apiVersion: "v1" kind: "DeploymentConfig" metadata: name: "{{deploy_name}}" labels: provider: openshift component: "{{component}}" logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}" spec: replicas: {{replicas|default(0)}} selector: provider: openshift component: "{{component}}" logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}" strategy: rollingParams: intervalSeconds: 1 timeoutSeconds: 600 updatePeriodSeconds: 1 type: Rolling template: metadata: name: "{{deploy_name}}" labels: logging-infra: "{{logging_component}}" provider: openshift component: "{{component}}" spec: serviceAccountName: aggregated-logging-kibana {% if kibana_node_selector is iterable and kibana_node_selector | length > 0 %} nodeSelector: {% for key, value in kibana_node_selector.iteritems() %} {{key}}: {{value}} {% endfor %} {% endif %} containers: - name: "kibana" image: {{image}} imagePullPolicy: Always {% if (kibana_memory_limit is defined and kibana_memory_limit is not none) or (kibana_cpu_limit is defined and kibana_cpu_limit is not none) %} resources: limits: {% if kibana_cpu_limit is not none %} cpu: "{{kibana_cpu_limit}}" {% endif %} {% if kibana_memory_limit is not none %} memory: "{{kibana_memory_limit}}" {% endif %} {% endif %} env: - name: "ES_HOST" value: "{{es_host}}" - name: "ES_PORT" value: "{{es_port}}" volumeMounts: - name: kibana mountPath: /etc/kibana/keys readOnly: true - name: "kibana-proxy" image: {{proxy_image}} imagePullPolicy: Always {% if (kibana_proxy_memory_limit is defined and kibana_proxy_memory_limit is not none) or (kibana_proxy_cpu_limit is defined and kibana_proxy_cpu_limit is not none) %} resources: limits: {% if kibana_proxy_cpu_limit is not none %} cpu: "{{kibana_proxy_cpu_limit}}" {% endif %} {% if kibana_proxy_memory_limit is not none %} memory: "{{kibana_proxy_memory_limit}}" {% endif %} {% endif %} ports: - name: "oaproxy" containerPort: 3000 env: - name: "OAP_BACKEND_URL" value: "http://localhost:5601" - name: "OAP_AUTH_MODE" value: "oauth2" - name: "OAP_TRANSFORM" value: "user_header,token_header" - name: "OAP_OAUTH_ID" value: kibana-proxy - name: "OAP_MASTER_URL" value: {{openshift_logging_master_url}} - name: "OAP_PUBLIC_MASTER_URL" value: {{openshift_logging_master_public_url}} - name: "OAP_LOGOUT_REDIRECT" value: {{openshift_logging_master_public_url}}/console/logout - name: "OAP_MASTER_CA_FILE" value: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt" - name: "OAP_DEBUG" value: "{{openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_debug}}" volumeMounts: - name: kibana-proxy mountPath: /secret readOnly: true volumes: - name: kibana secret: secretName: logging-kibana - name: kibana-proxy secret: secretName: logging-kibana-proxy