import pytest from openshift_checks.memory_availability import MemoryAvailability @pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,is_active', [ (['masters'], True), (['nodes'], True), (['etcd'], True), (['masters', 'nodes'], True), (['masters', 'etcd'], True), ([], False), (['lb'], False), (['nfs'], False), ]) def test_is_active(group_names, is_active): task_vars = dict( group_names=group_names, ) assert MemoryAvailability.is_active(task_vars=task_vars) == is_active @pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,configured_min,ansible_memtotal_mb', [ ( ['masters'], 0, 17200, ), ( ['nodes'], 0, 8200, ), ( ['nodes'], 1, # configure lower threshold 2000, # too low for recommended but not for configured ), ( ['etcd'], 0, 22200, ), ( ['masters', 'nodes'], 0, 17000, ), ]) def test_succeeds_with_recommended_memory(group_names, configured_min, ansible_memtotal_mb): task_vars = dict( group_names=group_names, openshift_check_min_host_memory_gb=configured_min, ansible_memtotal_mb=ansible_memtotal_mb, ) check = MemoryAvailability(execute_module=fake_execute_module) result =, task_vars=task_vars) assert not result.get('failed', False) @pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,configured_min,ansible_memtotal_mb,extra_words', [ ( ['masters'], 0, 0, ['0.0 GB'], ), ( ['nodes'], 0, 100, ['0.1 GB'], ), ( ['nodes'], 24, # configure higher threshold 20000, # enough to meet recommended but not configured ['20.0 GB'], ), ( ['etcd'], 0, -1, ['0.0 GB'], ), ( ['nodes', 'masters'], 0, # enough memory for a node, not enough for a master 11000, ['11.0 GB'], ), ]) def test_fails_with_insufficient_memory(group_names, configured_min, ansible_memtotal_mb, extra_words): task_vars = dict( group_names=group_names, openshift_check_min_host_memory_gb=configured_min, ansible_memtotal_mb=ansible_memtotal_mb, ) check = MemoryAvailability(execute_module=fake_execute_module) result =, task_vars=task_vars) assert result.get('failed', False) for word in 'below recommended'.split() + extra_words: assert word in result['msg'] def fake_execute_module(*args): raise AssertionError('this function should not be called')