# pylint: disable=missing-docstring import os import yaml import ooinstall.cli_installer as cli from test.oo_config_tests import OOInstallFixture from click.testing import CliRunner # Substitute in a product name before use: SAMPLE_CONFIG = """ variant: %s variant_version: 3.2 master_routingconfig_subdomain: example.com deployment: ansible_ssh_user: root hosts: - connect_to: ip: hostname: master-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: master.example.com roles: - master - node - connect_to: ip: hostname: node1-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: node1.example.com roles: - node - connect_to: ip: hostname: node2-private.example.com public_ip: public_hostname: node2.example.com roles: - node roles: master: node: """ def read_yaml(config_file_path): cfg_f = open(config_file_path, 'r') config = yaml.safe_load(cfg_f.read()) cfg_f.close() return config class OOCliFixture(OOInstallFixture): def setUp(self): OOInstallFixture.setUp(self) self.runner = CliRunner() # Add any arguments you would like to test here, the defaults ensure # we only do unattended invocations here, and using temporary files/dirs. self.cli_args = ["-a", self.work_dir] def run_cli(self): return self.runner.invoke(cli.cli, self.cli_args) def assert_result(self, result, exit_code): if result.exit_code != exit_code: print "Unexpected result from CLI execution" print "Exit code: %s" % result.exit_code print "Exception: %s" % result.exception print result.exc_info import traceback traceback.print_exception(*result.exc_info) print "Output:\n%s" % result.output self.fail("Exception during CLI execution") def _verify_load_facts(self, load_facts_mock): """ Check that we ran load facts with expected inputs. """ load_facts_args = load_facts_mock.call_args[0] self.assertEquals(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "hosts"), load_facts_args[0]) self.assertEquals(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "playbooks/byo/openshift_facts.yml"), load_facts_args[1]) env_vars = load_facts_args[2] self.assertEquals(os.path.join(self.work_dir, '.ansible/callback_facts.yaml'), env_vars['OO_INSTALL_CALLBACK_FACTS_YAML']) self.assertEqual('/tmp/ansible.log', env_vars['ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH']) def _verify_run_playbook(self, run_playbook_mock, exp_hosts_len, exp_hosts_to_run_on_len): """ Check that we ran playbook with expected inputs. """ hosts = run_playbook_mock.call_args[0][1] hosts_to_run_on = run_playbook_mock.call_args[0][2] self.assertEquals(exp_hosts_len, len(hosts)) self.assertEquals(exp_hosts_to_run_on_len, len(hosts_to_run_on)) def _verify_config_hosts(self, written_config, host_count): self.assertEquals(host_count, len(written_config['deployment']['hosts'])) for host in written_config['deployment']['hosts']: self.assertTrue('hostname' in host) self.assertTrue('public_hostname' in host) if 'preconfigured' not in host: if 'roles' in host: self.assertTrue('node' in host['roles'] or 'storage' in host['roles']) self.assertTrue('ip' in host) self.assertTrue('public_ip' in host) #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def _verify_get_hosts_to_run_on(self, mock_facts, load_facts_mock, run_playbook_mock, cli_input, exp_hosts_len=None, exp_hosts_to_run_on_len=None, force=None): """ Tests cli_installer.py:get_hosts_to_run_on. That method has quite a few subtle branches in the logic. The goal with this method is simply to handle all the messy stuff here and allow the main test cases to be easily read. The basic idea is to modify mock_facts to return a version indicating OpenShift is already installed on particular hosts. """ load_facts_mock.return_value = (mock_facts, 0) run_playbook_mock.return_value = 0 if cli_input: self.cli_args.append("install") result = self.runner.invoke(cli.cli, self.cli_args, input=cli_input) else: config_file = self.write_config( os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ooinstall.conf'), SAMPLE_CONFIG % 'openshift-enterprise') self.cli_args.extend(["-c", config_file, "install"]) if force: self.cli_args.append("--force") result = self.runner.invoke(cli.cli, self.cli_args) written_config = read_yaml(config_file) self._verify_config_hosts(written_config, exp_hosts_len) if "Uninstalled" in result.output: # verify we exited on seeing uninstalled hosts self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1) else: self.assert_result(result, 0) self._verify_load_facts(load_facts_mock) self._verify_run_playbook(run_playbook_mock, exp_hosts_len, exp_hosts_to_run_on_len) # Make sure we ran on the expected masters and nodes: hosts = run_playbook_mock.call_args[0][1] hosts_to_run_on = run_playbook_mock.call_args[0][2] self.assertEquals(exp_hosts_len, len(hosts)) self.assertEquals(exp_hosts_to_run_on_len, len(hosts_to_run_on)) #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches,too-many-statements def build_input(ssh_user=None, hosts=None, variant_num=None, add_nodes=None, confirm_facts=None, schedulable_masters_ok=None, master_lb=None, storage=None): """ Build an input string simulating a user entering values in an interactive attended install. This is intended to give us one place to update when the CLI prompts change. We should aim to keep this dependent on optional keyword arguments with sensible defaults to keep things from getting too fragile. """ inputs = [ 'y', # let's proceed ] if ssh_user: inputs.append(ssh_user) if variant_num: inputs.append(str(variant_num)) # Choose variant + version num_masters = 0 if hosts: i = 0 for (host, is_master, is_containerized) in hosts: inputs.append(host) if is_master: inputs.append('y') num_masters += 1 else: inputs.append('n') if is_containerized: inputs.append('container') else: inputs.append('rpm') #inputs.append('rpm') # We should not be prompted to add more hosts if we're currently at # 2 masters, this is an invalid HA configuration, so this question # will not be asked, and the user must enter the next host: if num_masters != 2: if i < len(hosts) - 1: if num_masters >= 1: inputs.append('y') # Add more hosts else: inputs.append('n') # Done adding hosts i += 1 # You can pass a single master_lb or a list if you intend for one to get rejected: if master_lb: if isinstance(master_lb[0], list) or isinstance(master_lb[0], tuple): inputs.extend(master_lb[0]) else: inputs.append(master_lb[0]) inputs.append('y' if master_lb[1] else 'n') if storage: inputs.append(storage) inputs.append('subdomain.example.com') inputs.append('proxy.example.com') inputs.append('proxy-private.example.com') inputs.append('exclude.example.com') # TODO: support option 2, fresh install if add_nodes: if schedulable_masters_ok: inputs.append('y') inputs.append('1') # Add more nodes i = 0 for (host, is_master, is_containerized) in add_nodes: inputs.append(host) if is_containerized: inputs.append('container') else: inputs.append('rpm') #inputs.append('rpm') if i < len(add_nodes) - 1: inputs.append('y') # Add more hosts else: inputs.append('n') # Done adding hosts i += 1 if add_nodes is None: total_hosts = hosts else: total_hosts = hosts + add_nodes if total_hosts is not None and num_masters == len(total_hosts): inputs.append('y') inputs.extend([ confirm_facts, 'y', # lets do this ]) return '\n'.join(inputs)