--- g_template_ops_tools: name: Template Operations Tools zdiscoveryrules: - name: disc.ops.runner key: disc.ops.runner lifetime: 1 description: "Dynamically register operations runner items" zitemprototypes: - discoveryrule_key: disc.ops.runner name: "Exit code of ops-runner[{#OSO_COMMAND}]" key: "disc.ops.runner.command.exitcode[{#OSO_COMMAND}]" value_type: int description: "The exit code of the command run from ops-runner" applications: - Ops Runner ztriggerprototypes: - name: 'ops-runner[{#OSO_COMMAND}]: non-zero exit code on {HOST.NAME}' expression: '{Template Operations Tools:disc.ops.runner.command.exitcode[{#OSO_COMMAND}].last()}<>0' url: 'https://github.com/openshift/ops-sop/blob/master/V3/Alerts/check_ops_runner_command.asciidoc' priority: average zactions: - name: 'Remote command for [Heal] triggers' status: enabled escalation_time: 60 conditions_filter: calculation_type: "and/or" conditions: - conditiontype: maintenance status operator: not in - conditiontype: trigger name operator: like value: "[Heal]" - conditiontype: trigger value operator: "=" value: PROBLEM operations: - esc_step_from: 1 esc_step_to: 1 esc_period: 0 operationtype: remote command opcommand: command: 'ssh -i /etc/openshift_tools/scriptrunner_id_rsa {{ ozb_scriptrunner_user }}@{{ ozb_scriptrunner_bastion_host }} remote-healer --host \"{HOST.NAME}\" --trigger \"{TRIGGER.NAME}\" --trigger-val \"{TRIGGER.VALUE}\"' execute_on: "zabbix server" type: 'custom script' target_hosts: - target_type: 'zabbix server' opconditions: - conditiontype: 'event acknowledged' operator: '=' value: 'not acknowledged'