--- - command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig get node {{host}} -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels}' register: node_labels when: not ansible_check_mode changed_when: no - command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig label node {{host}} {{label}}={{value}} register: label_result failed_when: label_result.rc == 1 and 'exists' not in label_result.stderr when: - value is defined - node_labels.stdout is defined - label not in node_labels.stdout - unlabel is not defined or not unlabel - not ansible_check_mode - command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig get node {{host}} -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels.{{ label }}}' register: label_value ignore_errors: yes changed_when: no when: - value is defined - node_labels.stdout is defined - label in node_labels.stdout - unlabel is not defined or not unlabel - not ansible_check_mode - command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig label node {{host}} {{label}}={{value}} --overwrite register: label_result failed_when: label_result.rc == 1 and 'exists' not in label_result.stderr when: - value is defined - label_value.stdout is defined - label_value.stdout != value - unlabel is not defined or not unlabel - not ansible_check_mode - command: > {{ openshift.common.client_binary }} --config={{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig label node {{host}} {{label}}- register: label_result failed_when: label_result.rc == 1 and 'exists' not in label_result.stderr when: - unlabel is defined - unlabel - not ansible_check_mode - label in node_labels.stdout