# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,no-self-use,no-value-for-parameter,too-many-lines import logging import os import sys import click from pkg_resources import parse_version from ooinstall import openshift_ansible, utils from ooinstall.oo_config import Host, OOConfig, OOConfigInvalidHostError, Role from ooinstall.variants import find_variant, get_variant_version_combos INSTALLER_LOG = logging.getLogger('installer') INSTALLER_LOG.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) INSTALLER_FILE_HANDLER = logging.FileHandler('/tmp/installer.txt') INSTALLER_FILE_HANDLER.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')) # Example output: # 2016-08-23 07:34:58,480 - installer - DEBUG - Going to 'load_system_facts' INSTALLER_FILE_HANDLER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) INSTALLER_LOG.addHandler(INSTALLER_FILE_HANDLER) DEFAULT_ANSIBLE_CONFIG = '/usr/share/atomic-openshift-utils/ansible.cfg' QUIET_ANSIBLE_CONFIG = '/usr/share/atomic-openshift-utils/ansible-quiet.cfg' DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK_DIR = '/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/' UPGRADE_MAPPINGS = { '3.0': { 'minor_version': '3.0', 'minor_playbook': 'v3_0_minor/upgrade.yml', 'major_version': '3.1', 'major_playbook': 'v3_0_to_v3_1/upgrade.yml', }, '3.1': { 'minor_version': '3.1', 'minor_playbook': 'v3_1_minor/upgrade.yml', 'major_playbook': 'v3_1_to_v3_2/upgrade.yml', 'major_version': '3.2', }, '3.2': { 'minor_version': '3.2', 'minor_playbook': 'v3_2/upgrade.yml', 'major_playbook': 'v3_3/upgrade.yml', 'major_version': '3.3', }, } def validate_ansible_dir(path): if not path: raise click.BadParameter('An Ansible path must be provided') return path # if not os.path.exists(path)): # raise click.BadParameter("Path \"{}\" doesn't exist".format(path)) def validate_prompt_hostname(hostname): if hostname == '' or utils.is_valid_hostname(hostname): return hostname raise click.BadParameter('Invalid hostname. Please double-check this value and re-enter it.') def get_ansible_ssh_user(): click.clear() message = """ This installation process involves connecting to remote hosts via ssh. Any account may be used. However, if a non-root account is used, then it must have passwordless sudo access. """ click.echo(message) return click.prompt('User for ssh access', default='root') def get_routingconfig_subdomain(): click.clear() message = """ You might want to override the default subdomain used for exposed routes. If you don't know what this is, use the default value. """ click.echo(message) return click.prompt('New default subdomain (ENTER for none)', default='') def list_hosts(hosts): hosts_idx = range(len(hosts)) for idx in hosts_idx: click.echo(' {}: {}'.format(idx, hosts[idx])) def collect_hosts(oo_cfg, existing_env=False, masters_set=False, print_summary=True): """ Collect host information from user. This will later be filled in using Ansible. Returns: a list of host information collected from the user """ click.clear() click.echo('*** Host Configuration ***') message = """ You must now specify the hosts that will compose your OpenShift cluster. Please enter an IP address or hostname to connect to for each system in the cluster. You will then be prompted to identify what role you want this system to serve in the cluster. OpenShift masters serve the API and web console and coordinate the jobs to run across the environment. Optionally, you can specify multiple master systems for a high-availability (HA) deployment. If you choose an HA deployment, then you are prompted to identify a *separate* system to act as the load balancer for your cluster once you define all masters and nodes. Any masters configured as part of this installation process are also configured as nodes. This enables the master to proxy to pods from the API. By default, this node is unschedulable, but this can be changed after installation with the 'oadm manage-node' command. OpenShift nodes provide the runtime environments for containers. They host the required services to be managed by the master. http://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/architecture/infrastructure_components/kubernetes_infrastructure.html#master http://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/architecture/infrastructure_components/kubernetes_infrastructure.html#node """ click.echo(message) hosts = [] roles = set(['master', 'node', 'storage', 'etcd']) more_hosts = True num_masters = 0 while more_hosts: host_props = {} host_props['roles'] = [] host_props['connect_to'] = click.prompt('Enter hostname or IP address', value_proc=validate_prompt_hostname) if not masters_set: if click.confirm('Will this host be an OpenShift master?'): host_props['roles'].append('master') host_props['roles'].append('etcd') num_masters += 1 if oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] == '3.0': masters_set = True host_props['roles'].append('node') host_props['containerized'] = False if oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] != '3.0': rpm_or_container = \ click.prompt('Will this host be RPM or Container based (rpm/container)?', type=click.Choice(['rpm', 'container']), default='rpm') if rpm_or_container == 'container': host_props['containerized'] = True host_props['new_host'] = existing_env host = Host(**host_props) hosts.append(host) if print_summary: print_installation_summary(hosts, oo_cfg.settings['variant_version']) # If we have one master, this is enough for an all-in-one deployment, # thus we can start asking if you want to proceed. Otherwise we assume # you must. if masters_set or num_masters != 2: more_hosts = click.confirm('Do you want to add additional hosts?') master_lb = collect_master_lb(hosts) if master_lb: hosts.append(master_lb) roles.add('master_lb') if not existing_env: collect_storage_host(hosts) return hosts, roles # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def print_installation_summary(hosts, version=None, verbose=True): """ Displays a summary of all hosts configured thus far, and what role each will play. Shows total nodes/masters, hints for performing/modifying the deployment with additional setup, warnings for invalid or sub-optimal configurations. """ click.clear() click.echo('*** Installation Summary ***\n') click.echo('Hosts:') for host in hosts: print_host_summary(hosts, host) masters = [host for host in hosts if host.is_master()] nodes = [host for host in hosts if host.is_node()] dedicated_nodes = [host for host in hosts if host.is_node() and not host.is_master()] click.echo('') click.echo('Total OpenShift masters: %s' % len(masters)) click.echo('Total OpenShift nodes: %s' % len(nodes)) if verbose: if len(masters) == 1 and version != '3.0': ha_hint_message = """ NOTE: Add a total of 3 or more masters to perform an HA installation.""" click.echo(ha_hint_message) elif len(masters) == 2: min_masters_message = """ WARNING: A minimum of 3 masters are required to perform an HA installation. Please add one more to proceed.""" click.echo(min_masters_message) elif len(masters) >= 3: ha_message = """ NOTE: Multiple masters specified, this will be an HA deployment with a separate etcd cluster. You will be prompted to provide the FQDN of a load balancer and a host for storage once finished entering hosts. """ click.echo(ha_message) dedicated_nodes_message = """ WARNING: Dedicated nodes are recommended for an HA deployment. If no dedicated nodes are specified, each configured master will be marked as a schedulable node.""" min_ha_nodes_message = """ WARNING: A minimum of 3 dedicated nodes are recommended for an HA deployment.""" if len(dedicated_nodes) == 0: click.echo(dedicated_nodes_message) elif len(dedicated_nodes) < 3: click.echo(min_ha_nodes_message) click.echo('') def print_host_summary(all_hosts, host): click.echo("- %s" % host.connect_to) if host.is_master(): click.echo(" - OpenShift master") if host.is_node(): if host.is_dedicated_node(): click.echo(" - OpenShift node (Dedicated)") elif host.is_schedulable_node(all_hosts): click.echo(" - OpenShift node") else: click.echo(" - OpenShift node (Unscheduled)") if host.is_master_lb(): if host.preconfigured: click.echo(" - Load Balancer (Preconfigured)") else: click.echo(" - Load Balancer (HAProxy)") if host.is_etcd(): click.echo(" - Etcd") if host.is_storage(): click.echo(" - Storage") if host.new_host: click.echo(" - NEW") def collect_master_lb(hosts): """ Get a valid load balancer from the user and append it to the list of hosts. Ensure user does not specify a system already used as a master/node as this is an invalid configuration. """ message = """ Setting up high-availability masters requires a load balancing solution. Please provide the FQDN of a host that will be configured as a proxy. This can be either an existing load balancer configured to balance all masters on port 8443 or a new host that will have HAProxy installed on it. If the host provided is not yet configured, a reference HAProxy load balancer will be installed. It's important to note that while the rest of the environment will be fault-tolerant, this reference load balancer will not be. It can be replaced post-installation with a load balancer with the same hostname. """ click.echo(message) host_props = {} # Using an embedded function here so we have access to the hosts list: def validate_prompt_lb(hostname): # Run the standard hostname check first: hostname = validate_prompt_hostname(hostname) # Make sure this host wasn't already specified: for host in hosts: if host.connect_to == hostname and (host.is_master() or host.is_node()): raise click.BadParameter('Cannot re-use "%s" as a load balancer, ' 'please specify a separate host' % hostname) return hostname lb_hostname = click.prompt('Enter hostname or IP address', value_proc=validate_prompt_lb, default='') if lb_hostname: host_props['connect_to'] = lb_hostname install_haproxy = \ click.confirm('Should the reference HAProxy load balancer be installed on this host?') host_props['preconfigured'] = not install_haproxy host_props['roles'] = ['master_lb'] return Host(**host_props) else: return None def collect_storage_host(hosts): """ Get a valid host for storage from the user and append it to the list of hosts. """ message = """ Setting up high-availability masters requires a storage host. Please provide a host that will be configured as a Registry Storage. Note: Containerized storage hosts are not currently supported. """ click.echo(message) host_props = {} first_master = next(host for host in hosts if host.is_master()) hostname_or_ip = click.prompt('Enter hostname or IP address', value_proc=validate_prompt_hostname, default=first_master.connect_to) existing, existing_host = is_host_already_node_or_master(hostname_or_ip, hosts) if existing and existing_host.is_node(): existing_host.roles.append('storage') else: host_props['connect_to'] = hostname_or_ip host_props['preconfigured'] = False host_props['roles'] = ['storage'] storage = Host(**host_props) hosts.append(storage) def is_host_already_node_or_master(hostname, hosts): is_existing = False existing_host = None for host in hosts: if host.connect_to == hostname and (host.is_master() or host.is_node()): is_existing = True existing_host = host return is_existing, existing_host def confirm_hosts_facts(oo_cfg, callback_facts): hosts = oo_cfg.deployment.hosts click.clear() message = """ The following is a list of the facts gathered from the provided hosts. The hostname for a system inside the cluster is often different from the hostname that is resolveable from command-line or web clients, therefore these settings cannot be validated automatically. For some cloud providers, the installer is able to gather metadata exposed in the instance, so reasonable defaults will be provided. Please confirm that they are correct before moving forward. """ notes = """ Format: connect_to,IP,public IP,hostname,public hostname Notes: * The installation host is the hostname from the installer's perspective. * The IP of the host should be the internal IP of the instance. * The public IP should be the externally accessible IP associated with the instance * The hostname should resolve to the internal IP from the instances themselves. * The public hostname should resolve to the external IP from hosts outside of the cloud. """ # For testing purposes we need to click.echo only once, so build up # the message: output = message default_facts_lines = [] default_facts = {} for host in hosts: if host.preconfigured: continue try: default_facts[host.connect_to] = {} host.ip = callback_facts[host.connect_to]["common"]["ip"] host.public_ip = callback_facts[host.connect_to]["common"]["public_ip"] host.hostname = callback_facts[host.connect_to]["common"]["hostname"] host.public_hostname = callback_facts[host.connect_to]["common"]["public_hostname"] except KeyError: click.echo("Problem fetching facts from {}".format(host.connect_to)) continue default_facts_lines.append(",".join([host.connect_to, host.ip, host.public_ip, host.hostname, host.public_hostname])) output = "%s\n%s" % (output, ",".join([host.connect_to, host.ip, host.public_ip, host.hostname, host.public_hostname])) output = "%s\n%s" % (output, notes) click.echo(output) facts_confirmed = click.confirm("Do the above facts look correct?") if not facts_confirmed: message = """ Edit %s with the desired values and run `atomic-openshift-installer --unattended install` to restart the install. """ % oo_cfg.config_path click.echo(message) # Make sure we actually write out the config file. oo_cfg.save_to_disk() sys.exit(0) return default_facts def check_hosts_config(oo_cfg, unattended): click.clear() masters = [host for host in oo_cfg.deployment.hosts if host.is_master()] if len(masters) == 2: click.echo("A minimum of 3 masters are required for HA deployments.") sys.exit(1) if len(masters) > 1: master_lb = [host for host in oo_cfg.deployment.hosts if host.is_master_lb()] if len(master_lb) > 1: click.echo('ERROR: More than one master load balancer specified. Only one is allowed.') sys.exit(1) elif len(master_lb) == 1: if master_lb[0].is_master() or master_lb[0].is_node(): click.echo('ERROR: The master load balancer is configured as a master or node. ' 'Please correct this.') sys.exit(1) else: message = """ ERROR: No master load balancer specified in config. You must provide the FQDN of a load balancer to balance the API (port 8443) on all master hosts. https://docs.openshift.org/latest/install_config/install/advanced_install.html#multiple-masters """ click.echo(message) sys.exit(1) dedicated_nodes = [host for host in oo_cfg.deployment.hosts if host.is_node() and not host.is_master()] if len(dedicated_nodes) == 0: message = """ WARNING: No dedicated nodes specified. By default, colocated masters have their nodes set to unschedulable. If you proceed all nodes will be labelled as schedulable. """ if unattended: click.echo(message) else: confirm_continue(message) return def get_variant_and_version(multi_master=False): message = "\nWhich variant would you like to install?\n\n" i = 1 combos = get_variant_version_combos() for (variant, version) in combos: message = "%s\n(%s) %s" % (message, i, variant.description) i = i + 1 message = "%s\n" % message click.echo(message) if multi_master: click.echo('NOTE: 3.0 installations are not') response = click.prompt("Choose a variant from above: ", default=1) product, version = combos[response - 1] return product, version def confirm_continue(message): if message: click.echo(message) click.confirm("Are you ready to continue?", default=False, abort=True) return def error_if_missing_info(oo_cfg): missing_info = False if not oo_cfg.deployment.hosts: missing_info = True click.echo('For unattended installs, hosts must be specified on the ' 'command line or in the config file: %s' % oo_cfg.config_path) sys.exit(1) if 'ansible_ssh_user' not in oo_cfg.deployment.variables: click.echo("Must specify ansible_ssh_user in configuration file.") sys.exit(1) # Lookup a variant based on the key we were given: if not oo_cfg.settings['variant']: click.echo("No variant specified in configuration file.") sys.exit(1) ver = None if 'variant_version' in oo_cfg.settings: ver = oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] variant, version = find_variant(oo_cfg.settings['variant'], version=ver) if variant is None or version is None: err_variant_name = oo_cfg.settings['variant'] if ver: err_variant_name = "%s %s" % (err_variant_name, ver) click.echo("%s is not an installable variant." % err_variant_name) sys.exit(1) oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] = version.name # check that all listed host roles are included listed_roles = oo_cfg.get_host_roles_set() configured_roles = set([role for role in oo_cfg.deployment.roles]) if listed_roles != configured_roles: missing_info = True click.echo('Any roles assigned to hosts must be defined.') if missing_info: sys.exit(1) def get_proxy_hosts_excludes(): message = """ If a proxy is needed to reach HTTP and HTTPS traffic, please enter the name below. This proxy will be configured by default for all processes that need to reach systems outside the cluster. An example proxy value would be: http://proxy.example.com:8080/ More advanced configuration is possible if using Ansible directly: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/http_proxies.html """ click.echo(message) message = "Specify your http proxy ? (ENTER for none)" http_proxy_hostname = click.prompt(message, default='') # TODO: Fix this prompt message and behavior. 'ENTER' will default # to the http_proxy_hostname if one was provided message = "Specify your https proxy ? (ENTER for none)" https_proxy_hostname = click.prompt(message, default=http_proxy_hostname) if http_proxy_hostname or https_proxy_hostname: message = """ All hosts in your OpenShift inventory will automatically be added to the NO_PROXY value. Please provide any additional hosts to be added to NO_PROXY. (ENTER for none) """ proxy_excludes = click.prompt(message, default='') else: proxy_excludes = '' return http_proxy_hostname, https_proxy_hostname, proxy_excludes def get_missing_info_from_user(oo_cfg): """ Prompts the user for any information missing from the given configuration. """ click.clear() message = """ Welcome to the OpenShift Enterprise 3 installation. Please confirm that following prerequisites have been met: * All systems where OpenShift will be installed are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. * All systems are properly subscribed to the required OpenShift Enterprise 3 repositories. * All systems have run docker-storage-setup (part of the Red Hat docker RPM). * All systems have working DNS that resolves not only from the perspective of the installer, but also from within the cluster. When the process completes you will have a default configuration for masters and nodes. For ongoing environment maintenance it's recommended that the official Ansible playbooks be used. For more information on installation prerequisites please see: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/admin_guide/install/prerequisites.html """ confirm_continue(message) click.clear() if not oo_cfg.deployment.variables.get('ansible_ssh_user', False): oo_cfg.deployment.variables['ansible_ssh_user'] = get_ansible_ssh_user() click.clear() if not oo_cfg.settings.get('variant', ''): variant, version = get_variant_and_version() oo_cfg.settings['variant'] = variant.name oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] = version.name oo_cfg.settings['variant_subtype'] = version.subtype click.clear() if not oo_cfg.deployment.hosts: oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, roles = collect_hosts(oo_cfg) set_infra_nodes(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts) for role in roles: oo_cfg.deployment.roles[role] = Role(name=role, variables={}) click.clear() if 'master_routingconfig_subdomain' not in oo_cfg.deployment.variables: oo_cfg.deployment.variables['master_routingconfig_subdomain'] = \ get_routingconfig_subdomain() click.clear() # Are any proxy vars already presisted? proxy_vars = ['proxy_exclude_hosts', 'proxy_https', 'proxy_http'] # Empty list if NO proxy vars were presisted saved_proxy_vars = [pv for pv in proxy_vars if oo_cfg.deployment.variables.get(pv, 'UNSET') is not 'UNSET'] INSTALLER_LOG.debug("Evaluated proxy settings, found %s presisted values", len(saved_proxy_vars)) current_version = parse_version( oo_cfg.settings.get('variant_version', '0.0')) min_version = parse_version('3.2') # No proxy vars were saved and we are running a version which # recognizes proxy parameters. We must prompt the user for values # if this conditional is true. if not saved_proxy_vars and current_version >= min_version: INSTALLER_LOG.debug("Prompting user to enter proxy values") http_proxy, https_proxy, proxy_excludes = get_proxy_hosts_excludes() oo_cfg.deployment.variables['proxy_http'] = http_proxy oo_cfg.deployment.variables['proxy_https'] = https_proxy oo_cfg.deployment.variables['proxy_exclude_hosts'] = proxy_excludes click.clear() return oo_cfg def get_role_variable(oo_cfg, role_name, variable_name): try: target_role = next(role for role in oo_cfg.deployment.roles if role.name is role_name) target_variable = target_role.variables[variable_name] return target_variable except (StopIteration, KeyError): return None def set_role_variable(oo_cfg, role_name, variable_name, variable_value): target_role = next(role for role in oo_cfg.deployment.roles if role.name is role_name) target_role[variable_name] = variable_value def collect_new_nodes(oo_cfg): click.clear() click.echo('*** New Node Configuration ***') message = """ Add new nodes here """ click.echo(message) new_nodes, _ = collect_hosts(oo_cfg, existing_env=True, masters_set=True, print_summary=False) return new_nodes def get_installed_hosts(hosts, callback_facts): installed_hosts = [] uninstalled_hosts = [] for host in [h for h in hosts if h.is_master() or h.is_node()]: if host.connect_to in callback_facts.keys(): if is_installed_host(host, callback_facts): installed_hosts.append(host) else: uninstalled_hosts.append(host) return installed_hosts, uninstalled_hosts def is_installed_host(host, callback_facts): version_found = 'common' in callback_facts[host.connect_to].keys() and \ callback_facts[host.connect_to]['common'].get('version', '') and \ callback_facts[host.connect_to]['common'].get('version', '') != 'None' return version_found def get_hosts_to_run_on(oo_cfg, callback_facts, unattended, force): """ We get here once there are hosts in oo_cfg and we need to find out what state they are in. There are several different cases that might occur: 1. All hosts in oo_cfg are uninstalled. In this case, we should proceed with a normal installation. 2. All hosts in oo_cfg are installed. In this case, ask the user if they want to force reinstall or exit. We can also hint in this case about the scaleup workflow. 3. Some hosts are installed and some are uninstalled. In this case, prompt the user if they want to force (re)install all hosts specified or direct them to the scaleup workflow and exit. """ hosts_to_run_on = [] # Check if master or nodes already have something installed installed_hosts, uninstalled_hosts = get_installed_hosts(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, callback_facts) nodes = [host for host in oo_cfg.deployment.hosts if host.is_node()] # Case (1): All uninstalled hosts if len(uninstalled_hosts) == len(nodes): click.echo('All hosts in config are uninstalled. Proceeding with installation...') hosts_to_run_on = list(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts) else: # Case (2): All installed hosts if len(installed_hosts) == len(list(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts)): message = """ All specified hosts in specified environment are installed. """ # Case (3): Some installed, some uninstalled else: message = """ A mix of installed and uninstalled hosts have been detected in your environment. Please make sure your environment was installed successfully before adding new nodes. """ click.echo(message) if not unattended: response = click.confirm('Do you want to (re)install the environment?\n\n' 'Note: This will potentially erase any custom changes.') if response: hosts_to_run_on = list(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts) force = True elif unattended and force: hosts_to_run_on = list(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts) if not force: message = """ If you want to force reinstall of your environment, run: `atomic-openshift-installer install --force` If you want to add new nodes to this environment, run: `atomic-openshift-installer scaleup` """ click.echo(message) sys.exit(1) return hosts_to_run_on, callback_facts def set_infra_nodes(hosts): if all(host.is_master() for host in hosts): infra_list = hosts else: nodes_list = [host for host in hosts if host.is_schedulable_node(hosts)] infra_list = nodes_list[:2] for host in infra_list: host.node_labels = "{'region': 'infra'}" def run_config_playbook(oo_cfg, hosts_to_run_on, unattended, verbose, gen_inventory): # Write Ansible inventory file to disk: inventory_file = openshift_ansible.generate_inventory(hosts_to_run_on) click.echo() click.echo('Wrote atomic-openshift-installer config: %s' % oo_cfg.config_path) click.echo("Wrote Ansible inventory: %s" % inventory_file) click.echo() if gen_inventory: sys.exit(0) click.echo('Ready to run installation process.') message = """ If changes are needed please edit the config file above and re-run. """ if not unattended: confirm_continue(message) error = openshift_ansible.run_main_playbook(inventory_file, oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, hosts_to_run_on, verbose) if error: # The bootstrap script will print out the log location. message = """ An error was detected. After resolving the problem please relaunch the installation process. """ click.echo(message) sys.exit(1) else: message = """ The installation was successful! If this is your first time installing please take a look at the Administrator Guide for advanced options related to routing, storage, authentication, and more: http://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/admin_guide/overview.html """ click.echo(message) @click.group() @click.pass_context @click.option('--unattended', '-u', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--configuration', '-c', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True, readable=True), default=None) @click.option('--ansible-playbook-directory', '-a', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, readable=True), # callback=validate_ansible_dir, default=DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK_DIR, envvar='OO_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_DIRECTORY') @click.option('--ansible-log-path', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True, readable=True), default="/tmp/ansible.log") @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('-d', '--debug', help="Enable installer debugging (/tmp/installer.log)", is_flag=True, default=False) @click.help_option('--help', '-h') # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=line-too-long # Main CLI entrypoint, not much we can do about too many arguments. def cli(ctx, unattended, configuration, ansible_playbook_directory, ansible_log_path, verbose, debug): """ atomic-openshift-installer makes the process for installing OSE or AEP easier by interactively gathering the data needed to run on each host. It can also be run in unattended mode if provided with a configuration file. Further reading: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/install/quick_install.html """ if debug: # DEFAULT log level threshold is set to CRITICAL (the # highest), anything below that (we only use debug/warning # presently) is not logged. If '-d' is given though, we'll # lower the threshold to debug (almost everything gets through) INSTALLER_LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) INSTALLER_LOG.debug("Quick Installer debugging initialized") ctx.obj = {} ctx.obj['unattended'] = unattended ctx.obj['configuration'] = configuration ctx.obj['ansible_log_path'] = ansible_log_path ctx.obj['verbose'] = verbose try: oo_cfg = OOConfig(ctx.obj['configuration']) except OOConfigInvalidHostError as err: click.echo(err) sys.exit(1) # If no playbook dir on the CLI, check the config: if not ansible_playbook_directory: ansible_playbook_directory = oo_cfg.settings.get('ansible_playbook_directory', '') # If still no playbook dir, check for the default location: if not ansible_playbook_directory and os.path.exists(DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK_DIR): ansible_playbook_directory = DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK_DIR validate_ansible_dir(ansible_playbook_directory) oo_cfg.settings['ansible_playbook_directory'] = ansible_playbook_directory oo_cfg.ansible_playbook_directory = ansible_playbook_directory ctx.obj['ansible_playbook_directory'] = ansible_playbook_directory if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_ANSIBLE_CONFIG): # If we're installed by RPM this file should exist and we can use it as our default: oo_cfg.settings['ansible_config'] = DEFAULT_ANSIBLE_CONFIG if not verbose and os.path.exists(QUIET_ANSIBLE_CONFIG): oo_cfg.settings['ansible_quiet_config'] = QUIET_ANSIBLE_CONFIG oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path'] = ctx.obj['ansible_log_path'] ctx.obj['oo_cfg'] = oo_cfg openshift_ansible.set_config(oo_cfg) @click.command() @click.pass_context def uninstall(ctx): oo_cfg = ctx.obj['oo_cfg'] verbose = ctx.obj['verbose'] if hasattr(oo_cfg, 'deployment'): hosts = oo_cfg.deployment.hosts elif hasattr(oo_cfg, 'hosts'): hosts = oo_cfg.hosts else: click.echo("No hosts defined in: %s" % oo_cfg.config_path) sys.exit(1) click.echo("OpenShift will be uninstalled from the following hosts:\n") if not ctx.obj['unattended']: # Prompt interactively to confirm: for host in hosts: click.echo(" * %s" % host.connect_to) proceed = click.confirm("\nDo you want to proceed?") if not proceed: click.echo("Uninstall cancelled.") sys.exit(0) openshift_ansible.run_uninstall_playbook(hosts, verbose) @click.command() @click.option('--latest-minor', '-l', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--next-major', '-n', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.pass_context # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches def upgrade(ctx, latest_minor, next_major): oo_cfg = ctx.obj['oo_cfg'] if len(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts) == 0: click.echo("No hosts defined in: %s" % oo_cfg.config_path) sys.exit(1) variant = oo_cfg.settings['variant'] if find_variant(variant)[0] is None: click.echo("%s is not a supported variant for upgrade." % variant) sys.exit(0) old_version = oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] try: mapping = UPGRADE_MAPPINGS[old_version] except KeyError: click.echo('No upgrades available for %s %s' % (variant, old_version)) sys.exit(0) message = """ This tool will help you upgrade your existing OpenShift installation. Currently running: %s %s """ click.echo(message % (variant, old_version)) # Map the dynamic upgrade options to the playbook to run for each. # Index offset by 1. # List contains tuples of booleans for (latest_minor, next_major) selections = [] if not (latest_minor or next_major): i = 0 if 'minor_playbook' in mapping: click.echo("(%s) Update to latest %s" % (i + 1, old_version)) selections.append((True, False)) i += 1 if 'major_playbook' in mapping: click.echo("(%s) Upgrade to next release: %s" % (i + 1, mapping['major_version'])) selections.append((False, True)) i += 1 response = click.prompt("\nChoose an option from above", type=click.Choice(list(map(str, range(1, len(selections) + 1))))) latest_minor, next_major = selections[int(response) - 1] if next_major: if 'major_playbook' not in mapping: click.echo("No major upgrade supported for %s %s with this version " "of atomic-openshift-utils." % (variant, old_version)) sys.exit(0) playbook = mapping['major_playbook'] new_version = mapping['major_version'] # Update config to reflect the version we're targeting, we'll write # to disk once Ansible completes successfully, not before. oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] = new_version if oo_cfg.settings['variant'] == 'enterprise': oo_cfg.settings['variant'] = 'openshift-enterprise' if latest_minor: if 'minor_playbook' not in mapping: click.echo("No minor upgrade supported for %s %s with this version " "of atomic-openshift-utils." % (variant, old_version)) sys.exit(0) playbook = mapping['minor_playbook'] new_version = old_version click.echo("OpenShift will be upgraded from %s %s to latest %s %s on the following hosts:\n" % ( variant, old_version, oo_cfg.settings['variant'], new_version)) for host in oo_cfg.deployment.hosts: click.echo(" * %s" % host.connect_to) if not ctx.obj['unattended']: # Prompt interactively to confirm: if not click.confirm("\nDo you want to proceed?"): click.echo("Upgrade cancelled.") sys.exit(0) retcode = openshift_ansible.run_upgrade_playbook(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, playbook, ctx.obj['verbose']) if retcode > 0: click.echo("Errors encountered during upgrade, please check %s." % oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path']) else: oo_cfg.save_to_disk() click.echo("Upgrade completed! Rebooting all hosts is recommended.") @click.command() @click.option('--force', '-f', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--gen-inventory', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Generate an Ansible inventory file and exit.") @click.pass_context def install(ctx, force, gen_inventory): oo_cfg = ctx.obj['oo_cfg'] verbose = ctx.obj['verbose'] unattended = ctx.obj['unattended'] if unattended: error_if_missing_info(oo_cfg) else: oo_cfg = get_missing_info_from_user(oo_cfg) check_hosts_config(oo_cfg, unattended) print_installation_summary(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, oo_cfg.settings.get('variant_version', None)) click.echo('Gathering information from hosts...') callback_facts, error = openshift_ansible.default_facts(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, verbose) if error or callback_facts is None: click.echo("There was a problem fetching the required information. " "Please see {} for details.".format(oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path'])) sys.exit(1) hosts_to_run_on, callback_facts = get_hosts_to_run_on(oo_cfg, callback_facts, unattended, force) # We already verified this is not the case for unattended installs, so this can # only trigger for live CLI users: if not ctx.obj['unattended'] and len(oo_cfg.calc_missing_facts()) > 0: confirm_hosts_facts(oo_cfg, callback_facts) # Write quick installer config file to disk: oo_cfg.save_to_disk() run_config_playbook(oo_cfg, hosts_to_run_on, unattended, verbose, gen_inventory) @click.command() @click.option('--gen-inventory', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Generate an Ansible inventory file and exit.") @click.pass_context def scaleup(ctx, gen_inventory): oo_cfg = ctx.obj['oo_cfg'] verbose = ctx.obj['verbose'] unattended = ctx.obj['unattended'] installed_hosts = list(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts) if len(installed_hosts) == 0: click.echo('No hosts specified.') sys.exit(1) click.echo('Welcome to the OpenShift Enterprise 3 Scaleup utility.') print_installation_summary(installed_hosts, oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'], verbose=False,) message = """ --- We have detected this previously installed OpenShift environment. This tool will guide you through the process of adding additional nodes to your cluster. """ confirm_continue(message) error_if_missing_info(oo_cfg) check_hosts_config(oo_cfg, True) installed_masters = [host for host in installed_hosts if host.is_master()] new_nodes = collect_new_nodes(oo_cfg) oo_cfg.deployment.hosts.extend(new_nodes) hosts_to_run_on = installed_masters + new_nodes openshift_ansible.set_config(oo_cfg) click.echo('Gathering information from hosts...') callback_facts, error = openshift_ansible.default_facts(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, verbose) if error or callback_facts is None: click.echo("There was a problem fetching the required information. See " "{} for details.".format(oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path'])) sys.exit(1) print_installation_summary(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, oo_cfg.settings.get('variant_version', None)) click.echo('Gathering information from hosts...') callback_facts, error = openshift_ansible.default_facts(oo_cfg.deployment.hosts, verbose) if error or callback_facts is None: click.echo("There was a problem fetching the required information. " "Please see {} for details.".format(oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path'])) sys.exit(1) # We already verified this is not the case for unattended installs, so this can # only trigger for live CLI users: if not ctx.obj['unattended'] and len(oo_cfg.calc_missing_facts()) > 0: confirm_hosts_facts(oo_cfg, callback_facts) # Write quick installer config file to disk: oo_cfg.save_to_disk() run_config_playbook(oo_cfg, hosts_to_run_on, unattended, verbose, gen_inventory) cli.add_command(install) cli.add_command(scaleup) cli.add_command(upgrade) cli.add_command(uninstall) if __name__ == '__main__': # This is expected behaviour for context passing with click library: # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg cli(obj={})