import pytest import json from openshift_checks.logging.elasticsearch import Elasticsearch task_vars_config_base = dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(config_base='/etc/origin'))) def canned_elasticsearch(task_vars=None, exec_oc=None): """Create an Elasticsearch check object with canned exec_oc method""" check = Elasticsearch("dummy", task_vars or {}) # fails if a module is actually invoked if exec_oc: check._exec_oc = exec_oc return check def assert_error(error, expect_error): if expect_error: assert error assert expect_error in error else: assert not error plain_es_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es"}, "name": "logging-es", }, "status": { "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "podIP": "", }, "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es", } split_es_pod = { "metadata": { "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es-2"}, "name": "logging-es-2", }, "status": { "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}], "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}], "podIP": "", }, "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es-2", } def test_check_elasticsearch(): assert 'No logging Elasticsearch pods' in canned_elasticsearch().check_elasticsearch([]) # canned oc responses to match so all the checks pass def _exec_oc(cmd, args): if '_cat/master' in cmd: return 'name logging-es' elif '/_nodes' in cmd: return json.dumps(es_node_list) elif '_cluster/health' in cmd: return '{"status": "green"}' elif ' df ' in cmd: return 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 4%\n' else: raise Exception(cmd) assert not canned_elasticsearch({}, _exec_oc).check_elasticsearch([plain_es_pod]) def pods_by_name(pods): return {pod['metadata']['name']: pod for pod in pods} @pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, expect_error', [ ( [], 'No logging Elasticsearch masters', ), ( [plain_es_pod], None, ), ( [plain_es_pod, split_es_pod], 'Found multiple Elasticsearch masters', ), ]) def test_check_elasticsearch_masters(pods, expect_error): test_pods = list(pods) check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda cmd, args: test_pods.pop(0)['_test_master_name_str']) errors = check._check_elasticsearch_masters(pods_by_name(pods)) assert_error(''.join(errors), expect_error) es_node_list = { 'nodes': { 'random-es-name': { 'host': 'logging-es', }}} @pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, node_list, expect_error', [ ( [], {}, 'No logging Elasticsearch masters', ), ( [plain_es_pod], es_node_list, None, ), ( [plain_es_pod], {}, # empty list of nodes triggers KeyError "Failed to query", ), ( [split_es_pod], es_node_list, 'does not correspond to any known ES pod', ), ]) def test_check_elasticsearch_node_list(pods, node_list, expect_error): check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda cmd, args: json.dumps(node_list)) errors = check._check_elasticsearch_node_list(pods_by_name(pods)) assert_error(''.join(errors), expect_error) @pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, health_data, expect_error', [ ( [plain_es_pod], [{"status": "green"}], None, ), ( [plain_es_pod], [{"no-status": "should bomb"}], 'Could not retrieve cluster health status', ), ( [plain_es_pod, split_es_pod], [{"status": "green"}, {"status": "red"}], 'Elasticsearch cluster health status is RED', ), ]) def test_check_elasticsearch_cluster_health(pods, health_data, expect_error): test_health_data = list(health_data) check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda cmd, args: json.dumps(test_health_data.pop(0))) errors = check._check_es_cluster_health(pods_by_name(pods)) assert_error(''.join(errors), expect_error) @pytest.mark.parametrize('disk_data, expect_error', [ ( 'df: /elasticsearch/persistent: No such file or directory\n', 'Could not retrieve storage usage', ), ( 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 4%\n', None, ), ( 'IUse% Use%\n 95% 40%\n', 'Inode percent usage on the storage volume', ), ( 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 94%\n', 'Disk percent usage on the storage volume', ), ]) def test_check_elasticsearch_diskspace(disk_data, expect_error): check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda cmd, args: disk_data) errors = check._check_elasticsearch_diskspace(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod])) assert_error(''.join(errors), expect_error)