#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4 """Ansible module for retrieving and setting openshift related facts""" DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: openshift_facts short_description: Cluster Facts author: Jason DeTiberus requirements: [ ] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' ''' import ConfigParser import copy import os from distutils.util import strtobool def hostname_valid(hostname): """ Test if specified hostname should be considered valid Args: hostname (str): hostname to test Returns: bool: True if valid, otherwise False """ if (not hostname or hostname.startswith('localhost') or hostname.endswith('localdomain') or len(hostname.split('.')) < 2): return False return True def choose_hostname(hostnames=None, fallback=''): """ Choose a hostname from the provided hostnames Given a list of hostnames and a fallback value, choose a hostname to use. This function will prefer fqdns if they exist (excluding any that begin with localhost or end with localdomain) over ip addresses. Args: hostnames (list): list of hostnames fallback (str): default value to set if hostnames does not contain a valid hostname Returns: str: chosen hostname """ hostname = fallback if hostnames is None: return hostname ip_regex = r'\A\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\Z' ips = [i for i in hostnames if (i is not None and isinstance(i, basestring) and re.match(ip_regex, i))] hosts = [i for i in hostnames if i is not None and i != '' and i not in ips] for host_list in (hosts, ips): for host in host_list: if hostname_valid(host): return host return hostname def query_metadata(metadata_url, headers=None, expect_json=False): """ Return metadata from the provided metadata_url Args: metadata_url (str): metadata url headers (dict): headers to set for metadata request expect_json (bool): does the metadata_url return json Returns: dict or list: metadata request result """ result, info = fetch_url(module, metadata_url, headers=headers) if info['status'] != 200: raise OpenShiftFactsMetadataUnavailableError("Metadata unavailable") if expect_json: return module.from_json(result.read()) else: return [line.strip() for line in result.readlines()] def walk_metadata(metadata_url, headers=None, expect_json=False): """ Walk the metadata tree and return a dictionary of the entire tree Args: metadata_url (str): metadata url headers (dict): headers to set for metadata request expect_json (bool): does the metadata_url return json Returns: dict: the result of walking the metadata tree """ metadata = dict() for line in query_metadata(metadata_url, headers, expect_json): if line.endswith('/') and not line == 'public-keys/': key = line[:-1] metadata[key] = walk_metadata(metadata_url + line, headers, expect_json) else: results = query_metadata(metadata_url + line, headers, expect_json) if len(results) == 1: # disable pylint maybe-no-member because overloaded use of # the module name causes pylint to not detect that results # is an array or hash # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member metadata[line] = results.pop() else: metadata[line] = results return metadata def get_provider_metadata(metadata_url, supports_recursive=False, headers=None, expect_json=False): """ Retrieve the provider metadata Args: metadata_url (str): metadata url supports_recursive (bool): does the provider metadata api support recursion headers (dict): headers to set for metadata request expect_json (bool): does the metadata_url return json Returns: dict: the provider metadata """ try: if supports_recursive: metadata = query_metadata(metadata_url, headers, expect_json) else: metadata = walk_metadata(metadata_url, headers, expect_json) except OpenShiftFactsMetadataUnavailableError: metadata = None return metadata def normalize_gce_facts(metadata, facts): """ Normalize gce facts Args: metadata (dict): provider metadata facts (dict): facts to update Returns: dict: the result of adding the normalized metadata to the provided facts dict """ for interface in metadata['instance']['networkInterfaces']: int_info = dict(ips=[interface['ip']], network_type='gce') int_info['public_ips'] = [ac['externalIp'] for ac in interface['accessConfigs']] int_info['public_ips'].extend(interface['forwardedIps']) _, _, network_id = interface['network'].rpartition('/') int_info['network_id'] = network_id facts['network']['interfaces'].append(int_info) _, _, zone = metadata['instance']['zone'].rpartition('/') facts['zone'] = zone # Default to no sdn for GCE deployments facts['use_openshift_sdn'] = False # GCE currently only supports a single interface facts['network']['ip'] = facts['network']['interfaces'][0]['ips'][0] pub_ip = facts['network']['interfaces'][0]['public_ips'][0] facts['network']['public_ip'] = pub_ip facts['network']['hostname'] = metadata['instance']['hostname'] # TODO: attempt to resolve public_hostname facts['network']['public_hostname'] = facts['network']['public_ip'] return facts def normalize_aws_facts(metadata, facts): """ Normalize aws facts Args: metadata (dict): provider metadata facts (dict): facts to update Returns: dict: the result of adding the normalized metadata to the provided facts dict """ for interface in sorted( metadata['network']['interfaces']['macs'].values(), key=lambda x: x['device-number'] ): int_info = dict() var_map = {'ips': 'local-ipv4s', 'public_ips': 'public-ipv4s'} for ips_var, int_var in var_map.iteritems(): ips = interface.get(int_var) if isinstance(ips, basestring): int_info[ips_var] = [ips] else: int_info[ips_var] = ips if 'vpc-id' in interface: int_info['network_type'] = 'vpc' else: int_info['network_type'] = 'classic' if int_info['network_type'] == 'vpc': int_info['network_id'] = interface['subnet-id'] else: int_info['network_id'] = None facts['network']['interfaces'].append(int_info) facts['zone'] = metadata['placement']['availability-zone'] # TODO: actually attempt to determine default local and public ips # by using the ansible default ip fact and the ipv4-associations # from the ec2 metadata facts['network']['ip'] = metadata.get('local-ipv4') facts['network']['public_ip'] = metadata.get('public-ipv4') # TODO: verify that local hostname makes sense and is resolvable facts['network']['hostname'] = metadata.get('local-hostname') # TODO: verify that public hostname makes sense and is resolvable facts['network']['public_hostname'] = metadata.get('public-hostname') return facts def normalize_openstack_facts(metadata, facts): """ Normalize openstack facts Args: metadata (dict): provider metadata facts (dict): facts to update Returns: dict: the result of adding the normalized metadata to the provided facts dict """ # openstack ec2 compat api does not support network interfaces and # the version tested on did not include the info in the openstack # metadata api, should be updated if neutron exposes this. facts['zone'] = metadata['availability_zone'] local_ipv4 = metadata['ec2_compat']['local-ipv4'].split(',')[0] facts['network']['ip'] = local_ipv4 facts['network']['public_ip'] = metadata['ec2_compat']['public-ipv4'] # TODO: verify local hostname makes sense and is resolvable facts['network']['hostname'] = metadata['hostname'] # TODO: verify that public hostname makes sense and is resolvable pub_h = metadata['ec2_compat']['public-hostname'] facts['network']['public_hostname'] = pub_h return facts def normalize_provider_facts(provider, metadata): """ Normalize provider facts Args: provider (str): host provider metadata (dict): provider metadata Returns: dict: the normalized provider facts """ if provider is None or metadata is None: return {} # TODO: test for ipv6_enabled where possible (gce, aws do not support) # and configure ipv6 facts if available # TODO: add support for setting user_data if available facts = dict(name=provider, metadata=metadata, network=dict(interfaces=[], ipv6_enabled=False)) if provider == 'gce': facts = normalize_gce_facts(metadata, facts) elif provider == 'ec2': facts = normalize_aws_facts(metadata, facts) elif provider == 'openstack': facts = normalize_openstack_facts(metadata, facts) return facts def set_fluentd_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set fluentd facts if not already present in facts dict dict: the facts dict updated with the generated fluentd facts if missing Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated fluentd facts if they were not already present """ if 'common' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'use_fluentd' not in facts['common']: use_fluentd = True if deployment_type == 'online' else False facts['common']['use_fluentd'] = use_fluentd return facts def set_node_schedulability(facts): """ Set schedulable facts if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated schedulable facts if they were not already present """ if 'node' in facts: if 'schedulable' not in facts['node']: if 'master' in facts: facts['node']['schedulable'] = False else: facts['node']['schedulable'] = True return facts def set_metrics_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set cluster metrics facts if not already present in facts dict dict: the facts dict updated with the generated cluster metrics facts if missing Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated cluster metrics facts if they were not already present """ if 'common' in facts: if 'use_cluster_metrics' not in facts['common']: use_cluster_metrics = False facts['common']['use_cluster_metrics'] = use_cluster_metrics return facts def set_identity_providers_if_unset(facts): """ Set identity_providers fact if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated identity providers facts if they were not already present """ if 'master' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'identity_providers' not in facts['master']: identity_provider = dict( name='allow_all', challenge=True, login=True, kind='AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider' ) if deployment_type == 'enterprise': identity_provider = dict( name='deny_all', challenge=True, login=True, kind='DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider' ) facts['master']['identity_providers'] = [identity_provider] return facts def set_url_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set url facts if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated url facts if they were not already present """ if 'master' in facts: api_use_ssl = facts['master']['api_use_ssl'] api_port = facts['master']['api_port'] console_use_ssl = facts['master']['console_use_ssl'] console_port = facts['master']['console_port'] console_path = facts['master']['console_path'] etcd_use_ssl = facts['master']['etcd_use_ssl'] etcd_hosts = facts['master']['etcd_hosts'] etcd_port = facts['master']['etcd_port'] hostname = facts['common']['hostname'] public_hostname = facts['common']['public_hostname'] cluster_hostname = facts['master'].get('cluster_hostname') cluster_public_hostname = facts['master'].get('cluster_public_hostname') if 'etcd_urls' not in facts['master']: etcd_urls = [] if etcd_hosts != '': facts['master']['etcd_port'] = etcd_port facts['master']['embedded_etcd'] = False for host in etcd_hosts: etcd_urls.append(format_url(etcd_use_ssl, host, etcd_port)) else: etcd_urls = [format_url(etcd_use_ssl, hostname, etcd_port)] facts['master']['etcd_urls'] = etcd_urls if 'api_url' not in facts['master']: api_hostname = cluster_hostname if cluster_hostname else hostname facts['master']['api_url'] = format_url(api_use_ssl, api_hostname, api_port) if 'public_api_url' not in facts['master']: api_public_hostname = cluster_public_hostname if cluster_public_hostname else public_hostname facts['master']['public_api_url'] = format_url(api_use_ssl, api_public_hostname, api_port) if 'console_url' not in facts['master']: console_hostname = cluster_hostname if cluster_hostname else hostname facts['master']['console_url'] = format_url(console_use_ssl, console_hostname, console_port, console_path) if 'public_console_url' not in facts['master']: console_public_hostname = cluster_public_hostname if cluster_public_hostname else public_hostname facts['master']['public_console_url'] = format_url(console_use_ssl, console_public_hostname, console_port, console_path) return facts def set_aggregate_facts(facts): """ Set aggregate facts Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with aggregated facts """ all_hostnames = set() if 'common' in facts: all_hostnames.add(facts['common']['hostname']) all_hostnames.add(facts['common']['public_hostname']) if 'master' in facts: if 'cluster_hostname' in facts['master']: all_hostnames.add(facts['master']['cluster_hostname']) if 'cluster_public_hostname' in facts['master']: all_hostnames.add(facts['master']['cluster_public_hostname']) facts['common']['all_hostnames'] = list(all_hostnames) return facts def set_deployment_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set Facts that vary based on deployment_type. This currently includes common.service_type, common.config_base, master.registry_url, node.registry_url Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated deployment_type facts """ # Perhaps re-factor this as a map? # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if 'common' in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'service_type' not in facts['common']: service_type = 'atomic-openshift' if deployment_type == 'origin': service_type = 'openshift' elif deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'online']: service_type = 'openshift' facts['common']['service_type'] = service_type if 'config_base' not in facts['common']: config_base = '/etc/origin' if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'online']: config_base = '/etc/openshift' elif deployment_type == 'origin': config_base = '/etc/openshift' facts['common']['config_base'] = config_base if 'data_dir' not in facts['common']: data_dir = '/var/lib/origin' if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'online']: data_dir = '/var/lib/openshift' elif deployment_type == 'origin': data_dir = '/var/lib/openshift' facts['common']['data_dir'] = data_dir for role in ('master', 'node'): if role in facts: deployment_type = facts['common']['deployment_type'] if 'registry_url' not in facts[role]: registry_url = 'aos3/aos-${component}:${version}' if deployment_type in ['enterprise', 'online']: registry_url = 'openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}' elif deployment_type == 'origin': registry_url = 'openshift/origin-${component}:${version}' facts[role]['registry_url'] = registry_url return facts def set_sdn_facts_if_unset(facts): """ Set sdn facts if not already present in facts dict Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the generated sdn facts if they were not already present """ if 'common' in facts: use_sdn = facts['common']['use_openshift_sdn'] if not (use_sdn == '' or isinstance(use_sdn, bool)): facts['common']['use_openshift_sdn'] = bool(strtobool(str(use_sdn))) if 'sdn_network_plugin_name' not in facts['common']: plugin = 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet' if use_sdn else '' facts['common']['sdn_network_plugin_name'] = plugin if 'master' in facts: if 'sdn_cluster_network_cidr' not in facts['master']: facts['master']['sdn_cluster_network_cidr'] = '' if 'sdn_host_subnet_length' not in facts['master']: facts['master']['sdn_host_subnet_length'] = '8' if 'node' in facts: if 'sdn_mtu' not in facts['node']: facts['node']['sdn_mtu'] = '1450' return facts def format_url(use_ssl, hostname, port, path=''): """ Format url based on ssl flag, hostname, port and path Args: use_ssl (bool): is ssl enabled hostname (str): hostname port (str): port path (str): url path Returns: str: The generated url string """ scheme = 'https' if use_ssl else 'http' netloc = hostname if (use_ssl and port != '443') or (not use_ssl and port != '80'): netloc += ":%s" % port return urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, '', '', '')) def get_current_config(facts): """ Get current openshift config Args: facts (dict): existing facts Returns: dict: the facts dict updated with the current openshift config """ current_config = dict() roles = [role for role in facts if role not in ['common', 'provider']] for role in roles: if 'roles' in current_config: current_config['roles'].append(role) else: current_config['roles'] = [role] # TODO: parse the /etc/sysconfig/openshift-{master,node} config to # determine the location of files. # TODO: I suspect this isn't working right now, but it doesn't prevent # anything from working properly as far as I can tell, perhaps because # we override the kubeconfig path everywhere we use it? # Query kubeconfig settings kubeconfig_dir = '/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.certificates' if role == 'node': kubeconfig_dir = os.path.join( kubeconfig_dir, "node-%s" % facts['common']['hostname'] ) kubeconfig_path = os.path.join(kubeconfig_dir, '.kubeconfig') if (os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/openshift') and os.path.isfile(kubeconfig_path)): try: _, output, _ = module.run_command( ["/usr/bin/openshift", "ex", "config", "view", "-o", "json", "--kubeconfig=%s" % kubeconfig_path], check_rc=False ) config = json.loads(output) cad = 'certificate-authority-data' try: for cluster in config['clusters']: config['clusters'][cluster][cad] = 'masked' except KeyError: pass try: for user in config['users']: config['users'][user][cad] = 'masked' config['users'][user]['client-key-data'] = 'masked' except KeyError: pass current_config['kubeconfig'] = config # override pylint broad-except warning, since we do not want # to bubble up any exceptions if oc config view # fails # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: pass return current_config def apply_provider_facts(facts, provider_facts): """ Apply provider facts to supplied facts dict Args: facts (dict): facts dict to update provider_facts (dict): provider facts to apply roles: host roles Returns: dict: the merged facts """ if not provider_facts: return facts use_openshift_sdn = provider_facts.get('use_openshift_sdn') if isinstance(use_openshift_sdn, bool): facts['common']['use_openshift_sdn'] = use_openshift_sdn common_vars = [('hostname', 'ip'), ('public_hostname', 'public_ip')] for h_var, ip_var in common_vars: ip_value = provider_facts['network'].get(ip_var) if ip_value: facts['common'][ip_var] = ip_value facts['common'][h_var] = choose_hostname( [provider_facts['network'].get(h_var)], facts['common'][ip_var] ) facts['provider'] = provider_facts return facts def merge_facts(orig, new): """ Recursively merge facts dicts Args: orig (dict): existing facts new (dict): facts to update Returns: dict: the merged facts """ facts = dict() for key, value in orig.iteritems(): if key in new: if isinstance(value, dict): facts[key] = merge_facts(value, new[key]) else: facts[key] = copy.copy(new[key]) else: facts[key] = copy.deepcopy(value) new_keys = set(new.keys()) - set(orig.keys()) for key in new_keys: facts[key] = copy.deepcopy(new[key]) return facts def save_local_facts(filename, facts): """ Save local facts Args: filename (str): local facts file facts (dict): facts to set """ try: fact_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(fact_dir): os.makedirs(fact_dir) with open(filename, 'w') as fact_file: fact_file.write(module.jsonify(facts)) except (IOError, OSError) as ex: raise OpenShiftFactsFileWriteError( "Could not create fact file: %s, error: %s" % (filename, ex) ) def get_local_facts_from_file(filename): """ Retrieve local facts from fact file Args: filename (str): local facts file Returns: dict: the retrieved facts """ local_facts = dict() try: # Handle conversion of INI style facts file to json style ini_facts = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() ini_facts.read(filename) for section in ini_facts.sections(): local_facts[section] = dict() for key, value in ini_facts.items(section): local_facts[section][key] = value except (ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError, ConfigParser.ParsingError): try: with open(filename, 'r') as facts_file: local_facts = json.load(facts_file) except (ValueError, IOError): pass return local_facts class OpenShiftFactsUnsupportedRoleError(Exception): """Origin Facts Unsupported Role Error""" pass class OpenShiftFactsFileWriteError(Exception): """Origin Facts File Write Error""" pass class OpenShiftFactsMetadataUnavailableError(Exception): """Origin Facts Metadata Unavailable Error""" pass class OpenShiftFacts(object): """ Origin Facts Attributes: facts (dict): facts for the host Args: role (str): role for setting local facts filename (str): local facts file to use local_facts (dict): local facts to set Raises: OpenShiftFactsUnsupportedRoleError: """ known_roles = ['common', 'master', 'node', 'master_sdn', 'node_sdn', 'dns'] def __init__(self, role, filename, local_facts): self.changed = False self.filename = filename if role not in self.known_roles: raise OpenShiftFactsUnsupportedRoleError( "Role %s is not supported by this module" % role ) self.role = role self.system_facts = ansible_facts(module) self.facts = self.generate_facts(local_facts) def generate_facts(self, local_facts): """ Generate facts Args: local_facts (dict): local_facts for overriding generated defaults Returns: dict: The generated facts """ local_facts = self.init_local_facts(local_facts) roles = local_facts.keys() defaults = self.get_defaults(roles) provider_facts = self.init_provider_facts() facts = apply_provider_facts(defaults, provider_facts) facts = merge_facts(facts, local_facts) facts['current_config'] = get_current_config(facts) facts = set_url_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_fluentd_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_node_schedulability(facts) facts = set_metrics_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_identity_providers_if_unset(facts) facts = set_sdn_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_deployment_facts_if_unset(facts) facts = set_aggregate_facts(facts) return dict(openshift=facts) def get_defaults(self, roles): """ Get default fact values Args: roles (list): list of roles for this host Returns: dict: The generated default facts """ defaults = dict() ip_addr = self.system_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] exit_code, output, _ = module.run_command(['hostname', '-f']) hostname_f = output.strip() if exit_code == 0 else '' hostname_values = [hostname_f, self.system_facts['nodename'], self.system_facts['fqdn']] hostname = choose_hostname(hostname_values, ip_addr) common = dict(use_openshift_sdn=True, ip=ip_addr, public_ip=ip_addr, deployment_type='origin', hostname=hostname, public_hostname=hostname) common['client_binary'] = 'oc' if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/oc') else 'osc' common['admin_binary'] = 'oadm' if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/oadm') else 'osadm' defaults['common'] = common if 'master' in roles: master = dict(api_use_ssl=True, api_port='8443', console_use_ssl=True, console_path='/console', console_port='8443', etcd_use_ssl=True, etcd_hosts='', etcd_port='4001', portal_net='', embedded_etcd=True, embedded_kube=True, embedded_dns=True, dns_port='53', bind_addr='', session_max_seconds=3600, session_name='ssn', session_secrets_file='', access_token_max_seconds=86400, auth_token_max_seconds=500, oauth_grant_method='auto', cluster_defer_ha=False) defaults['master'] = master if 'node' in roles: node = dict(labels={}, annotations={}, portal_net='') defaults['node'] = node return defaults def guess_host_provider(self): """ Guess the host provider Returns: dict: The generated default facts for the detected provider """ # TODO: cloud provider facts should probably be submitted upstream product_name = self.system_facts['product_name'] product_version = self.system_facts['product_version'] virt_type = self.system_facts['virtualization_type'] virt_role = self.system_facts['virtualization_role'] provider = None metadata = None # TODO: this is not exposed through module_utils/facts.py in ansible, # need to create PR for ansible to expose it bios_vendor = get_file_content( '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor' ) if bios_vendor == 'Google': provider = 'gce' metadata_url = ('http://metadata.google.internal/' 'computeMetadata/v1/?recursive=true') headers = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'} metadata = get_provider_metadata(metadata_url, True, headers, True) # Filter sshKeys and serviceAccounts from gce metadata if metadata: metadata['project']['attributes'].pop('sshKeys', None) metadata['instance'].pop('serviceAccounts', None) elif (virt_type == 'xen' and virt_role == 'guest' and re.match(r'.*\.amazon$', product_version)): provider = 'ec2' metadata_url = '' metadata = get_provider_metadata(metadata_url) elif re.search(r'OpenStack', product_name): provider = 'openstack' metadata_url = ('' 'meta_data.json') metadata = get_provider_metadata(metadata_url, True, None, True) if metadata: ec2_compat_url = '' metadata['ec2_compat'] = get_provider_metadata( ec2_compat_url ) # disable pylint maybe-no-member because overloaded use of # the module name causes pylint to not detect that results # is an array or hash # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member # Filter public_keys and random_seed from openstack metadata metadata.pop('public_keys', None) metadata.pop('random_seed', None) if not metadata['ec2_compat']: metadata = None return dict(name=provider, metadata=metadata) def init_provider_facts(self): """ Initialize the provider facts Returns: dict: The normalized provider facts """ provider_info = self.guess_host_provider() provider_facts = normalize_provider_facts( provider_info.get('name'), provider_info.get('metadata') ) return provider_facts def init_local_facts(self, facts=None): """ Initialize the provider facts Args: facts (dict): local facts to set Returns: dict: The result of merging the provided facts with existing local facts """ changed = False facts_to_set = {self.role: dict()} if facts is not None: facts_to_set[self.role] = facts local_facts = get_local_facts_from_file(self.filename) for arg in ['labels', 'annotations']: if arg in facts_to_set and isinstance(facts_to_set[arg], basestring): facts_to_set[arg] = module.from_json(facts_to_set[arg]) new_local_facts = merge_facts(local_facts, facts_to_set) for facts in new_local_facts.values(): keys_to_delete = [] for fact, value in facts.iteritems(): if value == "" or value is None: keys_to_delete.append(fact) for key in keys_to_delete: del facts[key] if new_local_facts != local_facts: changed = True if not module.check_mode: save_local_facts(self.filename, new_local_facts) self.changed = changed return new_local_facts def main(): """ main """ # disabling pylint errors for global-variable-undefined and invalid-name # for 'global module' usage, since it is required to use ansible_facts # pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined, invalid-name global module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( role=dict(default='common', required=False, choices=OpenShiftFacts.known_roles), local_facts=dict(default=None, type='dict', required=False), ), supports_check_mode=True, add_file_common_args=True, ) role = module.params['role'] local_facts = module.params['local_facts'] fact_file = '/etc/ansible/facts.d/openshift.fact' openshift_facts = OpenShiftFacts(role, fact_file, local_facts) file_params = module.params.copy() file_params['path'] = fact_file file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(file_params) changed = module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, openshift_facts.changed) return module.exit_json(changed=changed, ansible_facts=openshift_facts.facts) # ignore pylint errors related to the module_utils import # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.facts import * from ansible.module_utils.urls import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()