--- - name: Verify target namespace exists oc_project: state: present name: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" when: glusterfs_is_native or glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Delete pre-existing heketi resources oc_obj: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" kind: "{{ item.kind }}" name: "{{ item.name | default(omit) }}" selector: "{{ item.selector | default(omit) }}" state: absent with_items: - kind: "template,route,service,dc,jobs,secret" selector: "deploy-heketi" - kind: "svc" name: "heketi-storage-endpoints" - kind: "secret" name: "heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-topology-secret" - kind: "template,route,service,dc" name: "heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}" - kind: "svc" name: "heketi-db-{{ glusterfs_name }}-endpoints" - kind: "sa" name: "heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-service-account" - kind: "secret" name: "heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-user-secret" failed_when: False when: glusterfs_heketi_wipe - name: Wait for deploy-heketi pods to terminate oc_obj: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" kind: pod state: list selector: "glusterfs=deploy-heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-pod" register: heketi_pod until: "heketi_pod.results.results[0]['items'] | count == 0" delay: 10 retries: "{{ (glusterfs_timeout | int / 10) | int }}" when: glusterfs_heketi_wipe - name: Wait for heketi pods to terminate oc_obj: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" kind: pod state: list selector: "glusterfs=heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-pod" register: heketi_pod until: "heketi_pod.results.results[0]['items'] | count == 0" delay: 10 retries: "{{ (glusterfs_timeout | int / 10) | int }}" when: glusterfs_heketi_wipe - include: glusterfs_deploy.yml when: glusterfs_is_native - name: Create heketi service account oc_serviceaccount: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" name: "heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-service-account" state: present when: glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Add heketi service account to privileged SCC oc_adm_policy_user: user: "system:serviceaccount:{{ glusterfs_namespace }}:heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-service-account" resource_kind: scc resource_name: privileged state: present when: glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Allow heketi service account to view/edit pods oc_adm_policy_user: user: "system:serviceaccount:{{ glusterfs_namespace }}:heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-service-account" resource_kind: role resource_name: edit state: present when: glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Check for existing deploy-heketi pod oc_obj: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" state: list kind: pod selector: "glusterfs=deploy-heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-pod" register: heketi_pod when: glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Check if need to deploy deploy-heketi set_fact: glusterfs_heketi_deploy_is_missing: False when: - "glusterfs_heketi_is_native" - "heketi_pod.results.results[0]['items'] | count > 0" # deploy-heketi is not missing when there are one or more pods with matching labels whose 'Ready' status is True - "heketi_pod.results.results[0]['items'] | oo_collect(attribute='status.conditions') | oo_collect(attribute='status', filters={'type': 'Ready'}) | map('bool') | select | list | count > 0" - name: Check for existing heketi pod oc_obj: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" state: list kind: pod selector: "glusterfs=heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-pod" register: heketi_pod when: glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Check if need to deploy heketi set_fact: glusterfs_heketi_is_missing: False when: - "glusterfs_heketi_is_native" - "heketi_pod.results.results[0]['items'] | count > 0" # heketi is not missing when there are one or more pods with matching labels whose 'Ready' status is True - "heketi_pod.results.results[0]['items'] | oo_collect(attribute='status.conditions') | oo_collect(attribute='status', filters={'type': 'Ready'}) | map('bool') | select | list | count > 0" - name: Generate topology file template: src: "{{ openshift.common.examples_content_version }}/topology.json.j2" dest: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/topology.json" when: - glusterfs_heketi_topology_load - include: heketi_deploy_part1.yml when: - glusterfs_heketi_is_native - glusterfs_heketi_deploy_is_missing - glusterfs_heketi_is_missing - name: Set heketi-cli command set_fact: glusterfs_heketi_client: "{% if glusterfs_heketi_is_native %}oc rsh {{ heketi_pod.results.results[0]['items'][0]['metadata']['name'] }} {% endif %}heketi-cli -s http://{% if glusterfs_heketi_is_native %}localhost:8080{% else %}{{ glusterfs_heketi_url }}:{{ glusterfs_heketi_port }}{% endif %} --user admin --secret '{{ glusterfs_heketi_admin_key }}'" - name: Verify heketi service command: "{{ glusterfs_heketi_client }} cluster list" changed_when: False - name: Load heketi topology command: "{{ glusterfs_heketi_client }} topology load --json={{ mktemp.stdout }}/topology.json 2>&1" register: topology_load failed_when: "topology_load.rc != 0 or 'Unable' in topology_load.stdout" when: - glusterfs_heketi_topology_load - include: heketi_deploy_part2.yml when: - glusterfs_heketi_is_native - glusterfs_heketi_is_missing - name: Create heketi user secret oc_secret: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" state: present name: "heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}-user-secret" type: "kubernetes.io/glusterfs" force: True contents: - path: key data: "{{ glusterfs_heketi_user_key }}" - name: Get heketi route oc_obj: namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}" kind: route state: list name: "heketi-{{ glusterfs_name }}" register: heketi_route when: - glusterfs_storageclass - glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Determine StorageClass heketi URL set_fact: glusterfs_heketi_route: "{{ heketi_route.results.results[0]['spec']['host'] }}" when: - glusterfs_storageclass - glusterfs_heketi_is_native - name: Generate GlusterFS StorageClass file template: src: "{{ openshift.common.examples_content_version }}/glusterfs-storageclass.yml.j2" dest: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/glusterfs-storageclass.yml" when: - glusterfs_storageclass - name: Create GlusterFS StorageClass oc_obj: state: present kind: storageclass name: "glusterfs-{{ glusterfs_name }}" files: - "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/glusterfs-storageclass.yml" when: - glusterfs_storageclass