# TODO: Temporarily disabled due to importing old code into openshift-ansible # repo. We will work on these over time. # pylint: disable=bad-continuation,missing-docstring,no-self-use,invalid-name,no-value-for-parameter import click import os import re import sys from ooinstall import install_transactions from ooinstall import OOConfig from ooinstall.oo_config import Host from ooinstall.variants import find_variant, get_variant_version_combos DEFAULT_ANSIBLE_CONFIG = '/usr/share/atomic-openshift-util/ansible.cfg' def validate_ansible_dir(path): if not path: raise click.BadParameter('An ansible path must be provided') return path # if not os.path.exists(path)): # raise click.BadParameter("Path \"{}\" doesn't exist".format(path)) def is_valid_hostname(hostname): if not hostname or len(hostname) > 255: return False if hostname[-1] == ".": hostname = hostname[:-1] # strip exactly one dot from the right, if present allowed = re.compile(r"(?!-)[A-Z\d-]{1,63}(? 0: missing_info = True click.echo('For unattended installs, facts must be provided for all masters/nodes:') for host in missing_facts: click.echo('Host "%s" missing facts: %s' % (host, ", ".join(missing_facts[host]))) if missing_info: sys.exit(1) def get_missing_info_from_user(oo_cfg): """ Prompts the user for any information missing from the given configuration. """ click.clear() message = """ Welcome to the OpenShift Enterprise 3 installation. Please confirm that following prerequisites have been met: * All systems where OpenShift will be installed are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. * All systems are properly subscribed to the required OpenShift Enterprise 3 repositories. * All systems have run docker-storage-setup (part of the Red Hat docker RPM). * All systems have working DNS that resolves not only from the perspective of the installer but also from within the cluster. When the process completes you will have a default configuration for Masters and Nodes. For ongoing environment maintenance it's recommended that the official Ansible playbooks be used. For more information on installation prerequisites please see: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/admin_guide/install/prerequisites.html """ confirm_continue(message) click.clear() if oo_cfg.settings.get('ansible_ssh_user', '') == '': oo_cfg.settings['ansible_ssh_user'] = get_ansible_ssh_user() click.clear() if not oo_cfg.hosts: oo_cfg.hosts = collect_hosts() click.clear() if oo_cfg.settings.get('variant', '') == '': variant, version = get_variant_and_version() oo_cfg.settings['variant'] = variant.name oo_cfg.settings['variant_version'] = version.name click.clear() return oo_cfg def collect_new_nodes(): click.clear() click.echo('***New Node Configuration***') message = """ Add new nodes here """ click.echo(message) return collect_hosts() def get_installed_hosts(hosts, callback_facts): installed_hosts = [] for host in hosts: if(host.name in callback_facts.keys() and 'common' in callback_facts[host.name].keys() and callback_facts[host.name]['common'].get('version', '') and callback_facts[host.name]['common'].get('version', '') != 'None'): installed_hosts.append(host) return installed_hosts def get_hosts_to_run_on(oo_cfg, callback_facts, unattended, force): # Copy the list of existing hosts so we can remove any already installed nodes. hosts_to_run_on = list(oo_cfg.hosts) # Check if master or nodes already have something installed installed_hosts = get_installed_hosts(oo_cfg.hosts, callback_facts) if len(installed_hosts) > 0: # present a message listing already installed hosts for host in installed_hosts: if host.master: click.echo("{} is already an OpenShift Master".format(host)) # Masters stay in the list, we need to run against them when adding # new nodes. elif host.node: click.echo("{} is already an OpenShift Node".format(host)) hosts_to_run_on.remove(host) # for unattended either continue if they force install or exit if they didn't if unattended: if not force: click.echo('Installed environment detected and no additional nodes specified: ' \ 'aborting. If you want a fresh install, use --force') sys.exit(1) # for attended ask the user what to do else: click.echo('Installed environment detected and no additional nodes specified. ') response = click.prompt('Do you want to (1) add more nodes or ' \ '(2) perform a clean install?', type=int) if response == 1: # add more nodes new_nodes = collect_new_nodes() hosts_to_run_on.extend(new_nodes) oo_cfg.hosts.extend(new_nodes) install_transactions.set_config(oo_cfg) callback_facts, error = install_transactions.default_facts(oo_cfg.hosts) if error: click.echo("There was a problem fetching the required information. " \ "See {} for details.".format(oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path'])) sys.exit(1) else: pass # proceeding as normal should do a clean install return hosts_to_run_on, callback_facts @click.command() @click.option('--configuration', '-c', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True, readable=True), default=None) @click.option('--ansible-playbook-directory', '-a', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, writable=True, readable=True), # callback=validate_ansible_dir, envvar='OO_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_DIRECTORY') @click.option('--ansible-config', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True, readable=True), default=None) @click.option('--ansible-log-path', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True, readable=True), default="/tmp/ansible.log") @click.option('--unattended', '-u', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--force', '-f', is_flag=True, default=False) #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # Main CLI entrypoint, not much we can do about too many arguments. def main(configuration, ansible_playbook_directory, ansible_config, ansible_log_path, unattended, force): oo_cfg = OOConfig(configuration) if not ansible_playbook_directory: ansible_playbook_directory = oo_cfg.settings.get('ansible_playbook_directory', '') if ansible_config: oo_cfg.settings['ansible_config'] = ansible_config elif os.path.exists(DEFAULT_ANSIBLE_CONFIG): # If we're installed by RPM this file should exist and we can use it as our default: oo_cfg.settings['ansible_config'] = DEFAULT_ANSIBLE_CONFIG validate_ansible_dir(ansible_playbook_directory) oo_cfg.settings['ansible_playbook_directory'] = ansible_playbook_directory oo_cfg.ansible_playbook_directory = ansible_playbook_directory oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path'] = ansible_log_path install_transactions.set_config(oo_cfg) if unattended: error_if_missing_info(oo_cfg) else: oo_cfg = get_missing_info_from_user(oo_cfg) click.echo('Gathering information from hosts...') callback_facts, error = install_transactions.default_facts(oo_cfg.hosts) if error: click.echo("There was a problem fetching the required information. " \ "Please see {} for details.".format(oo_cfg.settings['ansible_log_path'])) sys.exit(1) hosts_to_run_on, callback_facts = get_hosts_to_run_on(oo_cfg, callback_facts, unattended, force) click.echo('Writing config to: %s' % oo_cfg.config_path) # We already verified this is not the case for unattended installs, so this can # only trigger for live CLI users: # TODO: if there are *new* nodes and this is a live install, we may need the user # to confirm the settings for new nodes. Look into this once we're distinguishing # between new and pre-existing nodes. if len(oo_cfg.calc_missing_facts()) > 0: confirm_hosts_facts(oo_cfg, callback_facts) oo_cfg.save_to_disk() click.echo('Ready to run installation process.') message = """ If changes are needed to the values recorded by the installer please update {}. """.format(oo_cfg.config_path) if not unattended: confirm_continue(message) error = install_transactions.run_main_playbook(oo_cfg.hosts, hosts_to_run_on) if error: # The bootstrap script will print out the log location. message = """ An error was detected. After resolving the problem please relaunch the installation process. """ click.echo(message) sys.exit(1) else: message = """ The installation was successful! If this is your first time installing please take a look at the Administrator Guide for advanced options related to routing, storage, authentication and much more: http://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/admin_guide/overview.html """ click.echo(message) click.pause() if __name__ == '__main__': main()