"""A health check for OpenShift clusters.""" from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException, get_var class EtcdVolume(OpenShiftCheck): """Ensures etcd storage usage does not exceed a given threshold.""" name = "etcd_volume" tags = ["etcd", "health"] # Default device usage threshold. Value should be in the range [0, 100]. default_threshold_percent = 90 # Where to find ectd data, higher priority first. supported_mount_paths = ["/var/lib/etcd", "/var/lib", "/var", "/"] @classmethod def is_active(cls, task_vars): # TODO: only execute this check on hosts in the 'ectd' group? # Maybe also 'masters' if there are no standalone etcd hosts? return super(EtcdVolume, cls).is_active(task_vars) def run(self, tmp, task_vars): mount_info = self._etcd_mount_info(task_vars) available = mount_info["size_available"] total = mount_info["size_total"] used = total - available threshold = get_var( task_vars, "etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent", default=self.default_threshold_percent ) used_percent = 100.0 * used / total if used_percent > threshold: device = mount_info.get("device", "unknown") mount = mount_info.get("mount", "unknown") msg = "etcd storage usage ({:.1f}%) is above threshold ({:.1f}%). Device: {}, mount: {}.".format( used_percent, threshold, device, mount ) return {"failed": True, "msg": msg} return {"changed": False} def _etcd_mount_info(self, task_vars): ansible_mounts = get_var(task_vars, "ansible_mounts") mounts = {mnt.get("mount"): mnt for mnt in ansible_mounts} for path in self.supported_mount_paths: if path in mounts: return mounts[path] paths = ', '.join(sorted(mounts)) or 'none' msg = "Unable to find etcd storage mount point. Paths mounted: {}.".format(paths) raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg)