--- - when: openshift_aws_create_iam_cert | bool name: create the iam_cert for elb certificate include: iam_cert.yml - when: openshift_aws_create_s3 | bool name: create s3 bucket for registry include: s3.yml - include: vpc_and_subnet_id.yml - name: create elbs include: elb.yml with_dict: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_dict }}" vars: l_elb_security_groups: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_security_groups }}" l_openshift_aws_elb_name_dict: "{{ openshift_aws_elb_name_dict }}" loop_control: loop_var: l_elb_dict_item - name: include scale group creation for master include: build_node_group.yml vars: l_nodes_to_build: "{{ openshift_aws_master_group_config }}" l_launch_config_security_groups: "{{ openshift_aws_launch_config_security_groups }}" l_aws_ami_map: "{{ openshift_aws_ami_map }}" - name: fetch newly created instances ec2_remote_facts: region: "{{ openshift_aws_region }}" filters: "tag:clusterid": "{{ openshift_aws_clusterid }}" "tag:host-type": "master" instance-state-name: running register: instancesout retries: 20 delay: 3 until: instancesout.instances|length > 0 - name: wait for ssh to become available wait_for: port: 22 host: "{{ item.public_ip_address }}" timeout: 300 search_regex: OpenSSH with_items: "{{ instancesout.instances }}" when: openshift_aws_wait_for_ssh | bool