--- - name: Set node sdn OpenShift facts openshift_facts: role: 'node_sdn' local_facts: debug_level: "{{ openshift_node_sdn_debug_level | default(openshift.common.debug_level) }}" - name: Install openshift-sdn-node yum: pkg: openshift-sdn-node state: installed register: install_result - name: Reload systemd units command: systemctl daemon-reload when: install_result | changed # TODO: we are specifying -hostname= for OPTIONS as a workaround for # openshift-sdn-node not properly detecting the hostname. # TODO: we should probably generate certs specifically for sdn - name: Configure openshift-sdn-node settings lineinfile: dest: /etc/sysconfig/openshift-sdn-node regexp: "{{ item.regex }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" backrefs: yes with_items: - regex: '^(OPTIONS=)' line: '\1"-v={{ openshift.node_sdn.debug_level }} -hostname={{ openshift.common.hostname }} -etcd-cafile={{ openshift_node_cert_dir }}/ca.crt -etcd-certfile={{ openshift_node_cert_dir }}/client.crt -etcd-keyfile={{ openshift_node_cert_dir }}/client.key\"' - regex: '^(MASTER_URL=)' line: '\1"{{ openshift_sdn_master_url }}"' - regex: '^(MINION_IP=)' line: '\1"{{ openshift.common.ip }}"' # TODO lock down the insecure-registry config to a more sane value than # - regex: '^(DOCKER_OPTIONS=)' line: '\1"--insecure-registry= -b=lbr0 --mtu=1450 --selinux-enabled"' notify: restart openshift-sdn-node - name: Start and enable openshift-sdn-node service: name: openshift-sdn-node enabled: yes state: started