--- - name: Create local temp dir for OpenShift hosted templates copy local_action: command mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-ansible-XXXXXXX register: copy_hosted_templates_mktemp run_once: True # AUDIT:changed_when: not set here because this task actually # creates something - name: Create local temp dir for OpenShift examples copy local_action: command chmod 755 "{{ copy_hosted_templates_mktemp.stdout }}" run_once: True - name: Create tar of OpenShift examples local_action: command tar -C "{{ role_path }}/files/{{ content_version }}/{{ hosted_deployment_type }}" -cvf "{{ copy_hosted_templates_mktemp.stdout }}/openshift-hosted-templates.tar" . args: # Disables the following warning: # Consider using unarchive module rather than running tar warn: no - name: Create local temp dir for OpenShift examples copy local_action: command chmod 744 "{{ copy_hosted_templates_mktemp.stdout }}/openshift-hosted-templates.tar" run_once: True - name: Create remote OpenShift hosted templates directory file: dest: "{{ hosted_base }}" state: directory mode: 0755 - name: Unarchive the OpenShift hosted templates on the remote unarchive: src: "{{ copy_hosted_templates_mktemp.stdout }}/openshift-hosted-templates.tar" dest: "{{ hosted_base }}/" - name: Cleanup the OpenShift hosted templates temp dir local_action: file dest="{{ copy_hosted_templates_mktemp.stdout }}" state=absent - name: Modify registry paths if registry_url is not registry.access.redhat.com shell: > find {{ hosted_base }} -type f | xargs -n 1 sed -i 's|registry.access.redhat.com|{{ registry_host | quote }}|g' when: registry_host != '' and openshift_hosted_modify_imagestreams | default(openshift_examples_modify_imagestreams | default(False)) | bool - name: Create temp directory for kubeconfig command: mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-ansible-XXXXXX register: mktemp changed_when: False - name: Record kubeconfig tmp dir set_fact: openshift_hosted_templates_kubeconfig: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/admin.kubeconfig" - name: Copy the admin client config(s) command: > cp {{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/admin.kubeconfig {{ openshift_hosted_templates_kubeconfig }} changed_when: False - name: Create or update hosted templates command: > {{ openshift_client_binary }} {{ openshift_hosted_templates_import_command }} -f {{ hosted_base }} --config={{ openshift_hosted_templates_kubeconfig }} -n openshift register: oht_import_templates failed_when: "'already exists' not in oht_import_templates.stderr and oht_import_templates.rc != 0" changed_when: "'created' in oht_import_templates.stdout" - name: Delete temp directory file: name: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}" state: absent changed_when: False