# Red Hat Subscription Manager Ansible Role ## Parameters This role depends on user specified variables. These can be set in the inventory file, group_vars or passed to the playbook from the CLI. No values are set by default which disables this role. The variables are: ### rhsm_satellite Subscription Manager server hostname. If using a Satellite server set the FQDN here. If using RHSM Hosted this value must be left blank, none or false. Default: none ### rhsm_username Subscription Manager username. Required for RHSM Hosted. Can be optionally used for Satellite, but it may be better to use **rhsm_activationkey** for this. Default: none ### rhsm_password Subscription Manager password. Required for RHSM Hosted. Can be optionally used for Satellite, but it may be better to use **rhsm_activationkey** for this. Default: none ### rhsm_org Optional Subscription Manager Satellite Organization. Required for Satellite, ignored if using RHSM Hosted. Default: none ### rhsm_activationkey Optional Subscription Manager Satellite Activation Key, use this instead of **rhsm_username** and **rhsm_password** if using Satellite to provide repositories and authentication in a key instead. Default: none ### rhsm_pool Optional Subscription Manager pool, determine this by running **subscription-manager list --available** on a registered system. Valid for RHSM Hosted or Satellite. Specifying **rhsm_activationkey** will ignore this option. Default: none ### rhsm_repos Optional list of repositories to enable. If left blank it is expected that the **rhsm_activationkey** will specify repos instead. If populated, a **subscription-manager repos --disable=\*** will be run and each of the specified repos explicitly enabled. Valid for RHSM Hosted or Satellite NOTE: If specifying this value in an inventory file as opposed to group_vars, be sure to define it as a proper list as such: rhsm_repos='["rhel-7-server-rpms", "rhel-7-server-ose-3.1-rpms", "rhel-7-server-extras-rpms"]' Default: none ## Pre-tasks A number of variable checks are performed before any tasks to ensure the proper parameters are set. To include these checks call the pre_task yaml before any roles: ``` pre_tasks: - include: roles/subscription-manager/pre_tasks/pre_tasks.yml ``` ## Tasks The bulk of the work is performed in the main.yml for this role. The pre-task play will set a variable which can be checked to contitionally include this role as such: ``` roles: - { role: subscription-manager, when: hostvars.localhost.rhsm_register, tags: 'subscription-manager' } ``` ## Running the Playbook To register to RHSM Hosted with username and password: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory/ose-provision ose-provision.yml -e "rhsm_username=vvaldez rhsm_password=hunter2" ``` To register to a Satellite server with an activation key: ``` ansible-playbook -i inventory/ose-provision ose-provision.yml -e "rhsm_satellite=satellite.example.com rhsm_org=example_org rhsm_activationkey=rhel-7-ose-3-1" ``` To ignore any Subscription Manager activities, simply do not set any parameters.