--- - name: Install NFS storage plugin dependencies action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=nfs-utils state=present" when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool - name: Check for existence of seboolean command: getsebool {{ item }} register: getsebool_status when: ansible_selinux and ansible_selinux.status == "enabled" failed_when: false changed_when: false with_items: - virt_use_nfs - virt_sandbox_use_nfs - name: Set seboolean to allow nfs storage plugin access from containers seboolean: name: "{{ item.item }}" state: yes persistent: yes # We need to detect whether or not the boolean is an alias, since `seboolean` # will error if it is an alias. We do this by inspecting stdout for the boolean name, # since getsebool prints the resolved name. (At some point Ansible's seboolean module # should learn to deal with aliases) when: ansible_selinux and ansible_selinux.status == "enabled" and item.rc == 0 and item.stdout.find(item.item) != -1 with_items: "{{ getsebool_status.results }}"