import json import pytest from openshift_checks.logging.logging_index_time import LoggingIndexTime, OpenShiftCheckException SAMPLE_UUID = "unique-test-uuid" def canned_loggingindextime(exec_oc=None): """Create a check object with a canned exec_oc method""" check = LoggingIndexTime("dummy") # fails if a module is actually invoked if exec_oc: check.exec_oc = exec_oc return check plain_running_elasticsearch_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es-data-master"}, "name": "logging-es-data-master-1", }, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": True}], "phase": "Running", } } plain_running_kibana_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"}, "name": "logging-kibana-1", }, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": True}], "phase": "Running", } } not_running_kibana_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"}, "name": "logging-kibana-2", }, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": False}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], "phase": "pending", } } @pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, expect_pods', [ ( [not_running_kibana_pod], [], ), ( [plain_running_kibana_pod], [plain_running_kibana_pod], ), ( [], [], ) ]) def test_check_running_pods(pods, expect_pods): check = canned_loggingindextime(None) pods = check.running_pods(pods) assert pods == expect_pods @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, json_response, uuid, timeout, extra_words', [ ( 'valid count in response', { "count": 1, }, SAMPLE_UUID, 0.001, [], ), ], ids=lambda argval: argval[0]) def test_wait_until_cmd_or_err_succeeds(name, json_response, uuid, timeout, extra_words): def exec_oc(execute_module, ns, exec_cmd, args, task_vars): return json.dumps(json_response) check = canned_loggingindextime(exec_oc) check.wait_until_cmd_or_err(plain_running_elasticsearch_pod, uuid, timeout, None) @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, json_response, uuid, timeout, extra_words', [ ( 'invalid json response', { "invalid_field": 1, }, SAMPLE_UUID, 0.001, ["invalid response", "Elasticsearch"], ), ( 'empty response', {}, SAMPLE_UUID, 0.001, ["invalid response", "Elasticsearch"], ), ( 'valid response but invalid match count', { "count": 0, }, SAMPLE_UUID, 0.005, ["expecting match", SAMPLE_UUID, "0.005s"], ) ], ids=lambda argval: argval[0]) def test_wait_until_cmd_or_err(name, json_response, uuid, timeout, extra_words): def exec_oc(execute_module, ns, exec_cmd, args, task_vars): return json.dumps(json_response) check = canned_loggingindextime(exec_oc) with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error: check.wait_until_cmd_or_err(plain_running_elasticsearch_pod, uuid, timeout, None) for word in extra_words: assert word in str(error) @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, json_response, uuid, extra_words', [ ( 'correct response code, found unique id is returned', { "statusCode": 404, }, "sample unique id", ["sample unique id"], ), ], ids=lambda argval: argval[0]) def test_curl_kibana_with_uuid(name, json_response, uuid, extra_words): def exec_oc(execute_module, ns, exec_cmd, args, task_vars): return json.dumps(json_response) check = canned_loggingindextime(exec_oc) check.generate_uuid = lambda: uuid result = check.curl_kibana_with_uuid(plain_running_kibana_pod, None) for word in extra_words: assert word in result @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, json_response, uuid, extra_words', [ ( 'invalid json response', { "invalid_field": "invalid", }, SAMPLE_UUID, ["invalid response returned", 'Missing "statusCode" key'], ), ( 'wrong error code in response', { "statusCode": 500, }, SAMPLE_UUID, ["Expecting error code", "500"], ), ], ids=lambda argval: argval[0]) def test_failed_curl_kibana_with_uuid(name, json_response, uuid, extra_words): def exec_oc(execute_module, ns, exec_cmd, args, task_vars): return json.dumps(json_response) check = canned_loggingindextime(exec_oc) check.generate_uuid = lambda: uuid with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error: check.curl_kibana_with_uuid(plain_running_kibana_pod, None) for word in extra_words: assert word in str(error)