import pytest import json from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck, OpenShiftCheckException task_vars_config_base = dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(config_base='/etc/origin'))) logging_namespace = "logging" def canned_loggingcheck(exec_oc=None): """Create a LoggingCheck object with canned exec_oc method""" check = LoggingCheck("dummy") # fails if a module is actually invoked check.logging_namespace = 'logging' if exec_oc: check.exec_oc = exec_oc return check def assert_error(error, expect_error): if expect_error: assert error assert expect_error in error else: assert not error plain_es_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es"}, "name": "logging-es", }, "status": { "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "podIP": "", }, "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es", } plain_kibana_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"}, "name": "logging-kibana-1", }, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": True}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], } } fluentd_pod_node1 = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"}, "name": "logging-fluentd-1", }, "spec": {"host": "node1", "nodeName": "node1"}, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], } } plain_curator_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "curator", "deploymentconfig": "logging-curator"}, "name": "logging-curator-1", }, "status": { "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], "podIP": "", } } @pytest.mark.parametrize('problem, expect', [ ("[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "supposed to be a master"), ("Permission denied", "Unexpected error using `oc`"), ]) def test_oc_failure(problem, expect): def execute_module(module_name, args, task_vars): if module_name == "ocutil": return dict(failed=True, result=problem) return dict(changed=False) check = LoggingCheck({}) with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo: check.exec_oc(execute_module, logging_namespace, 'get foo', [], task_vars=task_vars_config_base) assert expect in str(excinfo) groups_with_first_master = dict(masters=['this-host', 'other-host']) groups_with_second_master = dict(masters=['other-host', 'this-host']) groups_not_a_master = dict(masters=['other-host']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('groups, logging_deployed, is_active', [ (groups_with_first_master, True, True), (groups_with_first_master, False, False), (groups_not_a_master, True, False), (groups_with_second_master, True, False), (groups_not_a_master, True, False), ]) def test_is_active(groups, logging_deployed, is_active): task_vars = dict( ansible_ssh_host='this-host', groups=groups, openshift_hosted_logging_deploy=logging_deployed, ) assert LoggingCheck.is_active(task_vars=task_vars) == is_active @pytest.mark.parametrize('pod_output, expect_pods, expect_error', [ ( 'No resources found.', None, 'No pods were found for the "es"', ), ( json.dumps({'items': [plain_kibana_pod, plain_es_pod, plain_curator_pod, fluentd_pod_node1]}), [plain_es_pod], None, ), ]) def test_get_pods_for_component(pod_output, expect_pods, expect_error): check = canned_loggingcheck(lambda exec_module, namespace, cmd, args, task_vars: pod_output) pods, error = check.get_pods_for_component( lambda name, args, task_vars: {}, logging_namespace, "es", {} ) assert_error(error, expect_error)