#### # # OSE 3.0.z did not have 'oadm policy add-scc-to-user'. # #### - name: tmp dir for openshift file: path: /tmp/openshift state: directory owner: root mode: 700 - name: Create service account configs template: src: serviceaccount.j2 dest: "/tmp/openshift/{{ item }}-serviceaccount.yaml" with_items: openshift_serviceaccounts_names - name: Get current security context constraints shell: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} get scc privileged -o yaml --output-version=v1 > /tmp/openshift/scc.yaml changed_when: false - name: Add security context constraint for {{ item }} lineinfile: dest: /tmp/openshift/scc.yaml line: "- system:serviceaccount:{{ openshift_serviceaccounts_namespace }}:{{ item.0 }}" insertafter: "^users:$" when: "item.1.rc == 0 and 'system:serviceaccount:{{ openshift_serviceaccounts_namespace }}:{{ item.0 }}' not in {{ (item.1.stdout | from_yaml).users }}" with_nested: - openshift_serviceaccounts_names - scc_test.results - name: Apply new scc rules for service accounts command: "{{ openshift.common.client_binary }} update -f /tmp/openshift/scc.yaml --api-version=v1"