""" Ansible action plugin to execute health checks in OpenShift clusters. """ # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,missing-docstring,invalid-name import sys import os import traceback from collections import defaultdict try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types # Augment sys.path so that we can import checks from a directory relative to # this callback plugin. sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException, load_checks # noqa: E402 class ActionModule(ActionBase): def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars) task_vars = task_vars or {} # callback plugins cannot read Ansible vars, but we would like # zz_failure_summary to have access to certain values. We do so by # storing the information we need in the result. result['playbook_context'] = task_vars.get('r_openshift_health_checker_playbook_context') try: known_checks = self.load_known_checks(tmp, task_vars) args = self._task.args requested_checks = normalize(args.get('checks', [])) if not requested_checks: result['failed'] = True result['msg'] = list_known_checks(known_checks) return result resolved_checks = resolve_checks(requested_checks, known_checks.values()) except OpenShiftCheckException as e: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = str(e) return result if "openshift" not in task_vars: result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = "'openshift' is undefined, did 'openshift_facts' run?" return result result["checks"] = check_results = {} user_disabled_checks = normalize(task_vars.get('openshift_disable_check', [])) for name in resolved_checks: display.banner("CHECK [{} : {}]".format(name, task_vars["ansible_host"])) check = known_checks[name] check_results[name] = run_check(name, check, user_disabled_checks) if check.changed: check_results[name]["changed"] = True result["changed"] = any(r.get("changed") for r in check_results.values()) if any(r.get("failed") for r in check_results.values()): result["failed"] = True result["msg"] = "One or more checks failed" return result def load_known_checks(self, tmp, task_vars): load_checks() known_checks = {} for cls in OpenShiftCheck.subclasses(): check_name = cls.name if check_name in known_checks: other_cls = known_checks[check_name].__class__ raise OpenShiftCheckException( "non-unique check name '{}' in: '{}.{}' and '{}.{}'".format( check_name, cls.__module__, cls.__name__, other_cls.__module__, other_cls.__name__)) known_checks[check_name] = cls(execute_module=self._execute_module, tmp=tmp, task_vars=task_vars) return known_checks def list_known_checks(known_checks): """Return text listing the existing checks and tags.""" # TODO: we could include a description of each check by taking it from a # check class attribute (e.g., __doc__) when building the message below. msg = ( 'This playbook is meant to run health checks, but no checks were ' 'requested. Set the `openshift_checks` variable to a comma-separated ' 'list of check names or a YAML list. Available checks:\n {}' ).format('\n '.join(sorted(known_checks))) tags = describe_tags(known_checks.values()) msg += ( '\n\nTags can be used as a shortcut to select multiple ' 'checks. Available tags and the checks they select:\n {}' ).format('\n '.join(tags)) return msg def describe_tags(check_classes): """Return a sorted list of strings describing tags and the checks they include.""" tag_checks = defaultdict(list) for cls in check_classes: for tag in cls.tags: tag_checks[tag].append(cls.name) tags = [ '@{} = {}'.format(tag, ','.join(sorted(checks))) for tag, checks in tag_checks.items() ] return sorted(tags) def resolve_checks(names, all_checks): """Returns a set of resolved check names. Resolving a check name expands tag references (e.g., "@tag") to all the checks that contain the given tag. OpenShiftCheckException is raised if names contains an unknown check or tag name. names should be a sequence of strings. all_checks should be a sequence of check classes/instances. """ known_check_names = set(check.name for check in all_checks) known_tag_names = set(name for check in all_checks for name in check.tags) check_names = set(name for name in names if not name.startswith('@')) tag_names = set(name[1:] for name in names if name.startswith('@')) unknown_check_names = check_names - known_check_names unknown_tag_names = tag_names - known_tag_names if unknown_check_names or unknown_tag_names: msg = [] if unknown_check_names: msg.append('Unknown check names: {}.'.format(', '.join(sorted(unknown_check_names)))) if unknown_tag_names: msg.append('Unknown tag names: {}.'.format(', '.join(sorted(unknown_tag_names)))) msg.append('Make sure there is no typo in the playbook and no files are missing.') # TODO: implement a "Did you mean ...?" when the input is similar to a # valid check or tag. msg.append('Known checks:') msg.append(' {}'.format('\n '.join(sorted(known_check_names)))) msg.append('Known tags:') msg.append(' {}'.format('\n '.join(describe_tags(all_checks)))) raise OpenShiftCheckException('\n'.join(msg)) tag_to_checks = defaultdict(set) for check in all_checks: for tag in check.tags: tag_to_checks[tag].add(check.name) resolved = check_names.copy() for tag in tag_names: resolved.update(tag_to_checks[tag]) return resolved def normalize(checks): """Return a clean list of check names. The input may be a comma-separated string or a sequence. Leading and trailing whitespace characters are removed. Empty items are discarded. """ if isinstance(checks, string_types): checks = checks.split(',') return [name.strip() for name in checks if name.strip()] def run_check(name, check, user_disabled_checks): """Run a single check if enabled and return a result dict.""" if name in user_disabled_checks: return dict(skipped=True, skipped_reason="Disabled by user request") # pylint: disable=broad-except; capturing exceptions broadly is intentional, # to isolate arbitrary failures in one check from others. try: is_active = check.is_active() except Exception as exc: reason = "Could not determine if check should be run, exception: {}".format(exc) return dict(skipped=True, skipped_reason=reason, exception=traceback.format_exc()) if not is_active: return dict(skipped=True, skipped_reason="Not active for this host") try: return check.run() except OpenShiftCheckException as exc: return dict(failed=True, msg=str(exc)) except Exception as exc: return dict(failed=True, msg=str(exc), exception=traceback.format_exc())