""" Health checks for OpenShift clusters. """ import operator import os from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty from importlib import import_module from ansible.module_utils import six from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import reduce # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin from ansible.plugins.filter.core import to_bool as ansible_to_bool class OpenShiftCheckException(Exception): """Raised when a check encounters a failure condition.""" def __init__(self, name, msg=None): # msg is for the message the user will see when this is raised. # name is for test code to identify the error without looking at msg text. if msg is None: # for parameter backward compatibility msg = name name = self.__class__.__name__ self.name = name super(OpenShiftCheckException, self).__init__(msg) class OpenShiftCheckExceptionList(OpenShiftCheckException): """A container for multiple logging errors that may be detected in one check.""" def __init__(self, errors): self.errors = errors super(OpenShiftCheckExceptionList, self).__init__( 'OpenShiftCheckExceptionList', '\n'.join(str(msg) for msg in errors) ) # make iterable def __getitem__(self, index): return self.errors[index] @six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class OpenShiftCheck(object): """ A base class for defining checks for an OpenShift cluster environment. Expect optional params: method execute_module, dict task_vars, and string tmp. execute_module is expected to have a signature compatible with _execute_module from ansible plugins/action/__init__.py, e.g.: def execute_module(module_name=None, module_args=None, tmp=None, task_vars=None, *args): This is stored so that it can be invoked in subclasses via check.execute_module("name", args) which provides the check's stored task_vars and tmp. """ def __init__(self, execute_module=None, task_vars=None, tmp=None): self._execute_module = execute_module self.task_vars = task_vars or {} self.tmp = tmp # set to True when the check changes the host, for accurate total "changed" count self.changed = False @abstractproperty def name(self): """The name of this check, usually derived from the class name.""" return "openshift_check" @property def tags(self): """A list of tags that this check satisfy. Tags are used to reference multiple checks with a single '@tagname' special check name. """ return [] @staticmethod def is_active(): """Returns true if this check applies to the ansible-playbook run.""" return True @abstractmethod def run(self): """Executes a check, normally implemented as a module.""" return {} @classmethod def subclasses(cls): """Returns a generator of subclasses of this class and its subclasses.""" # AUDIT: no-member makes sense due to this having a metaclass for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): # pylint: disable=no-member yield subclass for subclass in subclass.subclasses(): yield subclass def execute_module(self, module_name=None, module_args=None): """Invoke an Ansible module from a check. Invoke stored _execute_module, normally copied from the action plugin, with its params and the task_vars and tmp given at check initialization. No positional parameters beyond these are specified. If it's necessary to specify any of the other parameters to _execute_module then that should just be invoked directly (with awareness of changes in method signature per Ansible version). So e.g. check.execute_module("foo", dict(arg1=...)) Return: result hash from module execution. """ if self._execute_module is None: raise NotImplementedError( self.__class__.__name__ + " invoked execute_module without providing the method at initialization." ) return self._execute_module(module_name, module_args, self.tmp, self.task_vars) def get_var(self, *keys, **kwargs): """Get deeply nested values from task_vars. Ansible task_vars structures are Python dicts, often mapping strings to other dicts. This helper makes it easier to get a nested value, raising OpenShiftCheckException when a key is not found. Keyword args: default: On missing key, return this as default value instead of raising exception. convert: Supply a function to apply to normalize the value before returning it. None is the default (return as-is). This function should raise ValueError if the user has provided a value that cannot be converted, or OpenShiftCheckException if some other problem needs to be described to the user. """ if len(keys) == 1: keys = keys[0].split(".") try: value = reduce(operator.getitem, keys, self.task_vars) except (KeyError, TypeError): if "default" not in kwargs: raise OpenShiftCheckException( "This check expects the '{}' inventory variable to be defined\n" "in order to proceed, but it is undefined. There may be a bug\n" "in Ansible, the checks, or their dependencies." "".format(".".join(map(str, keys))) ) value = kwargs["default"] convert = kwargs.get("convert", None) try: if convert is None: return value elif convert is bool: # interpret bool as Ansible does, instead of python truthiness return ansible_to_bool(value) else: return convert(value) except ValueError as error: # user error in specifying value raise OpenShiftCheckException( 'Cannot convert inventory variable to expected type:\n' ' "{var}={value}"\n' '{error}'.format(var=".".join(keys), value=value, error=error) ) except OpenShiftCheckException: # some other check-specific problem raise except Exception as error: # probably a bug in the function raise OpenShiftCheckException( 'There is a bug in this check. While trying to convert variable \n' ' "{var}={value}"\n' 'the given converter cannot be used or failed unexpectedly:\n' '{error}'.format(var=".".join(keys), value=value, error=error) ) @staticmethod def get_major_minor_version(openshift_image_tag): """Parse and return the deployed version of OpenShift as a tuple.""" if openshift_image_tag and openshift_image_tag[0] == 'v': openshift_image_tag = openshift_image_tag[1:] # map major release versions across releases # to a common major version openshift_major_release_version = { "1": "3", } components = openshift_image_tag.split(".") if not components or len(components) < 2: msg = "An invalid version of OpenShift was found for this host: {}" raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg.format(openshift_image_tag)) if components[0] in openshift_major_release_version: components[0] = openshift_major_release_version[components[0]] components = tuple(int(x) for x in components[:2]) return components LOADER_EXCLUDES = ( "__init__.py", "mixins.py", "logging.py", ) def load_checks(path=None, subpkg=""): """Dynamically import all check modules for the side effect of registering checks.""" if path is None: path = os.path.dirname(__file__) modules = [] for name in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name)): modules = modules + load_checks(os.path.join(path, name), subpkg + "." + name) continue if name.endswith(".py") and name not in LOADER_EXCLUDES: modules.append(import_module(__package__ + subpkg + "." + name[:-3])) return modules