--- # Tasks to statically provision NFS volumes # Include if not using dynamic volume provisioning - name: Ensure we save the local NFS server if one is provided set_fact: openshift_cfme_nfs_server: "{{ openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_local_hostname }}" when: - openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_local_hostname is defined - openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_local_hostname != False - openshift_cfme_storage_class == "nfs" - name: Ensure we save the local NFS server set_fact: openshift_cfme_nfs_server: "{{ groups['oo_nfs_to_config'].0 }}" when: - openshift_cfme_nfs_server is not defined - openshift_cfme_storage_class == "nfs" - name: Ensure we save the external NFS server set_fact: openshift_cfme_nfs_server: "{{ openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_external_hostname }}" when: - openshift_cfme_storage_class == "nfs_external" - name: Failed NFS server detection assert: that: - openshift_cfme_nfs_server is defined msg: | "Unable to detect an NFS server. The 'nfs_external' openshift_cfme_storage_class option requires that you set openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_external_hostname. NFS hosts detected for local nfs services: {{ groups['oo_nfs_to_config'] | join(', ') }}" - name: Setting up NFS storage block: - name: Include the NFS Setup role tasks include_role: role: openshift_nfs tasks_from: setup vars: l_nfs_base_dir: "{{ openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_base_dir }}" - name: Create the App export include_role: role: openshift_nfs tasks_from: create_export vars: l_nfs_base_dir: "{{ openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_base_dir }}" l_nfs_export_config: "{{ openshift_cfme_flavor_short }}" l_nfs_export_name: "{{ openshift_cfme_flavor_short }}-app" l_nfs_options: "*(rw,no_root_squash,no_wdelay)" - name: Create the DB export include_role: role: openshift_nfs tasks_from: create_export vars: l_nfs_base_dir: "{{ openshift_cfme_storage_nfs_base_dir }}" l_nfs_export_config: "{{ openshift_cfme_flavor_short }}" l_nfs_export_name: "{{ openshift_cfme_flavor_short }}-db" l_nfs_options: "*(rw,no_root_squash,no_wdelay)" when: - openshift_cfme_app_template in ['miq-template', 'cfme-template'] delegate_to: "{{ openshift_cfme_nfs_server }}"