--- - include_tasks: pre_install.yaml - name: Install Metrics include_tasks: "install_{{ include_file }}.yaml" with_items: - support - heapster - hawkular - cassandra loop_control: loop_var: include_file when: not openshift_metrics_heapster_standalone | bool - name: Install Heapster Standalone include_tasks: install_heapster.yaml when: openshift_metrics_heapster_standalone | bool - name: Install Hawkular OpenShift Agent (HOSA) include_tasks: install_hosa.yaml when: openshift_metrics_install_hawkular_agent | default(false) | bool - find: paths: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/templates" patterns: "^(?!metrics-hawkular-openshift-agent).*.yaml" use_regex: true register: object_def_files changed_when: no - slurp: src: "{{item.path}}" register: object_defs with_items: "{{object_def_files.files}}" changed_when: no - name: Create objects include_tasks: oc_apply.yaml vars: kubeconfig: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig" namespace: "{{ openshift_metrics_project }}" file_name: "{{ item.source }}" file_content: "{{ item.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}" with_items: "{{ object_defs.results }}" - find: paths: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/templates" patterns: "^metrics-hawkular-openshift-agent.*.yaml" use_regex: true register: hawkular_agent_object_def_files when: openshift_metrics_install_hawkular_agent | bool changed_when: no - slurp: src: "{{item.path}}" register: hawkular_agent_object_defs with_items: "{{ hawkular_agent_object_def_files.files }}" when: openshift_metrics_install_hawkular_agent | bool changed_when: no - name: Create Hawkular Agent objects include_tasks: oc_apply.yaml vars: kubeconfig: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig" namespace: "{{ openshift_metrics_hawkular_agent_namespace }}" file_name: "{{ item.source }}" file_content: "{{ item.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}" with_items: "{{ hawkular_agent_object_defs.results }}" when: openshift_metrics_install_hawkular_agent | bool # TODO: Remove when asset config is removed from master-config.yaml - include_tasks: update_master_config.yaml # Update asset config in openshift-web-console namespace - name: Add metrics route information to web console asset config include_role: name: openshift_web_console tasks_from: update_console_config.yml vars: console_config_edits: - key: clusterInfo#metricsPublicURL value: "https://{{ openshift_metrics_hawkular_hostname}}/hawkular/metrics" # Continue to set the old deprecated property until the # origin-web-console image is updated for the new name. # This will be removed in a future pull. - key: metricsPublicURL value: "https://{{ openshift_metrics_hawkular_hostname}}/hawkular/metrics" when: openshift_web_console_install | default(true) | bool - command: > {{openshift_client_binary}} --config={{mktemp.stdout}}/admin.kubeconfig get rc -l metrics-infra -o name -n {{openshift_metrics_project}} register: existing_metrics_rc changed_when: no - name: Scaling down cluster to recognize changes include_tasks: stop_metrics.yaml when: existing_metrics_rc.stdout_lines | length > 0 - name: Scaling up cluster include_tasks: start_metrics.yaml tags: openshift_metrics_start_cluster when: - openshift_metrics_start_cluster | default(true) | bool