--- # It's important that we don't explicitly pull this image here. Otherwise we # could result in upgrading a preinstalled environment. We'll have to set # openshift_image_tag correctly for upgrades. # Determine openshift_version if none is set for this host, or if a generic "3.2" # is set, determine the more specific version number by either installing the latest # rpm, or pulling the v3.2 container and checking the resulting versions. - set_fact: is_containerized: "{{ openshift.common.is_containerized | default(False) | bool }}" - debug: var=openshift_version - debug: var=openshift_release - debug: var=openshift_pkg_version - debug: var=openshift_image_tag # RPM openshift_version setup: # TODO: support openshift_release here: - name: Determine rpm version to configure when openshift_pkg_version specified set_fact: # Expects a leading "-" in inventory, strip it off here, and ignore a trailing release, # openshift_version should always just be "3.2" or "" openshift_version: "{{ openshift_pkg_version[1:].split('-')[0] }}" when: not is_containerized | bool and openshift_pkg_version is defined and openshift_version is not defined - name: Use openshift.common.version fact as version to configure if already installed set_fact: openshift_version: "{{ openshift.common.version }}" when: openshift.common.version is defined and openshift_version is not defined - name: Lookup latest OpenShift rpm version if none specified action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ openshift.common.service_type }}{{ openshift_version | default('') | oo_image_tag_to_rpm_version(include_dash=True) }} state=present" when: not is_containerized | bool and openshift_version is not defined - name: Reload facts to pick up version openshift_facts: when: not is_containerized | bool and openshift_version is not defined - set_fact: openshift_version: "{{ openshift.common.version }}" when: not is_containerized | bool and openshift_version is not defined # Containerized openshift_version setup: - name: Determine version to configure if containerized and release specified set_fact: openshift_version: "{{ openshift_release }}" when: is_containerized | bool and openshift_release is defined and openshift_version is not defined - name: Determine container version to configure when openshift_image_tag specified set_fact: openshift_version: "{{ openshift_image_tag.split('v',1)[1] }}" when: is_containerized | bool and openshift_image_tag is defined and openshift_version is not defined - name: Lookup latest containerized OpenShift version if none specified command: > docker run --rm {{ openshift.common.cli_image }}:latest version register: cli_image_version when: is_containerized | bool and openshift_version is not defined - debug: var=cli_image_version - set_fact: openshift_version: "{{ cli_image_version.stdout_lines[0].split(' ')[1].split('-')[0:2][1:] | join('-') if openshift.common.deployment_type == 'origin' else cli_image_version.stdout_lines[0].split(' ')[1].split('-')[0][1:] }}" when: is_containerized | bool and openshift_version is not defined # If we got an openshift_version like "3.2", lookup the latest 3.2 container version # and use that value instead. - name: Lookup specific OpenShift version if generic release specified command: > docker run --rm {{ openshift.common.cli_image }}:v{{ openshift_version }} version register: cli_image_version when: is_containerized | bool and openshift_version is defined and openshift_version.split('.') | length == 2 - set_fact: openshift_version: "{{ cli_image_version.stdout_lines[0].split(' ')[1].split('-')[0:2][1:] | join('-') if openshift.common.deployment_type == 'origin' else cli_image_version.stdout_lines[0].split(' ')[1].split('-')[0][1:] }}" when: is_containerized | bool and openshift_version is defined and openshift_version.split('.') | length == 2 - debug: var=openshift_version