import pytest from openshift_checks.logging.fluentd_config import FluentdConfig, OpenShiftCheckException def canned_fluentd_pod(containers): return { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"}, "name": "logging-fluentd-1", }, "spec": { "host": "node1", "nodeName": "node1", "containers": containers, }, "status": { "phase": "Running", "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], } } fluentd_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"}, "name": "logging-fluentd-1", }, "spec": { "host": "node1", "nodeName": "node1", "containers": [ { "name": "container1", "env": [ { "name": "USE_JOURNAL", "value": "true", } ], } ], }, "status": { "phase": "Running", "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], } } not_running_fluentd_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"}, "name": "logging-fluentd-2", }, "status": { "phase": "Unknown", "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": False}], "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], } } @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, use_journald, logging_driver, extra_words', [ ( 'test success with use_journald=false, and docker config set to use "json-file"', False, "json-file", [], ), ], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0]) def test_check_logging_config_non_master(name, use_journald, logging_driver, extra_words): def execute_module(module_name, args): if module_name == "docker_info": return { "info": { "LoggingDriver": logging_driver, } } return {} task_vars = dict( group_names=["nodes", "etcd"], openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal=use_journald, openshift=dict( common=dict(config_base=""), ), ) check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars) check.execute_module = execute_module error = check.check_logging_config() assert error is None @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, use_journald, logging_driver, words', [ ( 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker config set to use "journald"', False, "journald", ['json log files', 'has been set to use "journald"'], ), ( 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker config set to use an "unsupported" driver', False, "unsupported", ["json log files", 'has been set to use "unsupported"'], ), ( 'test failure with use_journald=true, but docker config set to use "json-file"', True, "json-file", ['logs from "journald"', 'has been set to use "json-file"'], ), ], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0]) def test_check_logging_config_non_master_failed(name, use_journald, logging_driver, words): def execute_module(module_name, args): if module_name == "docker_info": return { "info": { "LoggingDriver": logging_driver, } } return {} task_vars = dict( group_names=["nodes", "etcd"], openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal=use_journald, openshift=dict( common=dict(config_base=""), ), ) check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars) check.execute_module = execute_module error = check.check_logging_config() assert error is not None for word in words: assert word in error @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, pods, logging_driver, extra_words', [ # use_journald returns false (not using journald), but check succeeds # since docker is set to use json-file ( 'test success with use_journald=false, and docker config set to use default driver "json-file"', [canned_fluentd_pod( [ { "name": "container1", "env": [{ "name": "USE_JOURNAL", "value": "false", }], }, ] )], "json-file", [], ), ( 'test success with USE_JOURNAL env var missing and docker config set to use default driver "json-file"', [canned_fluentd_pod( [ { "name": "container1", "env": [{ "name": "RANDOM", "value": "value", }], }, ] )], "json-file", [], ), ], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0]) def test_check_logging_config_master(name, pods, logging_driver, extra_words): def execute_module(module_name, args): if module_name == "docker_info": return { "info": { "LoggingDriver": logging_driver, } } return {} task_vars = dict( group_names=["masters"], openshift=dict( common=dict(config_base=""), ), ) def get_pods(namespace, logging_component): return pods, None check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars) check.execute_module = execute_module check.get_pods_for_component = get_pods error = check.check_logging_config() assert error is None @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, pods, logging_driver, words', [ ( 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker config set to use "journald"', [canned_fluentd_pod( [ { "name": "container1", "env": [{ "name": "USE_JOURNAL", "value": "false", }], }, ] )], "journald", ['json log files', 'has been set to use "journald"'], ), ( 'test failure with use_journald=true, but docker config set to use "json-file"', [fluentd_pod], "json-file", ['logs from "journald"', 'has been set to use "json-file"'], ), ( 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker set to use an "unsupported" driver', [canned_fluentd_pod( [ { "name": "container1", "env": [{ "name": "USE_JOURNAL", "value": "false", }], }, ] )], "unsupported", ["json log files", 'has been set to use "unsupported"'], ), ( 'test failure with USE_JOURNAL env var missing and docker config set to use "journald"', [canned_fluentd_pod( [ { "name": "container1", "env": [{ "name": "RANDOM", "value": "value", }], }, ] )], "journald", ["configuration is set to", "json log files"], ), ], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0]) def test_check_logging_config_master_failed(name, pods, logging_driver, words): def execute_module(module_name, args): if module_name == "docker_info": return { "info": { "LoggingDriver": logging_driver, } } return {} task_vars = dict( group_names=["masters"], openshift=dict( common=dict(config_base=""), ), ) def get_pods(namespace, logging_component): return pods, None check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars) check.execute_module = execute_module check.get_pods_for_component = get_pods error = check.check_logging_config() assert error is not None for word in words: assert word in error @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, pods, response, logging_driver, extra_words', [ ( 'test OpenShiftCheckException with no running containers', [canned_fluentd_pod([])], { "failed": True, "result": "unexpected", }, "json-file", ['no running containers'], ), ( 'test OpenShiftCheckException one container and no env vars set', [canned_fluentd_pod( [ { "name": "container1", "env": [], }, ] )], { "failed": True, "result": "unexpected", }, "json-file", ['no environment variables'], ), ], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0]) def test_check_logging_config_master_fails_on_unscheduled_deployment(name, pods, response, logging_driver, extra_words): def execute_module(module_name, args): if module_name == "docker_info": return { "info": { "LoggingDriver": logging_driver, } } return {} task_vars = dict( group_names=["masters"], openshift=dict( common=dict(config_base=""), ), ) def get_pods(namespace, logging_component): return pods, None check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars) check.get_pods_for_component = get_pods with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error: check.check_logging_config() assert error is not None for word in extra_words: assert word in str(error)