""" Module for performing checks on a Kibana logging deployment """ import json import ssl try: from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError import urllib2 except ImportError: from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError import urllib.request as urllib2 from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck class Kibana(LoggingCheck): """Module that checks an integrated logging Kibana deployment""" name = "kibana" tags = ["health", "logging"] def run(self): """Check various things and gather errors. Returns: result as hash""" self.logging_namespace = self.get_var("openshift_logging_namespace", default="logging") kibana_pods, error = self.get_pods_for_component( self.logging_namespace, "kibana", ) if error: return {"failed": True, "changed": False, "msg": error} check_error = self.check_kibana(kibana_pods) if not check_error: check_error = self._check_kibana_route() if check_error: msg = ("The following Kibana deployment issue was found:" "{}".format(check_error)) return {"failed": True, "changed": False, "msg": msg} # TODO(lmeyer): run it all again for the ops cluster return {"failed": False, "changed": False, "msg": 'No problems found with Kibana deployment.'} def _verify_url_internal(self, url): """ Try to reach a URL from the host. Returns: success (bool), reason (for failure) """ args = dict( url=url, follow_redirects='none', validate_certs='no', # likely to be signed with internal CA # TODO(lmeyer): give users option to validate certs status_code=302, ) result = self.execute_module('uri', args) if result.get('failed'): return result['msg'] return None @staticmethod def _verify_url_external(url): """ Try to reach a URL from ansible control host. Returns: success (bool), reason (for failure) """ # This actually checks from the ansible control host, which may or may not # really be "external" to the cluster. # Disable SSL cert validation to work around internally signed certs ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False # or setting CERT_NONE is refused ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # Verify that the url is returning a valid response try: # We only care if the url connects and responds return_code = urllib2.urlopen(url, context=ctx).getcode() except HTTPError as httperr: return httperr.reason except URLError as urlerr: return str(urlerr) # there appears to be no way to prevent urlopen from following redirects if return_code != 200: return 'Expected success (200) but got return code {}'.format(int(return_code)) return None def check_kibana(self, pods): """Check to see if Kibana is up and working. Returns: error string.""" if not pods: return "There are no Kibana pods deployed, so no access to the logging UI." not_running = self.not_running_pods(pods) if len(not_running) == len(pods): return "No Kibana pod is in a running state, so there is no access to the logging UI." elif not_running: return ( "The following Kibana pods are not currently in a running state:\n" "{pods}" "However at least one is, so service may not be impacted." ).format(pods="".join(" " + pod['metadata']['name'] + "\n" for pod in not_running)) return None def _get_kibana_url(self): """ Get kibana route or report error. Returns: url (or empty), reason for failure """ # Get logging url get_route = self.exec_oc( self.logging_namespace, "get route logging-kibana -o json", [], ) if not get_route: return None, 'no_route_exists' route = json.loads(get_route) # check that the route has been accepted by a router ingress = route["status"]["ingress"] # ingress can be null if there is no router, or empty if not routed if not ingress or not ingress[0]: return None, 'route_not_accepted' host = route.get("spec", {}).get("host") if not host: return None, 'route_missing_host' return 'https://{}/'.format(host), None def _check_kibana_route(self): """ Check to see if kibana route is up and working. Returns: error string """ known_errors = dict( no_route_exists=( 'No route is defined for Kibana in the logging namespace,\n' 'so the logging stack is not accessible. Is logging deployed?\n' 'Did something remove the logging-kibana route?' ), route_not_accepted=( 'The logging-kibana route is not being routed by any router.\n' 'Is the router deployed and working?' ), route_missing_host=( 'The logging-kibana route has no hostname defined,\n' 'which should never happen. Did something alter its definition?' ), ) kibana_url, error = self._get_kibana_url() if not kibana_url: return known_errors.get(error, error) # first, check that kibana is reachable from the master. error = self._verify_url_internal(kibana_url) if error: if 'urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused' in error: error = ( 'Failed to connect from this master to Kibana URL {url}\n' 'Is kibana running, and is at least one router routing to it?' ).format(url=kibana_url) elif 'urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known' in error: error = ( 'Failed to connect from this master to Kibana URL {url}\n' 'because the hostname does not resolve.\n' 'Is DNS configured for the Kibana hostname?' ).format(url=kibana_url) elif 'Status code was not' in error: error = ( 'A request from this master to the Kibana URL {url}\n' 'did not return the correct status code (302).\n' 'This could mean that Kibana is malfunctioning, the hostname is\n' 'resolving incorrectly, or other network issues. The output was:\n' ' {error}' ).format(url=kibana_url, error=error) return 'Error validating the logging Kibana route:\n' + error # in production we would like the kibana route to work from outside the # cluster too; but that may not be the case, so allow disabling just this part. if not self.get_var("openshift_check_efk_kibana_external", default=True): return None error = self._verify_url_external(kibana_url) if error: if 'urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused' in error: error = ( 'Failed to connect from the Ansible control host to Kibana URL {url}\n' 'Is the router for the Kibana hostname exposed externally?' ).format(url=kibana_url) elif 'urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known' in error: error = ( 'Failed to resolve the Kibana hostname in {url}\n' 'from the Ansible control host.\n' 'Is DNS configured to resolve this Kibana hostname externally?' ).format(url=kibana_url) elif 'Expected success (200)' in error: error = ( 'A request to Kibana at {url}\n' 'returned the wrong error code:\n' ' {error}\n' 'This could mean that Kibana is malfunctioning, the hostname is\n' 'resolving incorrectly, or other network issues.' ).format(url=kibana_url, error=error) error = ( 'Error validating the logging Kibana route:\n{error}\n' 'To disable external Kibana route validation, set in your inventory:\n' ' openshift_check_efk_kibana_external=False' ).format(error=error) return error return None