OpenShift Master Post ========= Post installation steps for setting up the cluster Requirements ------------ None Role Variables -------------- | Name | Default value | Description | |-----------------------------|-------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | omp_infra_node_filter_key | "status.capacity" | Key from `osc get nodes -o json` to designate which node is the infra node | | omp_infra_node_filter_value | "7232144Ki" | Value of omp_infra_node_filter_key to filter on | | omp_infra_node_label | "infra" | The label to apply to the infra node | | omp_node_region | "us-east" | Region that the none infra nodes are in | Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- TODO License ------- Apache License, Version 2.0 Author Information ------------------ Wesley Hearn (