--- - name: Checking generation of {{file_content.kind}} {{file_content.metadata.name}} shell: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ kubeconfig }} get {{file_content.kind}} {{file_content.metadata.name}} -o jsonpath='{.metadata.resourceVersion}' -n {{namespace}} || echo 0 register: generation_init changed_when: no - name: Applying {{file_name}} command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ kubeconfig }} apply -f {{ file_name }} -n {{ namespace }} register: generation_apply failed_when: "'error' in generation_apply.stderr" changed_when: no - name: Determine change status of {{file_content.kind}} {{file_content.metadata.name}} shell: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ kubeconfig }} get {{file_content.kind}} {{file_content.metadata.name}} -o jsonpath='{.metadata.resourceVersion}' -n {{namespace}} || echo 0 register: generation_changed changed_when: generation_changed.stdout | int > generation_init.stdout | int when: - "'field is immutable' not in generation_apply.stderr" - name: Removing previous {{file_name}} command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ kubeconfig }} delete -f {{ file_name }} -n {{ namespace }} register: generation_delete failed_when: "'error' in generation_delete.stderr" changed_when: generation_delete.rc == 0 when: "'field is immutable' in generation_apply.stderr" - name: Recreating {{file_name}} command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ kubeconfig }} apply -f {{ file_name }} -n {{ namespace }} register: generation_apply failed_when: "'error' in generation_apply.stderr" changed_when: generation_apply.rc == 0 when: "'field is immutable' in generation_apply.stderr"