""" Module for performing checks on a Fluentd logging deployment configuration """ from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck class FluentdConfig(LoggingCheck): """Module that checks logging configuration of an integrated logging Fluentd deployment""" name = "fluentd_config" tags = ["health"] def is_active(self): logging_deployed = self.get_var("openshift_hosted_logging_deploy", default=False) try: version = self.get_major_minor_version(self.get_var("openshift_image_tag")) except ValueError: # if failed to parse OpenShift version, perform check anyway (if logging enabled) return logging_deployed return logging_deployed and version < (3, 6) def run(self): """Check that Fluentd has running pods, and that its logging config matches Docker's logging config.""" self.logging_namespace = self.get_var("openshift_logging_namespace", default=self.logging_namespace) config_error = self.check_logging_config() if config_error: msg = ("The following Fluentd logging configuration problem was found:" "\n{}".format(config_error)) return {"failed": True, "msg": msg} return {} def check_logging_config(self): """Ensure that the configured Docker logging driver matches fluentd settings. This means that, at least for now, if the following condition is met: openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal == True then the value of the configured Docker logging driver should be "journald". Otherwise, the value of the Docker logging driver should be "json-file". Returns an error string if the above condition is not met, or None otherwise.""" use_journald = self.get_var("openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal", default=True) # if check is running on a master, retrieve all running pods # and check any pod's container for the env var "USE_JOURNAL" group_names = self.get_var("group_names") if "masters" in group_names: use_journald = self.check_fluentd_env_var() docker_info = self.execute_module("docker_info", {}) try: logging_driver = docker_info["info"]["LoggingDriver"] except KeyError: return "Unable to determine Docker logging driver." logging_driver = docker_info["info"]["LoggingDriver"] recommended_logging_driver = "journald" error = None # If fluentd is set to use journald but Docker is not, recommend setting the `--log-driver` # option as an inventory file variable, or adding the log driver value as part of the # Docker configuration in /etc/docker/daemon.json. There is no global --log-driver flag that # can be passed to the Docker binary; the only other recommendation that can be made, would be # to pass the `--log-driver` flag to the "run" sub-command of the `docker` binary when running # individual containers. if use_journald and logging_driver != "journald": error = ('Your Fluentd configuration is set to aggregate Docker container logs from "journald".\n' 'This differs from your Docker configuration, which has been set to use "{driver}" ' 'as the default method of storing logs.\n' 'This discrepancy in configuration will prevent Fluentd from receiving any logs' 'from your Docker containers.').format(driver=logging_driver) elif not use_journald and logging_driver != "json-file": recommended_logging_driver = "json-file" error = ('Your Fluentd configuration is set to aggregate Docker container logs from ' 'individual json log files per container.\n ' 'This differs from your Docker configuration, which has been set to use ' '"{driver}" as the default method of storing logs.\n' 'This discrepancy in configuration will prevent Fluentd from receiving any logs' 'from your Docker containers.').format(driver=logging_driver) if error: error += ('\nTo resolve this issue, add the following variable to your Ansible inventory file:\n\n' ' openshift_docker_options="--log-driver={driver}"\n\n' 'Alternatively, you can add the following option to your Docker configuration, located in' '"/etc/docker/daemon.json":\n\n' '{{ "log-driver": "{driver}" }}\n\n' 'See https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/logging/json-file ' 'for more information.').format(driver=recommended_logging_driver) return error def check_fluentd_env_var(self): """Read and return the value of the 'USE_JOURNAL' environment variable on a fluentd pod.""" running_pods = self.running_fluentd_pods() try: pod_containers = running_pods[0]["spec"]["containers"] except KeyError: return "Unable to detect running containers on selected Fluentd pod." if not pod_containers: msg = ('There are no running containers on selected Fluentd pod "{}".\n' 'Unable to calculate expected logging driver.').format(running_pods[0]["metadata"].get("name", "")) raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg) pod_env = pod_containers[0].get("env") if not pod_env: msg = ('There are no environment variables set on the Fluentd container "{}".\n' 'Unable to calculate expected logging driver.').format(pod_containers[0].get("name")) raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg) for env in pod_env: if env["name"] == "USE_JOURNAL": return env.get("value", "false") != "false" return False def running_fluentd_pods(self): """Return a list of running fluentd pods.""" fluentd_pods, error = self.get_pods_for_component( self.logging_namespace, "fluentd", ) if error: msg = 'Unable to retrieve any pods for the "fluentd" logging component: {}'.format(error) raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg) running_fluentd_pods = [pod for pod in fluentd_pods if pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running'] if not running_fluentd_pods: msg = ('No Fluentd pods were found to be in the "Running" state. ' 'At least one Fluentd pod is required in order to perform this check.') raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg) return running_fluentd_pods