#!/bin/bash -x # This NetworkManager dispatcher script replicates the functionality of # NetworkManager's dns=dnsmasq however, rather than hardcoding the listening # address and /etc/resolv.conf to it pulls the IP address from the # interface that owns the default route. This enables us to then configure pods # to use this IP address as their only resolver, where as using inside # a pod would fail. # # To use this, # - If this host is also a master, reconfigure master dnsConfig to listen on # 8053 to avoid conflicts on port 53 and open port 8053 in the firewall # - Drop this script in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ # - systemctl restart NetworkManager # - Configure node-config.yaml to set dnsIP: to the ip address of this # node # # Test it: # host kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local # host google.com # # TODO: I think this would be easy to add as a config option in NetworkManager # natively, look at hacking that up cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts . ./network-functions [ -f ../network ] && . ../network if [[ $2 =~ ^(up|dhcp4-change)$ ]]; then # couldn't find an existing method to determine if the interface owns the # default route def_route=$(/sbin/ip route list match | awk '{print $3 }') def_route_int=$(/sbin/ip route get to ${def_route} | awk '{print $3}') def_route_ip=$(/sbin/ip route get to ${def_route} | awk '{print $5}') if [[ ${DEVICE_IFACE} == ${def_route_int} && \ -n "${IP4_NAMESERVERS}" ]]; then if [ ! -f /etc/dnsmasq.d/origin-dns.conf ]; then cat << EOF > /etc/dnsmasq.d/origin-dns.conf strict-order no-resolv domain-needed server=/cluster.local/ server=/30.172.in-addr.arpa/ EOF fi # zero out our upstream servers list and feed it into dnsmasq echo -n > /etc/dnsmasq.d/origin-upstream-dns.conf for ns in ${IP4_NAMESERVERS}; do echo "server=${ns}" >> /etc/dnsmasq.d/origin-upstream-dns.conf done systemctl restart dnsmasq sed -i 's/^nameserver.*$/nameserver '"${def_route_ip}"'/g' /etc/resolv.conf echo "# nameserver updated by /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-origin-dns.sh" >> /etc/resolv.conf fi fi