--- - yum: name: openshift-ansible-inventory state: present - template: src: multi_ec2.yaml.j2 dest: /etc/ansible/multi_ec2.yaml group: "{{ oo_inventory_group }}" owner: "{{ oo_inventory_owner }}" mode: "0640" - file: state: directory dest: /etc/ansible/inventory owner: root group: libra_ops mode: 0750 - file: state: link src: /usr/share/ansible/inventory/multi_ec2.py dest: /etc/ansible/inventory/multi_ec2.py owner: root group: libra_ops # This cron uses the above location to call its job - name: Cron to keep cache fresh cron: name: 'multi_ec2_inventory' minute: '*/10' job: '/usr/share/ansible/inventory/multi_ec2.py --refresh-cache &> /dev/null' when: oo_cron_refresh_cache is defined and oo_cron_refresh_cache - lineinfile: dest: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg backrefs: yes regexp: '^(hostfile|inventory)( *)=' line: '\1\2= /etc/ansible/inventory' - name: setting ec2.ini destination_format lineinfile: dest: /usr/share/ansible/inventory/aws/ec2.ini regexp: '^destination_format *=' line: "destination_format = {{ oo_ec2_destination_format }}" when: oo_ec2_destination_format is defined - name: setting ec2.ini destination_format_tags lineinfile: dest: /usr/share/ansible/inventory/aws/ec2.ini regexp: '^destination_format_tags *=' line: "destination_format_tags = {{ oo_ec2_destination_format_tags }}" when: oo_ec2_destination_format_tags is defined - name: Set cache location file: state: directory dest: "{{ oo_inventory_cache_location | dirname }}" owner: root group: libra_ops recurse: yes mode: '2750' when: oo_inventory_cache_location is defined