""" Ansible action plugin to execute health checks in OpenShift clusters. """ # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,missing-docstring,invalid-name import sys import os try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase # Augment sys.path so that we can import checks from a directory relative to # this callback plugin. sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException # noqa: E402 class ActionModule(ActionBase): def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars) if task_vars is None: task_vars = {} if "openshift" not in task_vars: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = "'openshift' is undefined, did 'openshift_facts' run?" return result try: known_checks = self.load_known_checks() except OpenShiftCheckException as e: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = str(e) return result args = self._task.args requested_checks = resolve_checks(args.get("checks", []), known_checks.values()) unknown_checks = requested_checks - set(known_checks) if unknown_checks: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = ( "One or more checks are unknown: {}. " "Make sure there is no typo in the playbook and no files are missing." ).format(", ".join(unknown_checks)) return result result["checks"] = check_results = {} for check_name in requested_checks & set(known_checks): display.banner("CHECK [{} : {}]".format(check_name, task_vars["ansible_host"])) check = known_checks[check_name] if check.is_active(task_vars): try: r = check.run(tmp, task_vars) except OpenShiftCheckException as e: r = {} r["failed"] = True r["msg"] = str(e) else: r = {"skipped": True} check_results[check_name] = r if r.get("failed", False): result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = "One or more checks failed" result["changed"] = any(r.get("changed", False) for r in check_results.values()) return result def load_known_checks(self): known_checks = {} known_check_classes = set(cls for cls in OpenShiftCheck.subclasses()) for cls in known_check_classes: check_name = cls.name if check_name in known_checks: other_cls = known_checks[check_name].__class__ raise OpenShiftCheckException( "non-unique check name '{}' in: '{}.{}' and '{}.{}'".format( check_name, cls.__module__, cls.__name__, other_cls.__module__, other_cls.__name__)) known_checks[check_name] = cls(module_executor=self._execute_module) return known_checks def resolve_checks(names, all_checks): """Returns a set of resolved check names. Resolving a check name involves expanding tag references (e.g., '@tag') with all the checks that contain the given tag. names should be a sequence of strings. all_checks should be a sequence of check classes/instances. """ resolved = set() for name in names: if name.startswith("@"): for check in all_checks: if name[1:] in check.tags: resolved.add(check.name) else: resolved.add(name) return resolved