#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4 """ Custom filters for use in openshift-ansible """ # Disabling too-many-public-methods, since filter methods are necessarily # public # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods class FilterModule(object): """ Custom ansible filters """ @staticmethod def oo_cert_expiry_results_to_json(hostvars, play_hosts): """Takes results (`hostvars`) from the openshift_cert_expiry role check and serializes them into proper machine-readable JSON output. This filter parameter **MUST** be the playbook `hostvars` variable. The `play_hosts` parameter is so we know what to loop over when we're extrating the values. Returns: Results are collected into two top-level keys under the `json_results` dict: * `json_results.data` [dict] - Each individual host check result, keys are hostnames * `json_results.summary` [dict] - Summary of number of `warning` and `expired` certificates Example playbook usage: - name: Generate expiration results JSON become: no run_once: yes delegate_to: localhost when: "{{ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results|bool }}" copy: content: "{{ hostvars|oo_cert_expiry_results_to_json() }}" dest: "{{ openshift_certificate_expiry_json_results_path }}" """ json_result = { 'data': {}, 'summary': {}, } for host in play_hosts: json_result['data'][host] = hostvars[host]['check_results']['check_results'] total_warnings = sum([hostvars[h]['check_results']['summary']['warning'] for h in play_hosts]) total_expired = sum([hostvars[h]['check_results']['summary']['expired'] for h in play_hosts]) json_result['summary']['warning'] = total_warnings json_result['summary']['expired'] = total_expired return json_result def filters(self): """ returns a mapping of filters to methods """ return { "oo_cert_expiry_results_to_json": self.oo_cert_expiry_results_to_json, }