--- kind: Template apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: glusterfs labels: glusterfs: template annotations: description: GlusterFS DaemonSet template tags: glusterfs objects: - kind: DaemonSet apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 metadata: name: glusterfs-${CLUSTER_NAME} labels: glusterfs: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-daemonset annotations: description: GlusterFS DaemonSet tags: glusterfs spec: selector: matchLabels: glusterfs: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-pod template: metadata: name: glusterfs-${CLUSTER_NAME} labels: glusterfs: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-pod glusterfs-node: pod spec: nodeSelector: "${{NODE_LABELS}}" hostNetwork: true containers: - name: glusterfs image: ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION} imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: glusterfs-heketi mountPath: "/var/lib/heketi" - name: glusterfs-run mountPath: "/run" - name: glusterfs-lvm mountPath: "/run/lvm" - name: glusterfs-etc mountPath: "/etc/glusterfs" - name: glusterfs-logs mountPath: "/var/log/glusterfs" - name: glusterfs-config mountPath: "/var/lib/glusterd" - name: glusterfs-dev mountPath: "/dev" - name: glusterfs-misc mountPath: "/var/lib/misc/glusterfsd" - name: glusterfs-cgroup mountPath: "/sys/fs/cgroup" readOnly: true - name: glusterfs-ssl mountPath: "/etc/ssl" readOnly: true securityContext: capabilities: {} privileged: true readinessProbe: timeoutSeconds: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 40 exec: command: - "/bin/bash" - "-c" - systemctl status glusterd.service periodSeconds: 25 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 15 livenessProbe: timeoutSeconds: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 40 exec: command: - "/bin/bash" - "-c" - systemctl status glusterd.service periodSeconds: 25 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 15 resources: {} terminationMessagePath: "/dev/termination-log" volumes: - name: glusterfs-heketi hostPath: path: "/var/lib/heketi" - name: glusterfs-run emptyDir: {} - name: glusterfs-lvm hostPath: path: "/run/lvm" - name: glusterfs-etc hostPath: path: "/etc/glusterfs" - name: glusterfs-logs hostPath: path: "/var/log/glusterfs" - name: glusterfs-config hostPath: path: "/var/lib/glusterd" - name: glusterfs-dev hostPath: path: "/dev" - name: glusterfs-misc hostPath: path: "/var/lib/misc/glusterfsd" - name: glusterfs-cgroup hostPath: path: "/sys/fs/cgroup" - name: glusterfs-ssl hostPath: path: "/etc/ssl" restartPolicy: Always terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst securityContext: {} parameters: - name: NODE_LABELS displayName: Daemonset Node Labels description: Labels which define the daemonset node selector. Must contain at least one label of the format \'glusterfs=-host\' value: '{ "glusterfs": "storage-host" }' - name: IMAGE_NAME displayName: GlusterFS container name required: True - name: IMAGE_VERSION displayName: GlusterFS container versiona required: True - name: CLUSTER_NAME displayName: GlusterFS cluster name value: storage