""" Util functions for performing checks on an Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana stack """ import json import os from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException class MissingComponentPods(OpenShiftCheckException): """Raised when a component has no pods in the namespace.""" pass class CouldNotUseOc(OpenShiftCheckException): """Raised when ocutil has a failure running oc.""" pass class LoggingCheck(OpenShiftCheck): """Base class for OpenShift aggregated logging component checks""" # FIXME: this should not be listed as a check, since it is not meant to be # run by itself. name = "logging" def is_active(self): logging_deployed = self.get_var("openshift_hosted_logging_deploy", default=False) return logging_deployed and super(LoggingCheck, self).is_active() and self.is_first_master() def is_first_master(self): """Determine if running on first master. Returns: bool""" # Note: It would be nice to use membership in oo_first_master group, however for now it # seems best to avoid requiring that setup and just check this is the first master. hostname = self.get_var("ansible_ssh_host") or [None] masters = self.get_var("groups", "masters", default=None) or [None] return masters[0] == hostname def run(self): return {} def get_pods_for_component(self, logging_component): """Get all pods for a given component. Returns: list of pods.""" pod_output = self.exec_oc( "get pods -l component={} -o json".format(logging_component), [], ) try: pods = json.loads(pod_output) # raises ValueError if deserialize fails if not pods or not pods.get('items'): # also a broken response, treat the same raise ValueError() except ValueError: # successful run but non-parsing data generally means there were no pods to be found raise MissingComponentPods( 'There are no "{}" component pods in the "{}" namespace.\n' 'Is logging deployed?'.format(logging_component, self.logging_namespace()) ) return pods['items'] @staticmethod def not_running_pods(pods): """Returns: list of pods not in a ready and running state""" return [ pod for pod in pods if not pod.get("status", {}).get("containerStatuses") or any( container['ready'] is False for container in pod['status']['containerStatuses'] ) or not any( condition['type'] == 'Ready' and condition['status'] == 'True' for condition in pod['status'].get('conditions', []) ) ] def logging_namespace(self): """Returns the namespace in which logging is configured to deploy.""" return self.get_var("openshift_logging_namespace", default="logging") def exec_oc(self, cmd_str="", extra_args=None): """ Execute an 'oc' command in the remote host. Returns: output of command and namespace, or raises CouldNotUseOc on error """ config_base = self.get_var("openshift", "common", "config_base") args = { "namespace": self.logging_namespace(), "config_file": os.path.join(config_base, "master", "admin.kubeconfig"), "cmd": cmd_str, "extra_args": list(extra_args) if extra_args else [], } result = self.execute_module("ocutil", args) if result.get("failed"): if result['result'] == '[Errno 2] No such file or directory': raise CouldNotUseOc( "This host is supposed to be a master but does not have the `oc` command where expected.\n" "Has an installation been run on this host yet?" ) raise CouldNotUseOc( 'Unexpected error using `oc` to validate the logging stack components.\n' 'Error executing `oc {cmd}`:\n' '{error}'.format(cmd=args['cmd'], error=result['result']) ) return result.get("result", "")