--- - name: Gather OpenShift Logging Facts openshift_logging_facts: oc_bin: "{{openshift.common.client_binary}}" admin_kubeconfig: "{{mktemp.stdout}}/admin.kubeconfig" openshift_logging_namespace: "{{openshift_logging_namespace}}" tags: logging_facts check_mode: no - name: Validate Elasticsearch cluster size fail: msg="The openshift_logging_es_cluster_size may not be scaled down more than 1 less (or 0) the number of Elasticsearch nodes already deployed" when: "{{openshift_logging_facts.elasticsearch.deploymentconfigs | length - openshift_logging_es_cluster_size | abs > 1}}" - name: Install logging include: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/install_{{ install_component }}.yaml" when: openshift_hosted_logging_install | default(true) | bool with_items: - support - elasticsearch - kibana - curator - fluentd loop_control: loop_var: install_component - name: Create objects include: oc_apply.yaml vars: - kubeconfig: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig" - namespace: "{{ openshift_logging_namespace }}" - file_name: "{{ file }}" - file_content: "{{ lookup('file', file) | from_yaml }}" with_fileglob: - "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/templates/*.yaml" loop_control: loop_var: file when: not ansible_check_mode - name: Printing out objects to create debug: msg="{{lookup('file', file)|quote}}" with_fileglob: - "{{mktemp.stdout}}/templates/*.yaml" loop_control: loop_var: file when: ansible_check_mode - name: Scaling up cluster include: start_cluster.yaml when: start_cluster | default(true) | bool