--- # TODO: add ability to configure certificates given either a local file to # point to or certificate contents, set in default cert locations. # Authentication Variable Validation # TODO: validate the different identity provider kinds as well - fail: msg: > Invalid OAuth grant method: {{ openshift_master_oauth_grant_method }} when: openshift_master_oauth_grant_method is defined and openshift_master_oauth_grant_method not in openshift_master_valid_grant_methods # HA Variable Validation - fail: msg: "openshift_master_cluster_method must be set to either 'native' or 'pacemaker' for multi-master installations" when: openshift_master_ha | bool and ((openshift_master_cluster_method is not defined) or (openshift_master_cluster_method is defined and openshift_master_cluster_method not in ["native", "pacemaker"])) - fail: msg: "'native' high availability is not supported for the requested OpenShift version" when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift_master_cluster_method == "native" and not openshift.common.version_gte_3_1_or_1_1 | bool - fail: msg: "openshift_master_cluster_password must be set for multi-master installations" when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift_master_cluster_method == "pacemaker" and (openshift_master_cluster_password is not defined or not openshift_master_cluster_password) - fail: msg: "Pacemaker based HA is not supported at this time when used with containerized installs" when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift_master_cluster_method == "pacemaker" and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool - name: Set master facts openshift_facts: role: master local_facts: cluster_method: "{{ openshift_master_cluster_method | default(None) }}" cluster_hostname: "{{ openshift_master_cluster_hostname | default(None) }}" cluster_public_hostname: "{{ openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname | default(None) }}" debug_level: "{{ openshift_master_debug_level | default(openshift.common.debug_level) }}" api_port: "{{ openshift_master_api_port | default(None) }}" api_url: "{{ openshift_master_api_url | default(None) }}" api_use_ssl: "{{ openshift_master_api_use_ssl | default(None) }}" public_api_url: "{{ openshift_master_public_api_url | default(None) }}" console_path: "{{ openshift_master_console_path | default(None) }}" console_port: "{{ openshift_master_console_port | default(None) }}" console_url: "{{ openshift_master_console_url | default(None) }}" console_use_ssl: "{{ openshift_master_console_use_ssl | default(None) }}" public_console_url: "{{ openshift_master_public_console_url | default(None) }}" logging_public_url: "{{ openshift_master_logging_public_url | default(None) }}" metrics_public_url: "{{ openshift_master_metrics_public_url | default(None) }}" logout_url: "{{ openshift_master_logout_url | default(None) }}" extension_scripts: "{{ openshift_master_extension_scripts | default(None) }}" extension_stylesheets: "{{ openshift_master_extension_stylesheets | default(None) }}" extensions: "{{ openshift_master_extensions | default(None) }}" oauth_template: "{{ openshift_master_oauth_template | default(None) }}" etcd_hosts: "{{ openshift_master_etcd_hosts | default(None) }}" etcd_port: "{{ openshift_master_etcd_port | default(None) }}" etcd_use_ssl: "{{ openshift_master_etcd_use_ssl | default(None) }}" etcd_urls: "{{ openshift_master_etcd_urls | default(None) }}" embedded_etcd: "{{ openshift_master_embedded_etcd | default(None) }}" embedded_kube: "{{ openshift_master_embedded_kube | default(None) }}" embedded_dns: "{{ openshift_master_embedded_dns | default(None) }}" dns_port: "{{ openshift_master_dns_port | default(None) }}" bind_addr: "{{ openshift_master_bind_addr | default(None) }}" pod_eviction_timeout: "{{ openshift_master_pod_eviction_timeout | default(None) }}" portal_net: "{{ openshift_master_portal_net | default(None) }}" session_max_seconds: "{{ openshift_master_session_max_seconds | default(None) }}" session_name: "{{ openshift_master_session_name | default(None) }}" session_secrets_file: "{{ openshift_master_session_secrets_file | default(None) }}" session_auth_secrets: "{{ openshift_master_session_auth_secrets | default(None) }}" session_encryption_secrets: "{{ openshift_master_session_encryption_secrets | default(None) }}" access_token_max_seconds: "{{ openshift_master_access_token_max_seconds | default(None) }}" auth_token_max_seconds: "{{ openshift_master_auth_token_max_seconds | default(None) }}" identity_providers: "{{ openshift_master_identity_providers | default(None) }}" registry_url: "{{ oreg_url | default(None) }}" oauth_grant_method: "{{ openshift_master_oauth_grant_method | default(None) }}" sdn_cluster_network_cidr: "{{ osm_cluster_network_cidr | default(None) }}" sdn_host_subnet_length: "{{ osm_host_subnet_length | default(None) }}" default_subdomain: "{{ openshift_master_default_subdomain | default(osm_default_subdomain) | default(None) }}" custom_cors_origins: "{{ osm_custom_cors_origins | default(None) }}" default_node_selector: "{{ osm_default_node_selector | default(None) }}" project_request_message: "{{ osm_project_request_message | default(None) }}" project_request_template: "{{ osm_project_request_template | default(None) }}" mcs_allocator_range: "{{ osm_mcs_allocator_range | default(None) }}" mcs_labels_per_project: "{{ osm_mcs_labels_per_project | default(None) }}" uid_allocator_range: "{{ osm_uid_allocator_range | default(None) }}" router_selector: "{{ openshift_router_selector | default(None) }}" registry_selector: "{{ openshift_registry_selector | default(None) }}" api_server_args: "{{ osm_api_server_args | default(None) }}" controller_args: "{{ osm_controller_args | default(None) }}" infra_nodes: "{{ openshift_infra_nodes | default(None) }}" disabled_features: "{{ osm_disabled_features | default(None) }}" master_count: "{{ openshift_master_count | default(None) }}" controller_lease_ttl: "{{ osm_controller_lease_ttl | default(None) }}" master_image: "{{ osm_image | default(None) }}" - name: Install Master package action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master{{ openshift_version }} state=present" when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool - name: Pull master image command: > docker pull {{ openshift.master.master_image }}:{{ openshift_version }} when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool - name: Create openshift.common.data_dir file: path: "{{ openshift.common.data_dir }}" state: directory mode: 0755 owner: root group: root when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool - name: Reload systemd units command: systemctl daemon-reload when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool and install_result | changed - name: Re-gather package dependent master facts openshift_facts: - name: Create config parent directory if it does not exist file: path: "{{ openshift_master_config_dir }}" state: directory - name: Create the policy file if it does not already exist command: > {{ openshift.common.admin_binary }} create-bootstrap-policy-file --filename={{ openshift_master_policy }} args: creates: "{{ openshift_master_policy }}" notify: - restart master - restart master api - restart master controllers - name: Create the scheduler config template: dest: "{{ openshift_master_scheduler_conf }}" src: scheduler.json.j2 backup: true notify: - restart master - restart master api - restart master controllers - name: Install httpd-tools if needed action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=httpd-tools state=present" when: (item.kind == 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider') and not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool with_items: openshift.master.identity_providers - name: Ensure htpasswd directory exists file: path: "{{ item.filename | dirname }}" state: directory when: item.kind == 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider' with_items: openshift.master.identity_providers - name: Create the htpasswd file if needed copy: dest: "{{ item.filename }}" content: "" mode: 0600 force: no when: item.kind == 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider' with_items: openshift.master.identity_providers - name: Install the systemd units include: systemd_units.yml - name: Create session secrets file template: dest: "{{ openshift.master.session_secrets_file }}" src: sessionSecretsFile.yaml.v1.j2 owner: root group: root mode: 0600 when: openshift.master.session_auth_secrets is defined and openshift.master.session_encryption_secrets is defined notify: - restart master - restart master api - set_fact: translated_identity_providers: "{{ openshift.master.identity_providers | translate_idps('v1') }}" # TODO: add the validate parameter when there is a validation command to run - name: Create master config template: dest: "{{ openshift_master_config_file }}" src: master.yaml.v1.j2 backup: true owner: root group: root mode: 0600 notify: - restart master - restart master api - restart master controllers - include: set_loopback_context.yml when: openshift.common.version_gte_3_2_or_1_2 - name: Start and enable master service: name={{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master enabled=yes state=started when: not openshift_master_ha | bool register: start_result notify: Verify API Server - name: Stop and disable non HA master when running HA service: name={{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master enabled=no state=stopped when: openshift_master_ha | bool - set_fact: master_service_status_changed: "{{ start_result | changed }}" when: not openshift_master_ha | bool - name: Mask master service command: systemctl mask {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'native' and not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool - name: Start and enable master api service: name={{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api enabled=yes state=started when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'native' register: start_result - set_fact: master_api_service_status_changed: "{{ start_result | changed }}" when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'native' # A separate wait is required here for native HA since notifies will # be resolved after all tasks in the role. - name: Wait for API to become available # Using curl here since the uri module requires python-httplib2 and # wait_for port doesn't provide health information. command: > curl --silent --cacert {{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/ca.crt {{ openshift.master.api_url }}/healthz/ready register: api_available_output until: api_available_output.stdout == 'ok' retries: 120 delay: 1 changed_when: false when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'native' and master_api_service_status_changed | bool - name: Start and enable master controller service: name={{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-controllers enabled=yes state=started when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'native' register: start_result - set_fact: master_controllers_service_status_changed: "{{ start_result | changed }}" when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'native' - name: Install cluster packages action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=pcs state=present" when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'pacemaker' and not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool register: install_result - name: Start and enable cluster service service: name=pcsd enabled=yes state=started when: openshift_master_ha | bool and openshift.master.cluster_method == 'pacemaker' and not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool - name: Set the cluster user password shell: echo {{ openshift_master_cluster_password | quote }} | passwd --stdin hacluster when: install_result | changed - name: Lookup default group for ansible_ssh_user command: "/usr/bin/id -g {{ ansible_ssh_user }}" changed_when: false register: _ansible_ssh_user_gid - set_fact: client_users: "{{ [ansible_ssh_user, 'root'] | unique }}" - name: Create the client config dir(s) file: path: "~{{ item }}/.kube" state: directory mode: 0700 owner: "{{ item }}" group: "{{ 'root' if item == 'root' else _ansible_ssh_user_gid.stdout }}" with_items: client_users # TODO: Update this file if the contents of the source file are not present in # the dest file, will need to make sure to ignore things that could be added - name: Copy the admin client config(s) command: cp {{ openshift_master_config_dir }}/admin.kubeconfig ~{{ item }}/.kube/config args: creates: ~{{ item }}/.kube/config with_items: client_users - name: Update the permissions on the admin client config(s) file: path: "~{{ item }}/.kube/config" state: file mode: 0700 owner: "{{ item }}" group: "{{ 'root' if item == 'root' else _ansible_ssh_user_gid.stdout }}" with_items: client_users