--- - name: Check for NetworkManager service command: > systemctl show NetworkManager register: nm_show changed_when: false ignore_errors: True - name: Set fact using_network_manager set_fact: network_manager_active: "{{ True if 'ActiveState=active' in nm_show.stdout else False }}" - name: Install dnsmasq package: name=dnsmasq state=installed when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool - name: ensure origin/node directory exists file: state: directory path: "{{ item }}" owner: root group: root mode: '0700' with_items: - /etc/origin - /etc/origin/node # this file is copied to /etc/dnsmasq.d/ when the node starts and is removed # when the node stops. A dbus-message is sent to dnsmasq to add the same entries # so that dnsmasq doesn't need to be restarted. Once we can use dnsmasq 2.77 or # newer we can use --server-file option to update the servers dynamically and # reload them by sending dnsmasq a SIGHUP. We write the file in case someone else # triggers a restart of dnsmasq but not a node restart. - name: Install node-dnsmasq.conf template: src: node-dnsmasq.conf.j2 dest: /etc/origin/node/node-dnsmasq.conf - name: Install dnsmasq configuration template: src: origin-dns.conf.j2 dest: /etc/dnsmasq.d/origin-dns.conf notify: restart dnsmasq - name: Deploy additional dnsmasq.conf template: src: "{{ openshift_node_dnsmasq_additional_config_file }}" dest: /etc/dnsmasq.d/openshift-ansible.conf owner: root group: root mode: 0644 when: openshift_node_dnsmasq_additional_config_file is defined notify: restart dnsmasq - name: Enable dnsmasq systemd: name: dnsmasq enabled: yes state: started # Dynamic NetworkManager based dispatcher - include_tasks: dnsmasq/network-manager.yml when: network_manager_active | bool # Relies on ansible in order to configure static config - include_tasks: dnsmasq/no-network-manager.yml when: not network_manager_active | bool