--- - set_fact: _oreg_images="--images='{{ openshift.master.registry_url }}'" - set_fact: _oreg_selector="--selector='{{ openshift.master.registry_selector }}'" - name: Deploy OpenShift Registry command: > {{ openshift.common.admin_binary }} registry --create --service-account=registry {{ _oreg_selector }} --credentials={{ openshift_master_config_dir }}/openshift-registry.kubeconfig {{ _oreg_images }} register: _oreg_results changed_when: "'service exists' not in _oreg_results.stdout" - name: Determine if nfs volume is already attached command: "{{ openshift.common.client_binary }} get -o template dc/docker-registry --template=\\{\\{.spec.template.spec.volumes\\}\\}" register: registry_volumes_output when: attach_registry_volume | bool - set_fact: volume_already_attached: "{{ 'server:' + nfs_host in registry_volumes_output.stdout and 'path:' + registry_volume_path in registry_volumes_output.stdout }}" when: attach_registry_volume | bool - name: Add nfs volume to dc/docker-registry command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} volume dc/docker-registry --add --overwrite --name=registry-storage --mount-path=/registry --source='{"nfs": {"server": "{{ nfs_host }}", "path": "{{ registry_volume_path }}"}}' when: attach_registry_volume | bool and not volume_already_attached | bool