--- - name: Detecting Operating System stat: path: /run/ostree-booted register: ostree_booted # Locally setup containerized facts for now - set_fact: l_is_atomic: "{{ ostree_booted.stat.exists }}" - set_fact: l_is_containerized: "{{ (l_is_atomic | bool) or (containerized | default(false) | bool) }}" l_is_openvswitch_system_container: "{{ (openshift_use_openvswitch_system_container | default(openshift_use_system_containers) | bool) }}" l_is_node_system_container: "{{ (openshift_use_node_system_container | default(openshift_use_system_containers) | bool) }}" l_is_master_system_container: "{{ (openshift_use_master_system_container | default(openshift_use_system_containers) | bool) }}" l_is_etcd_system_container: "{{ (openshift_use_etcd_system_container | default(openshift_use_system_containers) | bool) }}" - set_fact: l_any_system_container: "{{ l_is_etcd_system_container or l_is_openvswitch_system_container or l_is_node_system_container or l_is_master_system_container }}" - set_fact: l_etcd_runtime: "{{ 'runc' if l_is_etcd_system_container else 'docker' if l_is_containerized else 'host' }}" - name: Validate python version fail: msg: | openshift-ansible requires Python 3 for {{ ansible_distribution }}; For information on enabling Python 3 with Ansible, see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/python_3_support.html when: - ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' - ansible_python['version']['major'] != 3 - r_openshift_facts_ran is not defined - name: Validate python version fail: msg: "openshift-ansible requires Python 2 for {{ ansible_distribution }}" when: - ansible_distribution != 'Fedora' - ansible_python['version']['major'] != 2 - r_openshift_facts_ran is not defined # Fail as early as possible if Atomic and old version of Docker - block: # See https://access.redhat.com/articles/2317361 # and https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/15892 # NOTE: the "'s can not be removed at this level else the docker command will fail # NOTE: When ansible >2.2.1.x is used this can be updated per # https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/pull/3475#discussion_r103525121 - name: Determine Atomic Host Docker Version shell: 'CURLY="{"; docker version --format "$CURLY{json .Server.Version}}"' register: l_atomic_docker_version - assert: msg: Installation on Atomic Host requires Docker 1.12 or later. Please upgrade and restart the Atomic Host. that: - l_atomic_docker_version.stdout | replace('"', '') | version_compare('1.12','>=') when: - l_is_atomic | bool - r_openshift_facts_ran is not defined - name: Load variables include_vars: "{{ item }}" with_first_found: - "{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml" - "default.yml" - name: Ensure various deps are installed package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: "{{ required_packages }}" when: - not l_is_atomic | bool - r_openshift_facts_ran is not defined - name: Ensure various deps for running system containers are installed package: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: "{{ required_system_containers_packages }}" when: - not l_is_atomic | bool - l_any_system_container | bool - r_openshift_facts_ran is not defined - name: Gather Cluster facts and set is_containerized if needed openshift_facts: role: common local_facts: debug_level: "{{ openshift_debug_level | default(2) }}" deployment_type: "{{ openshift_deployment_type }}" deployment_subtype: "{{ openshift_deployment_subtype | default(None) }}" cluster_id: "{{ openshift_cluster_id | default('default') }}" hostname: "{{ openshift_hostname | default(None) }}" ip: "{{ openshift_ip | default(None) }}" is_containerized: "{{ l_is_containerized | default(None) }}" is_openvswitch_system_container: "{{ l_is_openvswitch_system_container | default(false) }}" is_node_system_container: "{{ l_is_node_system_container | default(false) }}" is_master_system_container: "{{ l_is_master_system_container | default(false) }}" is_etcd_system_container: "{{ l_is_etcd_system_container | default(false) }}" etcd_runtime: "{{ l_etcd_runtime }}" system_images_registry: "{{ system_images_registry | default('') }}" public_hostname: "{{ openshift_public_hostname | default(None) }}" public_ip: "{{ openshift_public_ip | default(None) }}" portal_net: "{{ openshift_portal_net | default(openshift_master_portal_net) | default(None) }}" http_proxy: "{{ openshift_http_proxy | default(None) }}" https_proxy: "{{ openshift_https_proxy | default(None) }}" no_proxy: "{{ openshift_no_proxy | default(None) }}" generate_no_proxy_hosts: "{{ openshift_generate_no_proxy_hosts | default(True) }}" no_proxy_internal_hostnames: "{{ openshift_no_proxy_internal_hostnames | default(None) }}" sdn_network_plugin_name: "{{ os_sdn_network_plugin_name | default(None) }}" use_openshift_sdn: "{{ openshift_use_openshift_sdn | default(None) }}" - name: Set repoquery command set_fact: repoquery_cmd: "{{ 'dnf repoquery --latest-limit 1 -d 0' if ansible_pkg_mgr == 'dnf' else 'repoquery --plugins' }}" - name: Register that this already ran set_fact: r_openshift_facts_ran: True