640965fe17ac35804b91a4feb19488f485ef79cd7b8d4b42fa
-EBUILD xmms-wma-1.0.5-r4.ebuild 817 SHA256 26b6870653e0bc4c7e3891f7853c573d1f7b1b0e007c6276dde6829760b2fa0b SHA512 ba0ec81755d23e5f5230b5f3e6a557f3f5bba9d15d34dcf47192f17ecf0b922eab6262c0e45fc9e0f960a065b1b7a9a090dbf4f586ea69f2b83e3e44080166d7 WHIRLPOOL 33f3b4440384d058bb0a60c320b4beed782e0605118489da38390f0406df365e8e3a511973e1ffd82dca167f013b351ac5804bf4c104c1e90a641b45f440f201
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg.patch b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad7ced..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/Makefile xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/Makefile
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/Makefile	2004-03-03 15:47:58.000000000 +0100
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/Makefile	2007-04-21 22:51:51.000000000 +0200
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- export DEPS := $(SOURCES:%.c=$(DEPDIR)/%.d)
- all:
--	@cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make; cd ..
-+	#@cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make; cd ..
- 	@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f
- 	@strip $(PLUGIN_FILE)
- 	@echo "The plug-in has been compiled. Run one of the following:"
-@@ -40,5 +40,5 @@
- 	@echo "The plug-in has been uninstalled."
- clean:
--	cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make clean; cd ..
-+	#cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make clean; cd ..
- 	rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(DEPS)
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/ xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/	2005-09-05 14:48:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/	2007-04-21 22:51:51.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
- CC := gcc
--CFLAGS := -O2 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC
--#CFLAGS := -Wall -g -O3
--CFLAGS += -I ffmpeg-strip-wma
--CFLAGS += `xmms-config --cflags`
--LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -L ffmpeg-strip-wma -lffwma
-+#MYCFLAGS := -Wall -g -O3
-+#MYCFLAGS += -I ffmpeg-strip-wma
-+MYCFLAGS += `xmms-config --cflags`
-+MYCFLAGS += -I/usr/include/ffmpeg
-+#LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -L ffmpeg-strip-wma -lffwma
-+LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -lavcodec -lavformat
- 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) -shared
- $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
--	$(CC) -c -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $<
-+	$(CC) -c -o $@ $(MYCFLAGS) $<
- $(DEPDIR)/%.d: %.c
- 	$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $< | sed "s/^$*\.o:/$(OBJDIR)\/$*\.o $(DEPDIR)\/$*\.d:/" > $@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/xmms-wma.c
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c	2005-09-05 22:19:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/xmms-wma.c	2007-04-22 00:47:20.000000000 +0200
-@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@
- #endif
--#include "avcodec.h"
--#include "avformat.h"
-+#include "ffmpeg/avcodec.h"
-+#include "ffmpeg/avformat.h"
-+#include "ffmpeg/fifo.h"
- #include "iir.h"
- #define ABOUT_TXT "Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Mokrushin I.V. aka McMCC (\n \
-@@ -190,8 +191,6 @@
- static void wma_init(void)
- {
--    avcodec_init();
--    avcodec_register_all();
-     av_register_all();
-     init_iir();
- }
-@@ -200,9 +199,14 @@
- {
-     gchar *ext;
-     ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
--    if(ext)
-+    if(ext) {
-         if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".wma"))
-             return 1;
-+        if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".m4a"))
-+            return 1;
-+        if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".aac"))
-+            return 1;
-+    }
-     return 0;
- }
-@@ -337,20 +341,21 @@
- 	return;
- #endif
--    av_find_stream_info(in);
--    (*len_real) = get_song_time(in);
--    (*title_real) = get_song_title(in, filename);
-+    if (!av_find_stream_info(in)) {
-+	(*len_real) = get_song_time(in);
-+	(*title_real) = get_song_title(in, filename);
-+    }
-     av_close_input_file(in);
- }
- static void wma_playbuff(int out_size)
- {
--    FifoBuffer f;
-+    AVFifoBuffer f;
-     int sst_buff;
--    fifo_init(&f, out_size*2);
--    fifo_write(&f, wma_outbuf, out_size, &f.wptr);
--    while(!fifo_read(&f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff, &f.rptr) && wma_decode)
-+    av_fifo_init(&f, out_size*2);
-+    av_fifo_write(&f, wma_outbuf, out_size);
-+    while(!av_fifo_read(&f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff) && wma_decode)
-     {
-         if(wma_eq_on)
-             sst_buff = iir((gpointer)&wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff);
-@@ -364,7 +369,7 @@
- 	wma_ip.output->write_audio((short *)wma_s_outbuf, sst_buff);
- 	memset(wma_s_outbuf, 0, sst_buff);
-     }
--    fifo_free(&f);
-+    av_fifo_free(&f);
-     return;
- }
-@@ -373,18 +378,29 @@
-     uint8_t *inbuf_ptr;
-     int out_size, size, len;
-     AVPacket pkt;
-+    int64_t seek_target;
-     pthread_mutex_lock(&wma_mutex);
-     while(wma_decode){
- 	if(wma_seekpos != -1)
- 	{
--	    av_seek_frame(ic, wma_idx, wma_seekpos * 1000000LL);
-+	    if (wma_idx>=0) {
-+		seek_target = av_rescale_q(wma_seekpos * 1000000LL, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, ic->streams[wma_idx]->time_base);
-+	    } else {
-+		seek_target = wma_seekpos * 1000000LL;
-+	    }
-+	    av_seek_frame(ic, wma_idx, seek_target, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
- 	    wma_ip.output->flush(wma_seekpos * 1000);
- 	    wma_seekpos = -1;
- 	}
--        if(av_read_frame(ic, &pkt) < 0) break;
-+        if(av_read_frame(ic, &pkt) < 0) {
-+	    /*if (url_ferror(&ic->pb) == 0) {
-+		usleep(100000);
-+		continue;
-+	    }*/
-+	    break;
-+	}
-         size = pkt.size;
-         inbuf_ptr =;
-@@ -427,10 +443,13 @@
- #endif
-     for(wma_idx = 0; wma_idx < ic->nb_streams; wma_idx++) {
--        c = &ic->streams[wma_idx]->codec;
-+        c = ic->streams[wma_idx]->codec;
-         if(c->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-     }
-+    if(!c || c->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
-+	    return;
-     av_find_stream_info(ic);
-     codec = avcodec_find_decoder(c->codec_id);
-@@ -459,7 +478,8 @@
- {
-     wma_decode = 0;
-     if(wma_pause) wma_do_pause(0);
--    pthread_join(wma_decode_thread, NULL);
-+    if(wma_decode_thread)
-+	    pthread_join(wma_decode_thread, NULL);
-     wma_ip.output->close_audio();
- }	
-@@ -482,7 +502,7 @@
- #endif
-     for(i = 0; i < in->nb_streams; i++) {
--        s = &in->streams[i]->codec;
-+        s = in->streams[i]->codec;
-         if(s->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-     }
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg0.10.patch b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg0.10.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 922eb9a..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg0.10.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/Makefile xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/Makefile
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/Makefile	2004-03-03 15:47:58.000000000 +0100
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/Makefile	2012-11-17 08:49:25.000000000 +0100
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- export DEPS := $(SOURCES:%.c=$(DEPDIR)/%.d)
- all:
--	@cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make; cd ..
-+	#@cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make; cd ..
- 	@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f
- 	@strip $(PLUGIN_FILE)
- 	@echo "The plug-in has been compiled. Run one of the following:"
-@@ -40,5 +40,5 @@
- 	@echo "The plug-in has been uninstalled."
- clean:
--	cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make clean; cd ..
-+	#cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make clean; cd ..
- 	rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(DEPS)
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/	2005-09-05 14:48:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/	2012-11-17 08:49:25.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
- CC := gcc
--CFLAGS := -O2 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC
--#CFLAGS := -Wall -g -O3
--CFLAGS += -I ffmpeg-strip-wma
--CFLAGS += `xmms-config --cflags`
--LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -L ffmpeg-strip-wma -lffwma
-+#MYCFLAGS := -Wall -g -O3
-+#MYCFLAGS += -I ffmpeg-strip-wma
-+MYCFLAGS += `xmms-config --cflags`
-+MYCFLAGS += -I/usr/include/ffmpeg
-+#LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -L ffmpeg-strip-wma -lffwma
-+LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -lavcodec -lavformat
- 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) -shared
- $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
--	$(CC) -c -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $<
-+	$(CC) -c -o $@ $(MYCFLAGS) $<
- $(DEPDIR)/%.d: %.c
- 	$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $< | sed "s/^$*\.o:/$(OBJDIR)\/$*\.o $(DEPDIR)\/$*\.d:/" > $@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/xmms-wma.c
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c	2005-09-05 22:19:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/xmms-wma.c	2012-11-17 08:40:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -36,14 +36,16 @@
- #include <xmms/configfile.h>
- #include <xmms/util.h>
- #include <xmms/titlestring.h>
-+#include <libxmms/rcc.h>
- #endif
- #endif
--#include "avcodec.h"
--#include "avformat.h"
-+#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
-+#include "libavformat/avformat.h"
-+#include "libavutil/fifo.h"
- #include "iir.h"
- #define ABOUT_TXT "Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Mokrushin I.V. aka McMCC (\n \
-@@ -190,8 +192,6 @@
- static void wma_init(void)
- {
--    avcodec_init();
--    avcodec_register_all();
-     av_register_all();
-     init_iir();
- }
-@@ -200,9 +200,14 @@
- {
-     gchar *ext;
-     ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
--    if(ext)
-+    if(ext) {
-         if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".wma"))
-             return 1;
-+        if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".m4a"))
-+            return 1;
-+        if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".aac"))
-+            return 1;
-+    }
-     return 0;
- }
-@@ -262,12 +267,24 @@
-     return splitname;
- }
--static char* w_getstr(char* str)
-+static char* w_getstr(AVFormatContext *in, char* str)
- {
--    if(str && strlen(str) > 0) return str;
-+    AVDictionaryEntry *entry = av_dict_get(in->metadata, str, NULL, 0);
-+    if (!entry) return NULL;
-+    if(entry && strlen(entry->value) > 0) {
-+	return entry->value;
-+    }
-     return NULL;
- }
-+static int w_getnum(AVFormatContext *in, char* str) {
-+    char *res = w_getstr(in, str);
-+    if (res) return atoi(res);
-+    return 0;
- static gchar *get_song_title(AVFormatContext *in, gchar * filename)
- {
-     gchar *ret = NULL;
-@@ -279,17 +296,14 @@
- #endif
--    if((in->title[0] != '\0') || (in->author[0] != '\0') || (in->album[0] != '\0') ||
--       (in->comment[0] != '\0') || (in->genre[0] != '\0') || (in->year != 0) || (in->track != 0))
--    {	
--	input->performer = w_getstr(in->author);
--	input->album_name = w_getstr(in->album);
--	input->track_name = w_getstr(in->title);
--	input->year = in->year;
--	input->track_number = in->track;
--	input->genre = w_getstr(in->genre);
--	input->comment = w_getstr(in->comment);
--    }
-+    input->performer = w_getstr(in, "artist");
-+    input->album_name = w_getstr(in, "album");
-+    input->track_name = w_getstr(in, "title");
-+    input->year = 0;//in->year;
-+    input->track_number = w_getnum(in, "track");
-+    input->genre = w_getstr(in, "genre");
-+    input->comment = w_getstr(in, "comment");
- #ifdef BMP
-     input->file_name = g_path_get_basename(filename);
-     input->file_path = g_path_get_dirname(filename);
-@@ -298,7 +312,7 @@
-     input->file_path = filename;
- #endif
-     input->file_ext = extname(filename);
--    ret = xmms_get_titlestring(xmms_get_gentitle_format(), input);
-+    ret = xmms_charset_get_titlestring(xmms_get_gentitle_format(), input, XMMS_RCC_UTF8);
-     if(input) g_free(input);
-     if(!ret)
-@@ -337,21 +351,23 @@
- 	return;
- #endif
--    av_find_stream_info(in);
--    (*len_real) = get_song_time(in);
--    (*title_real) = get_song_title(in, filename);
-+    if (!av_find_stream_info(in)) {
-+	(*len_real) = get_song_time(in);
-+	(*title_real) = get_song_title(in, filename);
-+    }
-     av_close_input_file(in);
- }
- static void wma_playbuff(int out_size)
- {
--    FifoBuffer f;
-+    AVFifoBuffer *f;
-     int sst_buff;
--    fifo_init(&f, out_size*2);
--    fifo_write(&f, wma_outbuf, out_size, &f.wptr);
--    while(!fifo_read(&f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff, &f.rptr) && wma_decode)
--    {
-+    f = av_fifo_alloc(out_size*2);
-+    av_fifo_generic_write(f, wma_outbuf, out_size, NULL);
-+    while ((av_fifo_size(f) > 0) && wma_decode) {
-+	if (av_fifo_generic_read(f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff, NULL)) break;
-         if(wma_eq_on)
-             sst_buff = iir((gpointer)&wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff);
-         else
-@@ -364,7 +380,7 @@
- 	wma_ip.output->write_audio((short *)wma_s_outbuf, sst_buff);
- 	memset(wma_s_outbuf, 0, sst_buff);
-     }
--    fifo_free(&f);
-+    av_fifo_free(f);
-     return;
- }
-@@ -373,18 +389,29 @@
-     uint8_t *inbuf_ptr;
-     int out_size, size, len;
-     AVPacket pkt;
-+    int64_t seek_target;
-     pthread_mutex_lock(&wma_mutex);
-     while(wma_decode){
- 	if(wma_seekpos != -1)
- 	{
--	    av_seek_frame(ic, wma_idx, wma_seekpos * 1000000LL);
-+	    if (wma_idx>=0) {
-+		seek_target = av_rescale_q(wma_seekpos * 1000000LL, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, ic->streams[wma_idx]->time_base);
-+	    } else {
-+		seek_target = wma_seekpos * 1000000LL;
-+	    }
-+	    av_seek_frame(ic, wma_idx, seek_target, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
- 	    wma_ip.output->flush(wma_seekpos * 1000);
- 	    wma_seekpos = -1;
- 	}
--        if(av_read_frame(ic, &pkt) < 0) break;
-+        if(av_read_frame(ic, &pkt) < 0) {
-+	    /*if (url_ferror(&ic->pb) == 0) {
-+		usleep(100000);
-+		continue;
-+	    }*/
-+	    break;
-+	}
-         size = pkt.size;
-         inbuf_ptr =;
-@@ -392,8 +419,9 @@
-         if(size == 0) break;
-         while(size > 0){
--            len = avcodec_decode_audio(c, (short *)wma_outbuf, &out_size,
--                                       inbuf_ptr, size);
-+            len = avcodec_decode_audio3(c, (short *)wma_outbuf, &out_size, &pkt);
- 	    if(len < 0) break;
-             if(out_size <= 0) continue;
-@@ -427,10 +455,13 @@
- #endif
-     for(wma_idx = 0; wma_idx < ic->nb_streams; wma_idx++) {
--        c = &ic->streams[wma_idx]->codec;
--        if(c->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-+        c = ic->streams[wma_idx]->codec;
-+        if(c->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-     }
-+    if(!c || c->codec_type != AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)
-+	    return;
-     av_find_stream_info(ic);
-     codec = avcodec_find_decoder(c->codec_id);
-@@ -459,7 +490,8 @@
- {
-     wma_decode = 0;
-     if(wma_pause) wma_do_pause(0);
--    pthread_join(wma_decode_thread, NULL);
-+    if(wma_decode_thread)
-+	    pthread_join(wma_decode_thread, NULL);
-     wma_ip.output->close_audio();
- }	
-@@ -468,6 +500,8 @@
-     char *title;
-     char *tmp;
-     char *message;
-+    char *recoded;
-+    char *msg;
-     AVFormatContext *in = NULL;
-     AVCodecContext *s = NULL;
-     AVCodec *codec;
-@@ -482,8 +516,8 @@
- #endif
-     for(i = 0; i < in->nb_streams; i++) {
--        s = &in->streams[i]->codec;
--        if(s->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-+        s = in->streams[i]->codec;
-+        if(s->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-     }
-     av_find_stream_info(in);
-@@ -498,6 +532,11 @@
-     strcpy(message, "\n\n\n");
-     strcat(message, "File Name: ");
-+    recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_FS, XMMS_RCC_OUT, slashkill(filename));
-+    if (recoded) {
-+	strcat(message, recoded);
-+	free(recoded);
-+    } else 
-     strcat(message, slashkill(filename));
-     strcat(message, "\n\n");
-     strcat(message, "Audio Info:\n");
-@@ -535,56 +574,85 @@
-     }
-     strcat(message, "\n");
-     strcat(message, "Text Info:\n");
--    if (in->title[0] != '\0')
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "title");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Title: ");
--	strcat(message, in->title);
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, msg);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
--    }	
--    if (in->author[0] != '\0')
-+    }
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "artist");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Author: ");
--	strcat(message, in->author);
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, msg);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }	
--    if (in->album[0] != '\0')
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "album");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Album: ");
--	strcat(message, in->album);
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, msg);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
--    if (in->year != 0)
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "date");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
--	strcat(message, "Year: ");
--	sprintf(tmp, "%d", in->year);
--	strcat(message, tmp);
--	memset(tmp, 0, 256);
-+	strcat(message, "Date: ");
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
--    if (in->track != 0)
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "track");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Track: ");
--	sprintf(tmp, "%d", in->track);
--	strcat(message, tmp);
--	memset(tmp, 0, 256);
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
--    if (in->genre[0] != '\0')
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "genre");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Genre: ");
--	strcat(message, in->genre);
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
--    if (in->comment[0] != '\0')
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "comment");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Comments: ");
--	strcat(message, in->comment);
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, msg);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
--    if (in->copyright[0] != '\0')
-+    msg = w_getstr(in, "copyright");
-+    if (msg)
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Copyright: ");
--	strcat(message, in->copyright);
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, msg);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
-+	strcat(message, msg);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
-     strcat(message, "\n\n");
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 23c0b1a..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/Makefile xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/Makefile
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/Makefile	2004-03-03 15:47:58.000000000 +0100
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/Makefile	2008-11-27 01:33:03.000000000 +0100
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- export DEPS := $(SOURCES:%.c=$(DEPDIR)/%.d)
- all:
--	@cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make; cd ..
-+	#@cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make; cd ..
- 	@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f
- 	@strip $(PLUGIN_FILE)
- 	@echo "The plug-in has been compiled. Run one of the following:"
-@@ -40,5 +40,5 @@
- 	@echo "The plug-in has been uninstalled."
- clean:
--	cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make clean; cd ..
-+	#cd ffmpeg-strip-wma; make clean; cd ..
- 	rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(DEPS)
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/	2005-09-05 14:48:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/	2008-11-27 01:35:01.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
- CC := gcc
--CFLAGS := -O2 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC
--#CFLAGS := -Wall -g -O3
--CFLAGS += -I ffmpeg-strip-wma
--CFLAGS += `xmms-config --cflags`
--LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -L ffmpeg-strip-wma -lffwma
-+#MYCFLAGS := -Wall -g -O3
-+#MYCFLAGS += -I ffmpeg-strip-wma
-+MYCFLAGS += `xmms-config --cflags`
-+MYCFLAGS += -I/usr/include/ffmpeg
-+#LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -L ffmpeg-strip-wma -lffwma
-+LIBS := `xmms-config --libs` -lavcodec -lavformat
- 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) -shared
- $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
--	$(CC) -c -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $<
-+	$(CC) -c -o $@ $(MYCFLAGS) $<
- $(DEPDIR)/%.d: %.c
- 	$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $< | sed "s/^$*\.o:/$(OBJDIR)\/$*\.o $(DEPDIR)\/$*\.d:/" > $@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/xmms-wma.c
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c	2008-11-27 02:58:02.000000000 +0100
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/xmms-wma.c	2008-11-27 02:54:38.000000000 +0100
-@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
- #endif
--#include "avcodec.h"
--#include "avformat.h"
-+#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
-+#include "libavformat/avformat.h"
-+#include "libavutil/fifo.h"
- #include "iir.h"
- #define ABOUT_TXT "Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Mokrushin I.V. aka McMCC (\n \
-@@ -191,8 +192,6 @@
- static void wma_init(void)
- {
--    avcodec_init();
--    avcodec_register_all();
-     av_register_all();
-     init_iir();
- }
-@@ -201,9 +200,14 @@
- {
-     gchar *ext;
-     ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
--    if(ext)
-+    if(ext) {
-         if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".wma"))
-             return 1;
-+        if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".m4a"))
-+            return 1;
-+        if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".aac"))
-+            return 1;
-+    }
-     return 0;
- }
-@@ -338,21 +342,23 @@
- 	return;
- #endif
--    av_find_stream_info(in);
--    (*len_real) = get_song_time(in);
--    (*title_real) = get_song_title(in, filename);
-+    if (!av_find_stream_info(in)) {
-+	(*len_real) = get_song_time(in);
-+	(*title_real) = get_song_title(in, filename);
-+    }
-     av_close_input_file(in);
- }
- static void wma_playbuff(int out_size)
- {
--    FifoBuffer f;
-+    AVFifoBuffer f;
-     int sst_buff;
--    fifo_init(&f, out_size*2);
--    fifo_write(&f, wma_outbuf, out_size, &f.wptr);
--    while(!fifo_read(&f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff, &f.rptr) && wma_decode)
--    {
-+    av_fifo_init(&f, out_size*2);
-+    av_fifo_generic_write(&f, wma_outbuf, out_size, NULL);
-+    while ((av_fifo_size(&f) > 0) && wma_decode) {
-+	if (av_fifo_read(&f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff)) break;
-         if(wma_eq_on)
-             sst_buff = iir((gpointer)&wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff);
-         else
-@@ -365,7 +371,7 @@
- 	wma_ip.output->write_audio((short *)wma_s_outbuf, sst_buff);
- 	memset(wma_s_outbuf, 0, sst_buff);
-     }
--    fifo_free(&f);
-+    av_fifo_free(&f);
-     return;
- }
-@@ -374,18 +380,29 @@
-     uint8_t *inbuf_ptr;
-     int out_size, size, len;
-     AVPacket pkt;
-+    int64_t seek_target;
-     pthread_mutex_lock(&wma_mutex);
-     while(wma_decode){
- 	if(wma_seekpos != -1)
- 	{
--	    av_seek_frame(ic, wma_idx, wma_seekpos * 1000000LL);
-+	    if (wma_idx>=0) {
-+		seek_target = av_rescale_q(wma_seekpos * 1000000LL, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, ic->streams[wma_idx]->time_base);
-+	    } else {
-+		seek_target = wma_seekpos * 1000000LL;
-+	    }
-+	    av_seek_frame(ic, wma_idx, seek_target, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
- 	    wma_ip.output->flush(wma_seekpos * 1000);
- 	    wma_seekpos = -1;
- 	}
--        if(av_read_frame(ic, &pkt) < 0) break;
-+        if(av_read_frame(ic, &pkt) < 0) {
-+	    /*if (url_ferror(&ic->pb) == 0) {
-+		usleep(100000);
-+		continue;
-+	    }*/
-+	    break;
-+	}
-         size = pkt.size;
-         inbuf_ptr =;
-@@ -393,7 +410,9 @@
-         if(size == 0) break;
-         while(size > 0){
--            len = avcodec_decode_audio(c, (short *)wma_outbuf, &out_size,
-+            len = avcodec_decode_audio2(c, (short *)wma_outbuf, &out_size,
-                                        inbuf_ptr, size);
- 	    if(len < 0) break;
-@@ -428,10 +447,13 @@
- #endif
-     for(wma_idx = 0; wma_idx < ic->nb_streams; wma_idx++) {
--        c = &ic->streams[wma_idx]->codec;
-+        c = ic->streams[wma_idx]->codec;
-         if(c->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-     }
-+    if(!c || c->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
-+	    return;
-     av_find_stream_info(ic);
-     codec = avcodec_find_decoder(c->codec_id);
-@@ -460,7 +482,8 @@
- {
-     wma_decode = 0;
-     if(wma_pause) wma_do_pause(0);
--    pthread_join(wma_decode_thread, NULL);
-+    if(wma_decode_thread)
-+	    pthread_join(wma_decode_thread, NULL);
-     wma_ip.output->close_audio();
- }	
-@@ -484,7 +507,7 @@
- #endif
-     for(i = 0; i < in->nb_streams; i++) {
--        s = &in->streams[i]->codec;
-+        s = in->streams[i]->codec;
-         if(s->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) break;
-     }
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-fifo_init.patch b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-fifo_init.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b2e1d82..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-fifo_init.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/xmms-wma.c
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5/xmms-wma.c	2010-02-07 15:46:56.000000000 +0100
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-ds/xmms-wma.c	2010-02-07 15:58:23.000000000 +0100
-@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@
- }
- static void wma_playbuff(int out_size)
- {
--    AVFifoBuffer f;
-+    AVFifoBuffer *f;
-     int sst_buff;
--    av_fifo_init(&f, out_size*2);
--    av_fifo_generic_write(&f, wma_outbuf, out_size, NULL);
-+    f = av_fifo_alloc(out_size*2);
-+    av_fifo_generic_write(f, wma_outbuf, out_size, NULL);
--    while ((av_fifo_size(&f) > 0) && wma_decode) {
--	if (av_fifo_read(&f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff)) break;
-+    while ((av_fifo_size(f) > 0) && wma_decode) {
-+	if (av_fifo_generic_read(f, wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff, NULL)) break;
-         if(wma_eq_on)
-             sst_buff = iir((gpointer)&wma_s_outbuf, wma_st_buff);
-@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
- 	wma_ip.output->write_audio((short *)wma_s_outbuf, sst_buff);
- 	memset(wma_s_outbuf, 0, sst_buff);
-     }
--    av_fifo_free(&f);
-+    av_fifo_free(f);
-     return;
- }
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-rcc.patch b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-rcc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fcdc82a..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/files/xmms-wma-ds-rcc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-diff -dPNur xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/xmms-wma.c xmms-wma-1.0.5-new-rcc/xmms-wma.c
---- xmms-wma-1.0.5-new/xmms-wma.c	2007-04-22 00:47:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ xmms-wma-1.0.5-new-rcc/xmms-wma.c	2007-04-22 01:13:08.000000000 +0200
-@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
- #include <xmms/configfile.h>
- #include <xmms/util.h>
- #include <xmms/titlestring.h>
-+#include <libxmms/rcc.h>
- #endif
-@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@
-     input->file_path = filename;
- #endif
-     input->file_ext = extname(filename);
--    ret = xmms_get_titlestring(xmms_get_gentitle_format(), input);
-+    ret = xmms_charset_get_titlestring(xmms_get_gentitle_format(), input, XMMS_RCC_UTF8);
-     if(input) g_free(input);
-     if(!ret)
-@@ -488,6 +489,7 @@
-     char *title;
-     char *tmp;
-     char *message;
-+    char *recoded;
-     AVFormatContext *in = NULL;
-     AVCodecContext *s = NULL;
-     AVCodec *codec;
-@@ -518,6 +520,11 @@
-     strcpy(message, "\n\n\n");
-     strcat(message, "File Name: ");
-+    recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_FS, XMMS_RCC_OUT, slashkill(filename));
-+    if (recoded) {
-+	strcat(message, recoded);
-+	free(recoded);
-+    } else 
-     strcat(message, slashkill(filename));
-     strcat(message, "\n\n");
-     strcat(message, "Audio Info:\n");
-@@ -558,18 +565,33 @@
-     if (in->title[0] != '\0')
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Title: ");
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, in->title);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
- 	strcat(message, in->title);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }	
-     if (in->author[0] != '\0')
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Author: ");
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, in->author);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
- 	strcat(message, in->author);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }	
-     if (in->album[0] != '\0')
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Album: ");
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, in->album);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
- 	strcat(message, in->album);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
-@@ -598,12 +620,23 @@
-     if (in->comment[0] != '\0')
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Comments: ");
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, in->comment);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
- 	strcat(message, in->comment);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
-     if (in->copyright[0] != '\0')
-     {
- 	strcat(message, "Copyright: ");
-+	strcat(message, "Comments: ");
-+	recoded = xmms_rcc_recode(XMMS_RCC_UTF8, XMMS_RCC_OUT, in->copyright);
-+	if (recoded) {
-+	    strcat(message, recoded);
-+	    free(recoded);
-+        } else 
- 	strcat(message, in->copyright);
- 	strcat(message, "\n");
-     }
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r1.ebuild b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb20f1..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/10/24 00:46:58 metalgod Exp $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="XMMS plugin to play wma"
-#~sparc: 1.0.4: Plays a little staticy, x86/adm64 is clear...
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~ppc ~sparc x86"
-	>=media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20070129"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd ${S}
-# Patches for system ffmpeg, broken
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ds-ffmpeg.patch || die
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ds-rcc.patch || die
-src_compile () {
-	emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
-src_install () {
-	exeinto `xmms-config --input-plugin-dir`
-	doexe
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r2.ebuild b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a03e1b7..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/10/24 00:46:58 metalgod Exp $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="XMMS plugin to play wma"
-#~sparc: 1.0.4: Plays a little staticy, x86/adm64 is clear...
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-	>=media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20081014"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd ${S}
-# Patches for system ffmpeg, broken
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch || die
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ds-rcc.patch || die
-src_compile () {
-	emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
-src_install () {
-	exeinto `xmms-config --input-plugin-dir`
-	doexe
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r3.ebuild b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 471a0e9..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/10/24 00:46:58 metalgod Exp $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="XMMS plugin to play wma"
-#~sparc: 1.0.4: Plays a little staticy, x86/adm64 is clear...
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-	>=media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20081014"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd ${S}
-# Patches for system ffmpeg, broken
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ds-ffmpeg20081014.patch || die
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ds-rcc.patch || die
-	epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ds-fifo_init.patch || die
-src_compile () {
-	emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
-src_install () {
-	exeinto `xmms-config --input-plugin-dir`
-	doexe
diff --git a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r4.ebuild b/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 08c63ca..0000000
--- a/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-plugins/xmms-wma/xmms-wma-1.0.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/10/24 00:46:58 metalgod Exp $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="XMMS plugin to play wma"
-#~sparc: 1.0.4: Plays a little staticy, x86/adm64 is clear...
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-	>=media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20081014"
-src_unpack() {
-	unpack ${A}
-	cd ${S}
-	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-ds-ffmpeg0.10.patch || die
-src_compile () {
-	emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die
-src_install () {
-	exeinto `xmms-config --input-plugin-dir`
-	doexe
cgit v1.2.3