--- - name: create the node group sgs oo_ec2_group: name: "{{ item.value.name}}" description: "{{ item.value.desc }}" rules: "{{ item.value.rules if 'rules' in item.value else [] }}" region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" vpc_id: "{{ vpcout.vpcs[0].id }}" with_dict: "{{ l_security_groups }}" - name: create the k8s sgs for the node group oo_ec2_group: name: "{{ item.value.name }}_k8s" description: "{{ item.value.desc }} for k8s" region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" vpc_id: "{{ vpcout.vpcs[0].id }}" with_dict: "{{ l_security_groups }}" register: k8s_sg_create - name: tag sg groups with proper tags ec2_tag: tags: "{{ openshift_aws_security_groups_tags }}" resource: "{{ item.group_id }}" region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" with_items: "{{ k8s_sg_create.results }}"