apiVersion: "v1" kind: "List" items: - apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Template" metadata: name: logging-deployer-account-template annotations: description: "Template for creating the deployer account and roles needed for the aggregated logging deployer. Create as cluster-admin." tags: "infrastructure" objects: - apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount name: logging-deployer metadata: name: logging-deployer labels: logging-infra: deployer provider: openshift component: deployer secrets: - name: logging-deployer - apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: aggregated-logging-kibana - apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: aggregated-logging-elasticsearch - apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: aggregated-logging-fluentd - apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: aggregated-logging-curator - apiVersion: v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: oauth-editor rules: - resources: - oauthclients verbs: - create - delete - apiVersion: v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: daemonset-admin rules: - resources: - daemonsets apiGroups: - extensions verbs: - create - get - list - watch - delete - update - apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Template" metadata: name: logging-deployer-template annotations: description: "Template for running the aggregated logging deployer in a pod. Requires empowered 'logging-deployer' service account and 'logging-deployer' secret." tags: "infrastructure" labels: logging-infra: deployer provider: openshift component: deployer objects: - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: generateName: logging-deployer- spec: containers: - image: ${IMAGE_PREFIX}logging-deployment:${IMAGE_VERSION} imagePullPolicy: Always name: deployer volumeMounts: - name: secret mountPath: /secret readOnly: true - name: empty mountPath: /etc/deploy env: - name: PROJECT valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: IMAGE_PREFIX value: ${IMAGE_PREFIX} - name: IMAGE_VERSION value: ${IMAGE_VERSION} - name: IMAGE_PULL_SECRET value: ${IMAGE_PULL_SECRET} - name: INSECURE_REGISTRY value: ${INSECURE_REGISTRY} - name: ENABLE_OPS_CLUSTER value: ${ENABLE_OPS_CLUSTER} - name: KIBANA_HOSTNAME value: ${KIBANA_HOSTNAME} - name: KIBANA_OPS_HOSTNAME value: ${KIBANA_OPS_HOSTNAME} - name: PUBLIC_MASTER_URL value: ${PUBLIC_MASTER_URL} - name: MASTER_URL value: ${MASTER_URL} - name: ES_INSTANCE_RAM value: ${ES_INSTANCE_RAM} - name: ES_PVC_SIZE value: ${ES_PVC_SIZE} - name: ES_PVC_PREFIX value: ${ES_PVC_PREFIX} - name: ES_CLUSTER_SIZE value: ${ES_CLUSTER_SIZE} - name: ES_NODE_QUORUM value: ${ES_NODE_QUORUM} - name: ES_RECOVER_AFTER_NODES value: ${ES_RECOVER_AFTER_NODES} - name: ES_RECOVER_EXPECTED_NODES value: ${ES_RECOVER_EXPECTED_NODES} - name: ES_RECOVER_AFTER_TIME value: ${ES_RECOVER_AFTER_TIME} - name: ES_OPS_INSTANCE_RAM value: ${ES_OPS_INSTANCE_RAM} - name: ES_OPS_PVC_SIZE value: ${ES_OPS_PVC_SIZE} - name: ES_OPS_PVC_PREFIX value: ${ES_OPS_PVC_PREFIX} - name: ES_OPS_CLUSTER_SIZE value: ${ES_OPS_CLUSTER_SIZE} - name: ES_OPS_NODE_QUORUM value: ${ES_OPS_NODE_QUORUM} - name: ES_OPS_RECOVER_AFTER_NODES value: ${ES_OPS_RECOVER_AFTER_NODES} - name: ES_OPS_RECOVER_EXPECTED_NODES value: ${ES_OPS_RECOVER_EXPECTED_NODES} - name: ES_OPS_RECOVER_AFTER_TIME value: ${ES_OPS_RECOVER_AFTER_TIME} - name: FLUENTD_NODESELECTOR value: ${FLUENTD_NODESELECTOR} - name: ES_NODESELECTOR value: ${ES_NODESELECTOR} - name: ES_OPS_NODESELECTOR value: ${ES_OPS_NODESELECTOR} - name: KIBANA_NODESELECTOR value: ${KIBANA_NODESELECTOR} - name: KIBANA_OPS_NODESELECTOR value: ${KIBANA_OPS_NODESELECTOR} - name: CURATOR_NODESELECTOR value: ${CURATOR_NODESELECTOR} - name: CURATOR_OPS_NODESELECTOR value: ${CURATOR_OPS_NODESELECTOR} - name: MODE value: ${MODE} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Never serviceAccount: logging-deployer volumes: - name: empty emptyDir: {} - name: secret secret: secretName: logging-deployer parameters: - description: "If true, set up to use a second ES cluster for ops logs." name: ENABLE_OPS_CLUSTER value: "false" - description: "External hostname where clients will reach kibana" name: KIBANA_HOSTNAME required: true - description: "External hostname at which admins will visit the ops Kibana." name: KIBANA_OPS_HOSTNAME value: kibana-ops.example.com - description: "External URL for the master, for OAuth purposes" name: PUBLIC_MASTER_URL required: true - description: "Internal URL for the master, for authentication retrieval" name: MASTER_URL value: "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" - description: "How many instances of ElasticSearch to deploy." name: ES_CLUSTER_SIZE required: true - description: "Amount of RAM to reserve per ElasticSearch instance." name: ES_INSTANCE_RAM value: "8G" - description: "Size of the PersistentVolumeClaim to create per ElasticSearch instance, e.g. 100G. If empty, no PVCs will be created and emptyDir volumes are used instead." name: ES_PVC_SIZE - description: "Prefix for the names of PersistentVolumeClaims to be created; a number will be appended per instance. If they don't already exist, they will be created with size ES_PVC_SIZE." name: ES_PVC_PREFIX value: "logging-es-" - description: "Number of nodes required to elect a master (ES minimum_master_nodes). By default, derived from ES_CLUSTER_SIZE / 2 + 1." name: ES_NODE_QUORUM - description: "Number of nodes required to be present before the cluster will recover from a full restart. By default, one fewer than ES_CLUSTER_SIZE." name: ES_RECOVER_AFTER_NODES - description: "Number of nodes desired to be present before the cluster will recover from a full restart. By default, ES_CLUSTER_SIZE." name: ES_RECOVER_EXPECTED_NODES - description: "Timeout for *expected* nodes to be present when cluster is recovering from a full restart." name: ES_RECOVER_AFTER_TIME value: "5m" - description: "How many ops instances of ElasticSearch to deploy. By default, ES_CLUSTER_SIZE." name: ES_OPS_CLUSTER_SIZE - description: "Amount of RAM to reserve per ops ElasticSearch instance." name: ES_OPS_INSTANCE_RAM value: "8G" - description: "Size of the PersistentVolumeClaim to create per ElasticSearch ops instance, e.g. 100G. If empty, no PVCs will be created and emptyDir volumes are used instead." name: ES_OPS_PVC_SIZE - description: "Prefix for the names of PersistentVolumeClaims to be created; a number will be appended per instance. If they don't already exist, they will be created with size ES_OPS_PVC_SIZE." name: ES_OPS_PVC_PREFIX value: "logging-es-ops-" - description: "Number of ops nodes required to elect a master (ES minimum_master_nodes). By default, derived from ES_CLUSTER_SIZE / 2 + 1." name: ES_OPS_NODE_QUORUM - description: "Number of ops nodes required to be present before the cluster will recover from a full restart. By default, one fewer than ES_OPS_CLUSTER_SIZE." name: ES_OPS_RECOVER_AFTER_NODES - description: "Number of ops nodes desired to be present before the cluster will recover from a full restart. By default, ES_OPS_CLUSTER_SIZE." name: ES_OPS_RECOVER_EXPECTED_NODES - description: "Timeout for *expected* ops nodes to be present when cluster is recovering from a full restart." name: ES_OPS_RECOVER_AFTER_TIME value: "5m" - description: "The nodeSelector used for the Fluentd DaemonSet." name: FLUENTD_NODESELECTOR value: "logging-infra-fluentd=true" - description: "Node selector Elasticsearch cluster (label=value)." name: ES_NODESELECTOR value: "" - description: "Node selector Elasticsearch operations cluster (label=value)." name: ES_OPS_NODESELECTOR value: "" - description: "Node selector Kibana cluster (label=value)." name: KIBANA_NODESELECTOR value: "" - description: "Node selector Kibana operations cluster (label=value)." name: KIBANA_OPS_NODESELECTOR value: "" - description: "Node selector Curator (label=value)." name: CURATOR_NODESELECTOR value: "" - description: "Node selector operations Curator (label=value)." name: CURATOR_OPS_NODESELECTOR value: "" - description: "The mode that the deployer runs in." name: MODE value: "install" - description: 'Specify prefix for logging components; e.g. for "openshift/origin-logging-deployer:v1.1", set prefix "openshift/origin-"' name: IMAGE_PREFIX value: "docker.io/openshift/origin-" - description: 'Specify version for logging components; e.g. for "openshift/origin-logging-deployer:v1.1", set version "v1.1"' name: IMAGE_VERSION value: "latest" - description: 'Specify the name of an existing pull secret to be used for pulling component images from an authenticated registry.' name: IMAGE_PULL_SECRET - description: 'Allow the registry for logging component images to be non-secure (not secured with a certificate signed by a known CA)' name: INSECURE_REGISTRY value: "false"